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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 72TL May 1979 Transmission - Brakes ->
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LIGHT DUTY TRUCK I L I TRANSMISSION IDENTIFICATION LOCATION A TRANSMISSION IDENTIFICATION JULY 1 1953 TO 1962 1953 64 ALL 3 SPEED AND OVERDRlVE i 56 63 WARNER 4 SPD Stamped on cover side rear PPM 0d TI P9 I flange 4 1 Designation Prefix Plant Type Transmission 1960 62 CAST IRON POWERGLIDE Stamped on rear W Werner Gear 4 Speed flange governor cover I M 1 1962 ALUMINUM POWERGLIDE Stamped on machined S Saginaw giviggiiiver V surface on lower right of case t 2 I 1165 65 POWERGLIDE Stamped on mm 4 Off pan E iZ 3 iZ I 1963 MUNCIE 4 SPD Stamped on cover side of case Powerglide I I with P designation 1 lCorvair 65 R10 3 and 4 SPD On the flat on the top of the Transmission Assy i o 1de nt1fy heavy duty 3 speed transmission the letter 65 R10 p0WERgi iDEi On t0p 0f the case in the rear ai H wiil b US d 8S 8 SUffIX to pl OduCtI0l I date lh 1953 ii 0 cincir M Overdrive distinguished from 3 speed by physical ap V 65 TRUCK lexc R10 POWERGLIDE Immediately behind P Y right hand machining lug with the bottom of the N0TE T0 Identllif Da D NIQDI Nl Shift 5 sticker parallel to mold flash 1 P 1 I 65 68 TURBO HYDRA MATlC Right hand vertical sur EXAM LE Plant and Type Month Day face of transmission case I S 3 04 1 I 65 TRUCK exc RW 3 PD AND OVERDRIVE O0 tm The above designation lS304 indicates the transmission I fight hand flat in the T of the filler P U9 1 was built at the Saginaw plant on March 4 I 65 TRUCK lexc R10 4 SPD On the flat above and forward of the take off cover TRAN M N IDENTIFICATIGN 66 68 POWERGLIDE All models stamped on right side of 1963 72 transmission oil pan Plant and Type 66 68 TRUCK 3 SPD i exc wide ratio and Warner Gear Designation Prefix Plant Type Transmission 3 SPD stamped on rear face of case in upper right N I M I hand corner wide ratio truck 3 SPD stamped on W u 4 Sp ren Side above eoven Y Warner Gear 3 and 4 Speed I 66 68 4 SPD Truck models stamped on left side of case 1 R S I below power takeoff New Process stamped on tag K awww 4 Sp d retained by the two rear power take off screws M 3 Sp d I I S Saginaw 3 Speed IDENTIFICATION FOR 1953 M Muncie 3 P d MODEL YEAR TO JUNE 30 1953 1 0V l dFlV O Saginaw 3 Speed STARTING UNIT NUMBER 1953 1001 and up at each Overdrive i assembly plant regardless of series 1 I C i Cleveland pevrergiine 1953 Type V E ivickinnoni Powerglide Model Year Designation Type T O Toledo Powergl ide Series Designation and Plant Transmission ICA Hydra matic 3 Speed 15 21 2400 1 A saginaw 2 s een i A 15 21 2400 1 B Muncie 3 Saeed T HV I 15 21 2400 L C Toledo 3 Speed Overdrive distinguished from 3rSPD by physical ap I 15 21 2400 L G Saginaw 3 Speed pearance only The above transmissions lexcept Warner lHvy Duty Gear will carry a production code number such as 15 21 2400 I L H M uncie 3 Speed Plant and Type Month Day Shift lHvy Duty C 11 16 N 15 21 2400 Li J Toledo 3 Speed The above designation indicates this Powerglide trans lHvy Duty mission was built at the Cleveland plant on the 21 2400 L I T Cleveland Powerglide November 16 night shift I 21 2400 L U Cleveland Powerglide rh W G i coitvma 1 v c1eveianu Powerglide wife nmsgr sfgh W Y Model Year Type and Number Plant and Type Month bay Year Shift EXAMPLE Designation Plant Unit W G 10 3 1 I A 001030 The above designation indicates this 4 speed transmis s L T A 001030 sion was built at Warner on July 10 1963 first shift J GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION ci fEvR0i ET 72Ti 60 I