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Propeller Shaft Parts Book January 1981 |

GENERAL INFORMATION This Propeller Shaft Parts Book is intended to identify serviceable details of Propeller Shaft Assemblies when the assembly part number is known These assembly part numbers are listed on the Truck Service Broadcast Parts List included in each new medium and heavy duty truck Complete propeller shafts are not serviced assembled use detail parts This publication consists of four sections The first section comprises of Propeller Shaft Component Identification Charts These Charts are designed to identify components by dimension if known and are listed in order by a key dimension starting from the smallest thru the largest dimension The second section comprises a listing of the Propeller Shaft Assembly Part Numbers in numerical sequence These part numbers appear on the Broadcast Special Parts Lists in UPC 4A4 Detailed in each listing is the tube length weld to weld dimension where applicable and the chart identification covering the serviceable components This identification is two letter alpha or two letter alpha with numeral The third section is comprised of illustrated charts listing the components They are in alphabetical sequence by chart identification The type of shaft joint series quantity and part number of the compo nents are listed in vertical columns under each chart identification Parts are in GMC group number sequence listing the corresponding WDDGM group number and the part name A dash in the part number column will indicate that the part is not used in propeller shafts covered by that chart The fourth section is a list of 1974 Truck Serial Number where the drive line part number had been omitted from the Truck Broadcast Sheets Special Parts List Information in this list shows the serial number sequence End Yokes Flange Yokes and Companion Flanges mounted on transmissions and rear axles and Center Bearing Hangers are not a component of the Propeller Shaft Assembly but will now be included in the Identification Charts in Section One These parts are listed as separate items on the Broadcast Parts Lust in UPC 4A4 or are a detail of the axle or production transmission assembly HOW TO USE Sections Two and Three Secure the Propeller Shaft Assembly Part Number from The Truck Broadcast Special Parts Lists UPC 4A4 Locate this number in the numerical index of this publication and note the chart identification if a new tube is required also note the tube length Refer to the chart shown for your shaft and select the parts required When a new tube is required select the service tube with next longer length and cut to the specified length Section Four To use this list properly refer to the first page of Truck Broadcast Sheet to obtain the serial number Match that number with the serial number on this list to secure the propeller shaft number With the propeller shaft number return to section two and locate your particular propeller shaft in the numerical index Read across the line and pickup your tube length and chart code identification With the two letter alpha or two letter alpha with numeral identification code refer to section three illustrated charts for listing of serviceable components 2