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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog 72TM May 1979
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FRAME SPRINGS BUMPER AssembIy is not serviced and is shown only for leaf identification N S These leaves are not serviced PART NUMBER OR A LAST THREE DIGITS LAST THREE DIGITS B OF PART NUMBER OF PART NUMBER g 1 SHOWN ON END SHOWN ON END J 7 4 A t 2 l I I M M Eff COLOR BANDS PER COLUMN e ARE z WIDE I BAND R H HEX TYPE SPLINE TYPE 2 BANDS L H CAUTION Due to numerous production changes extreme care should be exercised when ordering replacement Torsion Bars to insure installation of Bars of comparable capacity on both the right and left sides The following chart has been compiled to aid in the identification of Bars for replacement and conversion purposes Year Model Capacity A B Paint Shape Position Part No 60 62 Ser 40 exc H D 1 760 lb 45 4 1 it Yellow Hex L H 3766853 60 Ser 50 60 exc SBC 60 Ser 70 80 exc SBC TDM Tilt w 145 W B 61 62 Ser 50 thru 70 exc A SBC TDM Tilt H D Chassis 3 000 lb 57 4 1 4 Yellow Hex L H 3773113 60 Ser 50 60 exc SBC 60 Ser 70 80 exc SBC TDM Tilt w 145 W B 61 62 Ser 50 thru 70 exc SBC TDM lTilt H D Chassis 3 000 Ib 57 4 1 Yellow Hex R H 3773114 60 62 SBC 3 000 Ib 70 4 1 Yellow Hex R H 3773118 60 61 Ser 50 thru 80 exc SBC TDM 9 000 lb susp 3 62 Ser 50 LCF w Spec H D Torsion Bar 62 Ser 60 LCF w H D Torsion Bar 62 Ser 60 Tilt 62 Ser 60 Diesel 1st design exc H D Torsion Bar 62 Ser 50 Cab w Spec H D Torsion Bar 1st design exc LGF 62 Ser 60 Cab w H D Torsion Bar 1st design exc LCF I 62 Ser 80 LCF exc Diesel 9 F 000 lb Susp 62 Ser 80 1st design exc LCF Tilt 9 OOO lb susp 3 500 Ib S7 4 1 Blue Hex L H 3773121 60 62 Ser 50 60 SBC exc 243 W B 2 500 Ib 70 M 1 u Green Hex L H 3773115 60 62 Ser 50 60 SBC exc 243 W B 2 500 lb 70 4 1 u Green Hex R H 3773116 60 61 Ser 50 thru 80 exc SBC TDM 9 000 Ib susp 62 Ser 50 LCF w Spec H D I Torsion Bar 62 Ser 60 LCF w H D Torsion Bar 62 Ser 60 Tilt 62 Ser 60 Diesel 1st design I exc H D Torsion Bar 62 Ser 50 Cab w Spec H D Torsion Bar 1st design exc i LCF l ud 1 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 72TM Y 7 41 2 7 412 7 26 REV 5 79