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Standard Parts Catalog 89 April 1983 |

METRIC STANDARD PARTS Metric Fasteners are generally identified by markings on the bolt head nut face or stud end The following figures display the different types of identification METRIC NUT IDENTIFICATION Nur srnewcru IDENTIFICATION Most metric nuts will be marked with single digit strength identification numbers on the nut or wrench face Common nut strength property classes are 5 8 9 and 10 Increasing class numbers represent increasing strength METRIC BOLT IDENTIFICATION MANUFACTURES IDENTIFICATION s vw sw WW s w W V V V y V 7 1 1 1 1 1 Q1 Q All metric bolts and screws except slotted and cross recessed head screws with nominal diameters of 3 5mm and larger will be embossed on the head with property class and manufacturer s identification Common metric bolt and screw strength property class numbers rangefrom 4 to 10 9 Increasing class numbers represent increasing tensile strength METRIC STUD IDENTIFICATION 8 8 10 9 Studs with nominal diameters of 5mm and larger will be marked on the end of the stud to identify property class Increasing class numbers represent increasing tensile strength ii WAREHDUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 89 345