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FRAIV ES SPR NGS EEiH C lCKS BUMPERS L269 1977 X l30 DY SPRING l3I IART Follow the tour steps below to utilize the 1977 Spring Chart 1 Select the Model desired with the weight on Chart A 2 Then select Options accordingly shown on Chart IB and adcl that weight to the Chart A weight 3 Once accumulated weight has been determined refer to Charts C2 4 Select the required spring opposite the total accumulated weight in Chart Ci CHART lt i mw 7R5FwEE W REAR t 1 ll RIH WEIGHT XB17 Omega Hatchback Coupe 894 861 825 XB27 Omega Pillar Coupe 900 867 777 XB69 Omega Sedan 900 867 791 XE17 Omega Brougham Hatchback Coupe 900 867 830 XE27 Omega Brougham Coupe 900 867 786 XE69 Omega Brougham et i 909 876 806 CHART B l H Uiim i RY E REAR T F EE B E ti l V AU3 Electric Door Lock 3 4 C60 Air Conditioning V6 Engine 36 O C60 Air Conditioning V8 Engine 45 0 K19 Air Injection 8 O L27 8 Engine 43 0 LV8 L34 8 Engine 66 2 I l29 I lydramatic Transmission 9 5 M38 Automatic Transmission w L27 Engine 7 3 l l38 Automatic Transmission w L34 Engine 13 6 N41 Power Steering 16 0 J50 Power Brakes 4 1 Radio Any Option 5 2 Y40 Heavy Duty Cooling 6 0 A31 Electric Windows 5 7 A51 Bucket Seats XE 69 Only 5 5 D55 Console 3 1 V30 W i 5 5 1987 GEENEERAL MOTORS SERVICE PAFLTS OPEFlATIONS 0I DSMOBILE 31 REV 7 87 7 ll 7 C 7 OOO GROUP