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Dealer Accessory Catalog January 1974 |

e fe lite i r r Wr i W Turbo J et 454 4 V8 r 4 4y 4 i 44 if 4 4 4444 A 4 i V 1 ix if Impala Custom Coupe POWER TEAMS Engines i i Available only on Caprice Classic All 1974 Chevrolet engines are mountain driving or situations Coupe and Sedans Includes color equipped with advaneed exhaust where additional horsepower IS keyed Custom Deluxe seat and emission eenuel systems and are needed Available on all models Only shoulder belts designed to operate efficiently on Witn heavynuty bntterY anti Windows POWGF Driver may Open unleaded er lOW lead fuels ef at H78 15 Of HR78 15 t1f S Cahf0f 1a and close side windows electrically least 91 Research Octane In addition Emission Equipment required in uSing master controls Each Wintiew te the iewei exhaust emissions the State of California has individual control Not available attainable there are benefits in Axles on Bei Air longer life for spark plugs exhaust Pelfelmfmee Axle R 1l 0 For Speelai Trunk Opener Electric Convenient system and other engine components driving needS control in the glove wmpaftnient l unleaded leW lead gaeeljnee are Posllractlon Rear Axle Automatically automatically releases trunk latch net available any leaded 91 Reeeayeh delivers more torque to the rear without the need of leaving car Octane or hi her re lar grade fuel Wheel with better traction containing ots gramgsif or less of Especially useful in mud and snow CTHER OPTIONS lead per gallon should be used Trallering OT H igh Altitude Axle Ai C0n iiti0 ing Horsepower ratings are SAE net Ratio Available with heavy duty Comfvrlroa Combines the comfort as installed radiator and special suspension only of a1F 0n i1i10nngg syithtyeagitiiintii Tu ba F a 35 4 V8 160 h c ima e con ro e con ro 1a an Available ml for Sage audtiiar PQWER ASSISTS desireditemperature is automatically registration in state of California D001 Locks Power Control on each maintained Summer or Winter and when RPG YF5 emission front door panel locks and unlocks FOUF Speed blower Settings for equipment is ordered Not available all doors inStantiy Provides derrOSting and dofogsina plus for Caprice Classic models Includes security eSDe iaiiy with small bi ieVei Setting for Warm air at lower fennbayyel eaybnyeten children and is a convenience in level cool air at upper level 61 amp Turbo Fire 400 2 V8 150 hp Not unlocking doors for entering generator inei itieti avallable ln California lnelndee passengers F our Season Similar to Comfortron two barrel carburetor Standard on Seat Six Way Power Front Adjusts but temperature is manually con Caprice Classic available on electrically up down forward and trolled 61 amp generator included Impala and Bel Air back and tilts forward or back Battery Heavy Duty Valuable in Turbo Fire 400 4 V8 180 hp With pushbutton controls Not special situations such as frequent Available Only fg Sale and my available on Bel Air On Caprice starting infrequent use or especially registration in state of California Classic equipped with available cold weather Hnd Wh 1 l 5 l l 1lSSlOI1 I CllI1lI 1g p3 SS Hg I seat Belts CuS 0m Dg uXg Seat and Shouldgl ql 1lpfI 1 l llZ is ordered Zi SiX W8Y pOW I 3 djl1SlZ1 Il l llj fOI Cglglukgygd O ll l gl lOl trim Includes four barrel carburetor driver s seat can be ordered brushed metal buckles Included with Available on Caprice Classic Seat 50 50 Reclining Passenger 50 50 reclining passenger seat Impala and Bel Air Front seat is divided 50 50 Bumper Equipment Turbo jet 454 4 V8 235 hp V allowing individual adjustment Bumper Guards Front and rear Equipped with four barrel carburetor forward or back Passenger s seat Rubber inserts cushion impact and and dual exhaust Ideal for trailering back also reclines for added comfort enhance appearance 2 Copyright 1973 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation pu n E wa 8 O K Ev 5 E K 8 2 E 2g S O w F K E 5 8 s 0 00 J g E E 5 T BQ0 E E P E r i 0 w m O n 0 Z gF E g T vg 5 g g E hE EB CL z O 7O 1 g f 2 n B f T g EE Ej29 gg 93 g 9 O i i 5 2 r 5 20 1 m m m rv B QJr BN DJ g D 5 Q 1 g mN O m D s O O U sOB v g rg E 5 B T oOg 5 v q F 0 0 7 s0O w C g I Q5 2 g 0 3 U 4 n r UZ g rn w OE 0 hQ 0 J n 0 5 c 9 O xm 00 B n mc U 3 0 53 O 5 NQ Z1 w 2 CH 0i 000 c O 1 r 2BO mw Q F 000000 g u D OO 1 J D Q O D p w 5 Cm b U E TJ g XD r 4 9LrQ w i c 3 1 r 0 n m l Um Q 0 B 0 0 00 n 5 E 00 10 Q f O ONON N t 1 U S23 O 1 Qs 9 gse Z 2 5 az 5 nE v 3 3 g s5m5 g g E 2 g 0 52E 5 5 g 6 B gz g z 2 2 RQ 0 5 hw E E 5 E 1 1 Nr g q O i N 0 Og 9 m D 5 CN 3 9 g B E 2 E Q 3 55 2 gvgm OO g Q V m Q g Q B T g S G S ii E 2 T sx 1 10 gyqg U U w N H w E DZ 5 3 F g i g r IZ 3 Of f g s s c B i O Jl m p D 8 q 3 D pn Q NOOO i 2 1 j m 7 7 l E S E O g E gF C E iR c i g 5 9i G 10 t VO x m DVQ O U s HB 1 O I D GN m Om CD D D U gr E1 1 0 11 n 0 mw O 0 g Q R q A D qq D Or O C1 D C O gg V 0 w c m 2 w O cr 8 q 1 1 on E 0 L w m Og B 4 xr Q O L g p G i e m Zn si U rn H n 3 ag S F 1 2 9 g g Q F I T 0G E wi 9 8 H B S SEQSESEQ E g M n m E gg U 23g B E sag 0 g z E 2 5 E EgE g5 S g 2559 w r e 0 9 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