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1986 TRIM COMBINATIONS COLORS Indicated Basic Vinyl or Leather Finish is Antique BASIC INTERIOR BASIC INT BIG 4 PARTS 11 White 82 Med Dk Gray Med Dk Gray Dk Gray 19 Black 27 Dk Blue 52 Chamois 68 Russet 69 Med Beige I 72 Dk Carmine 79 Dk Claret SEAT OPTION CODE LEGEND AM6 45 55 Front Seat C 45 50 E K AV7 50 50 P Seat W 0 P Seat Recliner TRIM LEVEL SEATS SEAT OR DOOR DOORS D Deluxe 1 Ist Design C Cloth M Custom 2 2nd Design V Vinyl S Standard 3 3rd Design L Leather L Luxury 4 4th Design 5 5th Design A Modified COMBINATION NUMBER CODING The First Two Numbers indicate the Basic Color i e 19 Black The Third Number or Letter indicates the Type and Design Level as follows Cloth Vinyl B C D E G H J All Vinyl N R V W Y Z Leather 2 3 4 1986 TRIM COMBINATIONS Seat Med Seat Option Trim Level Dk Med Dk Dk Dk Material Styles Code Seats Door white Black Blue Chamois Beige Carmine Claret Gray Texture 6DW47 69 AM6 S1 2C 278 698 79B 826 PRIMA CL GDW47 69 AM6 S1 2V 112 192 272 522 692 722 792 B22 SIERRA LEATHER SIERRA CF GDW47 69 AV7 M2 2C 276 696 796 PRIMA CL 6Dw47 69 AV7 M2 2V 113 193 273 693 793 SIERRA LEATHER SIERRA CF 1992 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPEEFlATl0NS CADILLAC 62D j 11 92 14 5 14 000