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NEW PARTS OR A C SSORIES RETWIJRNED FOR CREDIT I ns tructioms for Dealers A New material which a dealer desires to return for credit is of four general cl n ssifications l MATERIAL RETURNAELE UNDER 3O DAY RETURN CLAUSE Oli SELLING AGREEMENT INCLUDING MATERIAL ORDERED OR SHIPPED IN ERROR 2 DEFECTIVE NEW PARTS 3 DEF ECTIVE NEVV ACCESE ORIES 4 SURPLUS STOCK Parts and Accessories should be written on separate PC 659 application for Authorization to Return New Material Parts or Accessories of only one of the above classifications should be written on one application When items of more than one classification are to be returned a separate application should be used for each group All material of classifications l or 4 to be returned is to be in new and salalile condition B MATERIAL RETURNABLE UNDER 30 DAY lRETU lN CLAUSE OF SELLING AGREEMENT INCLlUDIN ES MATERIAL ORDERED OR SHIPPED lN ERROR Dealers may return to the destination specified by Seller transportation charges prepaid for credit at Dealer s net prices within thirty 30 days after the receipt thereof by Dealer any new Chevrolet parts and accessories which are in good con dition and unused purchased from Seller direct or through a Parts Warehous szz of said General Motors Parts Division and in the case of accessories Dealer shall be entitled to return same whether same were purchased separately or shipped on or with a new Chevrolet motor vehicle Under the same conditions Dealer may return anti freeze polishes chemicals and other similar items purchased from Seller This includes Parts Accessories anti freeze polishes chemicals and other similar items Ordered in Error or Shipped in lEr rar After 30 JDAYS have expirecfl dealer may apply for authorization to re turn such goods as Surplus Stock l It is necessary in order to properly identify returned parts or accessories and thereby expedite the issuance of credit to the dealer s account that form PC 659 be prepared by the dealer in four copies at the time the materials are being returned By showing the required information on this form it not only serves as a packing slip to identify the ship ment but also as an invoice from the dealer to Chevrolet Motor Division for the materials returned thereby facilitating the prompt issuance of credit to the dealer s account PC 659 should show A Car Division B Zone Office address C Warehouse Location D Date E Quantity to be returned Group Number Parts Number Description of each rtem to be returned F Order Number obtained from packing slips on which parts or accessories were received G Reason for return H Dealer s name and address 2 When returning material shipment should be made as follows A Tag one of each part with GSD 43 Return Goods Tag rhowing 1 Quantity 2 Part Number 3 Description 4 PC 659 Number B Mail l and 2 copies of PC 659 to General Motors Parts Division Warehouse to which dealer normally forwards his parts orders C Pack goods carefully for safe shipment using the No 3 copy of PC 659 application as a packing slip D Ship the material PREPAID to General Motors Parts Divzisiori Warehouse to which the dealer nor mally forwards his parts orders E Retain the number 4 copy of PC 659 as dealer record of shipment With return goods shipped in error by GMPD the dealer may attach original transportation receipts to the No l and 2 copies of PC 659 and credit for transportation expense will be allowed C DEFECTIVE NEW PARTS I New parts found to be defective betfule installation has occurred will be listed loy dealers on PC 659 showing A Car Division with which dealer is contracted B Zone Office Address C Warehouse Location D Date E Quantity to be returned Group Number Parts Number Description of each item to be returned F Nature of defect G Dealer s name and address The completed application in four copies is to be mailed to the General Motors Parts Division Warehouse The number 3 and 4 copies of the application will be returned to the dealer showing disposition to be rnade of goods On receipt of these documents the dealer will handle the return of items coded R in accordance with procedure outlined in Paragraph B 2 A C I E 475 A A