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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958
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TRIM COMBINATION CI IART Continued 1957 C 1 comb on comb 1958 Cont No Material Models Nc Material M0d ls B11 k dY1l Cl th Md B 1 689 Y4i1Zw 111114E8 1 i 4i 114 IOGZDF 825 i71t1 I MJ1 21 i1E1i 1Zi 114iI 11 m 1731 38 41 49 1831 38 690 riBluck 41141 Red c141t11 IOSZDF Leather 4149 tgied I mita ic rf1Leag ie h 2 Lt Gray Dk 61 Lt Blue Cloth 1 ac an ver 0 8 6 M c1 Bl M t ll I 1747 18 7 691 1Silver Imitation Leather 1064DF Leiitlilelll ue 9 G IC m 4 699 I Black and Dark Green Cloth 1964DF Lt Gray Dk 61 Lt Blue Coated Y Medium Green Im Leather 827 Fabric Medium Blue 1767 1867 693 1B1 k end Derk Blue C1 lh 1064DF Metallic Imitation Leather 1Medium Blue Im Leather Medium Blue Cloth Medium 994 Jggagk 61 lgark Turq1iois iClo tlh 1964DF 828 Blue Metallic Imitation 1793 1893 e ium urquoise rn eat er L th 995 iglack and Coppiar Clloth 1964DF Meclaitilimellllue Cloth Medium eige Imitation eat er 829 Bl M t ll I t t 1793 1893 996 1 Bla ck and Yellow Cloth i1964DF Lelhtlhei G ui ml Q lon 1Yellow Imitation Leather Medium Blue Cloth Lt Blue 1 Bla ck and Red Cloth 830 Metallic Imitation Leather 114149 1241 49 697 1Red Imitation Leather 11064DF 832 M dium Blu Cloth Lt Blue 1593 9 4 1993 9 4 mitation eather 1958 Medium Turquoise Cloth Lt 833 1 Turquoise Imitation Leather 1541 49 164149 Gunmetal Cloth Silver Medium Turquoise Cloth Lt 800 1 Metallic Imitation Leather 1121 41 49 1221 41 49 834 Turquoise Imitation Leather 1593 94 169384 Gunmetal Imitation Leather Medium Turquoise Cloth l541 49 164l 49 1731 80l 4 Silver Metallic Imitation 1171 1271 835 viedium Turquoise Metallic 39 41 49 1831 39 4L 1 Leather m Leather 49 V1 l I 802 J m I1l l iCi4eiI iiii 1iZii ii ki1 r 1181 1281 88 L1 Gr v B1 1 1 1 T rq 1 1 1 L99th91 836 Cloth Medium Turquoise 1747 1847 JlGu11metal Cloth Silver Lt M talli 1Im o Leather 803 Metallic Imitation 1541 49 1641 49 TOY ee r 1 1S Lgcthgr 837 Coated Fabric Medium 1767 1867 J Turquoise Metallc Im tation 0 111 111L1 i 114 i 1Y 11 1593 9 1693 94 M gl 1 rq 9 Hf qv 11 1 Ll 1 101 O 805 11 ig1 miglT 9th9r 172 g 41 49 1831 39 838 Medium Turquoise Metallic 1793 1893 Im Leather LL a B1 k LL T M9di11m G0ld Metallic 806 1 e L1 i 4 C1 1m11Ei i1 S 1747 1847 843 124131 15 3 4 1191 93 1291 93 1 Leather 1 4 fl t LGray Black Lt Turquoise 844 M d Pm G 1d C1 th B 9 154 49 154 49 807 1 Coated Fabric Black 1767 1867 M 1 3nO ie 2 B ig8 t Inilmhon Leather 845 Imitation Leather 1593 94 1693 94 808 E fQl gi 1 Q Q Y1 f 1th r 1783 1898 Medium com c141111 8181111111 1s41 48 1841 48 1781 Mmmm Green C1O1h Lt 1593 94 1693 94 846 Gold Metallic Imitation 1 39 41 49 1831 39 4L 810 1 Green Imitatir n Lgather Leather l 49 Medium Green lot Lt Bei 9 CO 1 M hum Gold 812 Green Metallic Imitation 1141 49 1241 49 g fp 813 1S41 49 1641 49 Beige Copper Medium Gold i G 18 I L h 848 ce 11841 14111114 M441111111 Gold 1767 1867 Mecl1um Green Cloth Med1um 1541 49 1641 49 173L 11 I 39 41 491931 39 41 Metallic Imitation Leather 814 1 Gieen Meta 1C mitation j 9 Medium Gold C1Oth Medium M Legther 4 849 Gold Metallic Imitation 1793 1893 1I t Gray Dk Lt Green Cloth 815 IGIBGH Metallic 1747 1847 854 L1 L hyI13 C 9Ck Rfd 310111 111 1d 17474847 1 2 I itat on eat iLl C I y Dk Lt Green Lt gra Black Reilr Coated 817 J CZ8 d F b f iMf m 1767 1867 855 F bric Red 1m11 41 11 1767 1867 I i71 r 1r1 E Ietal ic mitation Mhaqthe C h d edium oral lot Me ium 819 1mE11 H11C17 I151lg1t1 i7 lii 1 il um 17931893 000 CMI M m Im0 i 17 Ii 23 41 49 1831 3g Leather Leather ilvledium Blue Cloth Lt Blue Lt Dk M d C l Cl th 820 1M1111111111 1 1 83111 if M d 10 40 1041 40 861 148411111 Clhlilal i 1i1 i141111 1 1747 1847 eaium ue ot e ium L th 821 EluehMetallic Imitation 172 23 41 49 1831 39 Lt lgl 2 Ivtledium Coral Coated eat er 862 F b M d C l 1767 1867 829 lLt Gray Dk 61 Lt Blue Cloth 17411847 Ireitldtlon Lzaltlhlelr Om Med Blue Metallic Imit Lea Medium Coral Cloth Medium Lt Gray Dk 61 Lt Blue Coated 863 Coral Metallic Imitation 1793 1893 823 Fabric Med Blue Metallic 1767 1867 Leather Imit Leather G nmetal Clotl1 Silver 824 14 9811118 Blu c1i11111 1 1 121114 1541 49 1641 49 870 Idetallic 11 111411011 1 88411411 l1121 1 40 1221 1 49 1 mitation eat er G nm t l Cloth Silver 07 llvletceilllic Imitation Leather 11541 494641 49 1 1376 ksvrsrso ssrrsmsen 1 I958