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SUP lPIn 5i1VIENT l FLY DATA As an additionotl convenience to parts 1 r1e11 we have assembled in this section some charts ot the most active classes oit parts a nd other czonsolidated iznzitormcition or ql 1l Cl I 9f EBIY El 1C 9 This data sxupplements the regular parllxs listing still shown in the usual group location andl the chart or table torim used will serve to facilit 1te the finding ot parts Use ot the dimensional and other distinguishing data will providle a means ot i len tityin gr mixed stock matching parts from submitted samples etc l INDEX Title Page No Axle Shaft Chart 4 430 Bumper Parts Chart 431 438 Bearings Chart 439 443 Door Check Link Chart 446 Door Hinge Chart 4 44 445 Garnish Mouldings Charts 447 453 Vltindeshield 447 Front Door Window 447 449 Rear lDoor Window 4 t 449 Quarter Window 450 451 Back Window 4 452 Back Door Window 452 Garnish Moulding Identification Chart 4 453 Locking Handle Lock Parts 454 Miscellaneous Body Std P rts Chart 456 464 Muftler Tail Pipe Chart 455 Propellezr Shaft Chart 4 465 Fri Prop Shaft Hsg Assy Chart 466 Fri Prop Shaft Housing Ch art 466 Front Prop Shaft Chart 467 Paint Combination Chart 469 471 l rim Combination Chart 471 Ports Exchange Plan 472 474 New Parts or Accessories Returned for Credit 475 476 Shut ott Cocks 468 Telegraphic Code 477 485 429 V 4 W 4 NAL W 7 r