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Standard Parts Catalog 89 April 1983 |
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![Standard Parts Catalog 89 April 1983](/getbigpage?pageid=19503)
1981 PONTIAC PAINT COLORS I RINSHED COLOR NAME BODY PLATE PAINT OR TRIM CODE DITZLER DUPONT MASON I Starlight Black 19 4 V 93lI 99 I A946 P03 I Cameo White 11 2058 5336 2080 I Nightwatch Blue 29 i I 3207 B8007 I 114030 Tahitian Yellow 51 4 3219 88019 I 11409V I Ontario Gray 84 i 3223 88012 I 11421 I Pastel Waxberry 35 4 l4 3314 88101 I 12211 Shadow Gold 36 i 3315 88102 I 12212 I Vibrant Blue 20 1 i 3309 88110 I 12202F I Pinehurst Green 48 3320 88111 I 12217D I Lt Jadestone Met 45 4 3318 B8103 12215 Dk Jadestone Met 47 3319 68104 I 12216 I Burnt Orange 58 3326 I 88112 I 12223F I Navajo Orange 57 3325 68113 12222V Yellow 56 3324 B8114 12221V Spectra Red 75 3332 I B8115 I 1222911 I Yellow Bird Yellow 40 I B8024 I Yellow Accent 41 1 88025 I Pastel Sandstone 63 3327 I B8105 I 12224 I Med Sandstone 68 I 3329 B8106 12226 I Dk Sandstone 69 I 3330 B8107 I 122270 I L1 Maple Met 72 3331 B8108 122281 Autumn Maroon 77 I 3333 B8109 I 12231V I Dorado Gold 54 3322 I BBIIE 1 122190 Banitf Blue 21 3310 88141 I 12203 Barclay Brown 67 3328 B8142 I l2225G I Stardust Silver 16 3308 138140 12201 I Burnished Umber 37 3316 I B8117 I 12213D Kingston Blue 22 3311 I 88143 I 12204 STRIPING COLORS TI I Gold OBA 24854 1 4 5883 1 9959 I White 11A 2058 I 5338 I 2080 Black 19A 9300 I 99 A 946 Blue 24A 15387 1 C8091 1 11557 Red 61A t 2973 I 44770 I 9380 Beige 72A 3087 I5 45205 8699F 1 YA I 4 41 4 I I I nmsiizo I VINYL ROOF COLORS UCV I OITZLER I DUPONT I MASON I White 11T 2 130 I I 4415 Black 19T 4 120 I I 4416 Dk Blue Irid 29T 2 704 I 11846 Lt Waxberry Irid 36T I 2 784 I 12289 Lt Jadestone Irid 45T 2 791 I 12291 I Pastel Sandstone 83T 2 793 I 12293 Doeskin 64T 4 4 2 794 I 12294 I Dk Maple 77T 2 796 I I 12296F I Med Slate lrid 85T 2 797 I4 I 12255 I ROOF MOLDING COLORS I White 11T 2 130 4415 I Black 19T 120 I 4416 I Dk Blue Irid 29T 2 704 I 11646 I Lt Waxberry Irid 36T 2 789 I 12289 I Lt Jadestone Irid 45T t 2 791 I 12291 I Pastel Sandstone 63T 2 793 I 12293 1 Doeskin 64T 2 794 I I 12294 I Dk Maple 77T c 4 2 798 I I 1 12296F I Med Slate Irid 85T 2 797 I 12255 I INTERIOR COLOR NAME GLOSS UCV I Lt Gray 15 S G 2 655 33163 I 43622 I 2901 I Dk Gray 15 SG 2 774 33440 138104 12256 I Dk Gray 15 L G 2 774 33456 I 138126 12389 I Black 19 SG 120 9387 I 99 I 4401 I Black 19 L G 120 I 9433 4428 9609 I Dk Blue 26 SG 2 698 15344 I 08005 I 11641 I Dk Blue 26 r LG 2 698 15345 C8014 I 11659 I Med Waxberry 45 S G 2 781 82473 I C8108 122620 Dk Waxberry 45 S G 2 812 82475 68151 I 122640 I Dk Waxberry 45 L G 2 812 82479 I 08149 12400D I Med Jadestone 47 S G 2 783 45589 I 08112 12268 I Ok Jadestone 47 S G 2 784 45593 I C81 13 12269 I Dk Jadestone 47 L G 2 784 45603 18128 12391 Lt Sandstone 63 S G 2 787 24899 I 68105 I 12260 I Med Doeskin 64 SG 2 794 24867 I C8110 I 12265 Dk Doeskin 64 SG 2 810 24908 I 128153 12267 I Dk Doeskin 64 L G 2 810 24927 I 08143 12399 I Med Red 75 S G 2 802 72416 I C8114 I 1227118 Dk Maple 77 S G 2 803 I 72415 I 08115 12271F Dk Maple 77 L G 2 803 72435 08129 I 123911 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 89 2 73