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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog 72TM May 1979
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ENGINE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS I PART NO 3970190 CONT GENERAI INFORMATION 6 When installing this engine on certain models the transfer of oil pan and oil pipe and screw assembly may be necessary On models with air equipment the oil pan inlet manifold and RH exhaust mani fold may require transfer from replaced engine Also the water pump water outlet and thermostat bypass housing may require transfer on models with thermostat bypass system 7 Models with optional equipment require transfer or replacement of engine parts special to such options 8 On 1955 56 models grind a flat on the starting motor flange at upper mounting bolt hole for clearance with cylinder and case also use through bolt for attachment 9 If any part number listed above is not shown in the current master parts catalog check history sec I tion of the catalog for replacing part number 10 For double duty models purchase new or transfer the following a 1 N S Exhaust Pipe 1957 Models b 1 N S RH Exhaust Manifold 1956 Models c 1 3817806 RH Exhaust Manifold 1957 Models I d 1 3731702 Special Stud Inlet Mild 2nd Stud 1956 57 9 e l 3836646 Special Bolt Water Pump Attach Upper LH I f 1 N S Generator Bracket Supt Gen Mtg 1956 57 Models Transfer from replaced engine I ki I GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 72TM 59 V V