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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog 72TM May 1979 |
ENGINE SERIES NUMBER AND SUFFIX CHART Cont B l ype Model Description Designation CA0 283 8 Cyl Trademaster M L50 283 8 Cyl Trademaster N I L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster N A L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Air Equip 6 NB T60 283 P8 Cyl Taskmaster ND C60 S60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic NE C60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic and Air Equip NF L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic NG I L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic and Air Equip NH T60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic NM C50 S50 283 8 Cyl Trademaster Q P C60 S60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster PA C60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Air Equip I PD S67 C70 80 L70 80 M70 S70 3A8 8 Cyl Workmaster I TF 170 80 3A8 8 Cyl Workmaster TC C70 80 L70 80 M70 70 3A8 8 Cyl Workmaster with Powermatic L TD 170 80 3A8 8 Cyl Workmaster with Powermatic TE Note Engines are stamped with a source produ i0n date and type on serial pad I EXAMPLE T0101A T I D1 A 01 Al I Tonawanda Month Day Standard 6 cyl 235 Plant January First Models 11 15 1700 1961 C50 L50 S50 235 6 Cyl Thriftmaster L C60 L60 S60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster LB 3 C60 L60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with Air Equip p LD C60 L60 S60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with Power Steering A LE T60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster Q LF I T60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with Power Steering L G C60 L60 S60 f 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with Powermatic I LJ C60 L60 S60 261 6 Cyl Jobmasterwith Powermatlc and Power Steering LK C60 L60 261 6 Cyl Jobrnaster with Powermatic and Air Equip UVI C60 L60 S60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with H D Clutch L U C60 L60 S60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with Power Steering and H D Clutch LW C60 L60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with H D Clutch and Air Equip I X T60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with H D Clutch I LY T60 261 6 Cyl Jobmaster with Power Steering and H D Clutch LZ CAO 283 8 Cyl Trademaster J M L 50 283 8 Cyl Trademaster N L60 283 3 8 Cyl Taskmaster I NA L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Air Equip NB T60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster ND C60 S60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Pwlermatic NE C60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Pouermatic and Air Equip NF L60 p 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic NG L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Pouermatic and Air Equip NH T60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic l NM C60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with ABC NK L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with ABC NL C60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Air Equip and ABC NS L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Air Equip and ABC i NR C60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic and ABC l Q NU L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatic and ABC NV I C60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatlc Air Equip and ABC NW L60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Powermatlc Air Equip and ABC NX C50 S50 283 8 Cyl Trademaster P C60 S60 2 3 8 Cyl Taskmaster A i PA V C60 283 8 Cyl Taskmaster with Air Equip PD C60 S60 2B3 8 Cyl Taskmaster with H D Clutch PG GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 72TM 26