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Propeller Shaft Parts Book January 1981 |

PIIUPELLER SII Ilr lf INSTRUDTIIUNS FUR IIUSEMBLINII PRUPELLER ISHIIFT TUBES MID STUB SHAFTS l4 d E 4A 7 L r q A ors ro 0 0 FLAT l rtl T VA IM vAl M I l l 0 0 iiiil ii IU 2 L i Ul z REMOVE SHARP EDGE REMOVE FLASH MAX WIDTH MIN DEPTH ARC 7 g SPLINE TO BE IN LINE WITH i 7 END YDKE WITHIN I 7 r l tel l r L il I kl s s s I5 C D A RUNCIIJTS TOTAL INDICATOR READINGS NOT TIE IEIKCIEED A I3 C I 00Zll 008 OI5 DIO 1 Mount tube and yoke assembly on lathe support with steady rest and center with indicator Cut to required length l L dimension and with 45 chamfer as shown 2 Remove sharp edge on inside of tube and provide for 015 ll3ll flat on end of tube as indicated in sketch 3 Grind of flash on inside seam to a maximum widlth of 1 Z and minimum depth of 1 I I1 4 Check butt diameter of splined shaft and inside diameter of tube Butt diameter should be 007 to 010 larger than tube l D 5 Lock tube with lugs of yoke in exact horizontal plane Use tail as a support and start butt end of splined shaft in tube Use indicator to position shaft so that spline is in line wrth lugs of end yoke within plus or minus 1 as shown Scribe tube and shaft so that parts may be held in alignment when stub shaft is assembled to tube 6 Remove tube assembly and spline shaft from lathe and assemble together Force butt end of shaft into tube until shoulder on butt contacts end of tube keeping spline in line with lugs of end yoke within plus or minus 1 7 lnstall assembly in lathe and cheek runout at points indicated in sketch Straighten assembly as necessary 8 Support tube assembly on l blocks and electric arc weld stub shaft to tube using 5 32 E 6010 or E 6012 type coated electrode 9 Test shaft to runout as shown NOTE lt is recommended that only the rew splined shaft as listed in the following chart be used in fabricating propeller shaft 3