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5 803 WHEEL ADAPTER PlN Front or Rear NOTE This section contains Model Usage and Prices for Passenger wheels For Wheel size Tire size and other added description see the following charts These two sections should be used in conjunction with one another to determine the correct wheel HUB SPOKE HOLE HOLES 3 I E I l its 6 s n I i N f 6 STUD STAMPED DISC WHEEL WHEEL RIMS Following illustratians are examples at types at rims which are part at assemblies The rims are nat serviced separately and are either welded ar riveted ta the wheel dist sQJs ONE PIECE One piece rims S 25 or larger rims have a TS NOTE Ollset is determined by i taper bead seat and are used lar tubeless tires measuring the distance Smaller rims have a 5 taper head seat and are lram the centerline ol used lar bath Iubeless and tube tires the rim ta the inner side at the wheel dist No Hub Cap No Attach Spoke Clips No or Wheel or Tire Lug Clamp Side Hand Construction Size Offset Tire Size Proj Type Holes Wheel Ring Ring Holes 1 Piece Welded 14 x 5J 9 16 7 00 x 14 7 50 x 14 8 00 x 14 0 Both 5 3844373 4 1 Piece Welded 14 x 5J 9 16 7 00 x 14 7 50 x 14 0 Both 5 3870769 1 1 Piece Welded 14 x 6JK 13 16 8 00 x 14 0 Both 5 3844379 1 Piece Welded 14 x 6JI 1 16 8 25 x 14 8 55 x 14 9 Both 5 3960347 1 Piece Riveted 15 x 5K 9 16 5 50 x 15 6 00 x 15 6 40 x 15 6 50 x 15 6 70 x 15 7 10 x 15 7 50 x 15 3 Tube 6 2251385 4 1 Piece lRiveted 15 x 5K 9 16 6 70 x 15 7 10 x 15 0 Both 5 3834956 4 1 Piece Riveted 15 x 5 5K 7 16 6 70 x 15 7 10 x 15 0 Tube 5 3838080 4 1 Piece Rivetedl 16 x 4 50K 9 16 5 50 x 16 6 00 x 16 6 50 x 16 3 Tube 6 2265087 4 NOTE 2 29 32 dia hub hole 1970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION P A 30 5 11 5 803 5 803