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<- Transmission - Brakes Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 31 May 1966
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56 S9 Ser 7 8 9 10 CONNECTOR front wheel cyl inlet 56 59 Ser 9 10 exc TDM SBC 56 59 Ser 7 8 10F w H D axle rear wheel cyl inlet 57 59 Ser 5 6 w H D front and rr axle frt and rr wheels 60 66 Ser 60 w 7000 lb axle 60 66 Ser 70 80 wheel cyl inlet Wagner FC 2579 62 Ser 60 DIESEL w P S Type AB 1786307 A R 50 56 59 ALL exc TDM CONNECTOR main cyl pipe tee at frame w 18 nut thds Type F 3726157 1 60 56 57 Ser 5 6 w H D Brake Booster exc D D 56 57 Ser 7 8 exc A O l I B 56 57 Ser 9 10 exc A O H B 4BC CONNECTOR pipe and hose at dash 57 Ser 5 6 w A O H B exc SBC panel Type AA 3727830 1 1 60 56 59 ALL exc TDM 60 Ser 70 SBC 60 TDM w A O H B 60 62 Ser 40 w Brake Booster CONNECTOR main cyl rear pipe at 61 65 ALL w A O H B cyl Z I ype B 65 Ser 60 80 4 cyc DIESEL exc TDM air brake cyl rr pipe 475885 1 80 56 59 TDM 60 62 TDM w A O I l B 63 65 TDM exc A O H B CONNECTOR main cyl pipe tee 66 Ser 60 TDM exc Air Brake 66 Ser 80 TDM exc DIESEL Air Brake rear pipe tee Type F 3727870 1 1 60 56 59 TDM CONNECTOR main cyl pipe to rear 60 65 TDM exc A O H B brake pipe tee 66 Ser 60 TDM exc Air Brake 66 Ser 80 TDM exc DIESEL Air Brake rear pipe tee Type Y 3727874 1 1 25 56 Ser 9 10 exc TDM SBC 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL W 16 000 lb axle exc TDM Air Brake CONNECTOR rear brake hose to axle 714269 1 75 56 59 TDM CONNECTOR rear brake hose to axle Type K 3728670 2 1 60 57 Ser 5 6 7 8 9 10 w 16000 lb axle 57 59 Ser 9 10 w 18000 lb axle 58 59 Ser 4 w 2 SPD 58 59 Ser 5 6 7 8 10F w 16000 lb axle CONNECTOR rear brake hose to axle 58 59 Ser 6 exc D D Type S 3735871 1 85 56 59 Ser 8 10 exc H D axle CONNECTOR front brake hose left 62 ALL w I beam axles front brake hose 3753031 A R 85 58 59 ALL 62 66 ALL w I Beam axles CONNECTOR front brake pipe tee 63 66 TILT rear brake pipe tee A 24 thds both ends Type X 65 66 Ser 50 4 cyc DIESEL exc TILT 65 66 Ser 60 80 4 cyc DIESEL exc TDM front brake 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL pipe to crossover pipe tee 3753459 1 60 58 59 ALL w 9000 lb frt axle CONNECTOR 1 x 1 4 hydraulic brakes Type L 2254358 2 1 15 60 62 Ser 40 exc Brake Booster CONNECTOR left or right front brake crossover pipe assy tee Type D 3768819 A R 45 60 62 Ser 50 thru 70 exc A O I I B CONNECTOR rear brake pipe tee connector Type F 3766504 1 75 60 62 Ser 60 70 w A O H B exc TILT 60 62 Ser 80 exc TILT CONNECTOR rear brake pipe tee 60 62 Ser 80 TILT frt brake pipe tee Type F 3767154 1 1 05 60 62 TILT exc Air Brake CONNECTOR brake main cyl pipe 63 64 Ser 60 DIESEL exc Air Brake vacuum pump oil feed hose Z Type U 187321 1 8 963 65 66 Ser 80 w rear shock absorbers CONNECTOR rear brake hose to axle 65 66 Ser 60 exc TDM Type K 3778326 I 1 40 63 66 Ser 60 exc Air Brake 63 66 Ser 80 exc 2 cyc DIESEL Air Brake CONNECTOR front hose Type AC 3827639 2 1 15 63 66 Ser 50 w Brake Booster 63 66 Ser 60 80 exc TDM Air Brake CONNECTOR rear pipe tee 63 66 TILT exc DIESEL Air Brake front pipe tee 3823660 1 65 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation 459 REVISED MARCH I 1966