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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958 |

Pique Rear compt lid 4 12 184 l Plug Camshaft bearing hole 3 553 Pluriger Vacuum power brake A Plate Rear compt lid lock 12 237 t Plug Carb discharge ball check 3 832 Plunqer Vac power brake cyl 4 915 Ptqre Req door sill 11 179 l Pluq Curb fuel level sight 3 734 Yhl J Whew l l 7 680 Plate Rear door window wedge 10 769 l Plug Carb nozzle passage 3 775 Pluuqer W S wiper motor 10 150 Plate Rear qt corner lower rear 12 942 l Plug Carb pump 3 841 Pocket Gas tank filler neck compt 12 944 Plqte Rear qtr window hinge adj 11 054 i Plug Carb pump passage 3 844 Pocket Rear compartment floor 2 QEtl Plate Rear shock absorber anchor 7 370 l Plug Choke housing 3 750 Pocket 5toke4 r 17 462 plural Rem spring Cup md Plug Clutch hsg l Point unit Distributor r 2 384 U bolt 7 518 timing pointer hole 0 71 4 l Polish Body 8 800 Plate Rear spring U bolt anchor 5 403 Plug Commutator end oil hole 2 301 l P0l1ShiHq Clvth 8 8 Plate Seat mounting 11 375 Plug Compressor oil seal valve 9 177 l Poppet assy Vacuum power Plate Side dr vent l Plug Coolant temp Dash Ulnit 4 1 150 brake cylinder 4 928 locking hdle striker 16 176 l Plug Expansion r 0 0 34 8 7Cl Port unit Exhaust rear tender 12 1 l6C Plate Spring shackle under body 12 980 l Plug Expansion valve seal 9 Z EZl4L Port unit Ml1Hl I mil Xl1 1lSt 4 3 705 Plate Strg col seal retainer 6 758 Plug Pldg top motor l4 t82 l Portable spotlight Sealed beam 9 773 Plate Strg column lower clamp 6 760 Plug lFloor pan 12 S i8C i POSL CG1 bU1 lOY QOVGIHOI 34870 Plate Strg gear hyd pump 6 6123 Plug Fluid coupling cover 4 lE3 l P0li9Hti0m l 1 AUTO hdlp C011l1 0l 2 46l Plate Strg gear mounting 6 797 I Plug Front spring bumper 6 1 Z 5 Preventive Radiator rust 8500 Plate Strg gear stop rock 6 585 l Plug Fuel injector distributor 3 1340 t Prop shaft 5 436 5 441 Plate Steering idler 6 186 Plug Gas filler neck tender hole 8 1208 l Prop shaft hsg assy Frt 5 435 Plate Strg wheel hub 6 512 Plug Gearshitt control Prop shaft bearing 5 436 Plate Sub frame 7 0013 shaft housing r 4 0212 l Prop shaft bearing cushion 5 439 Plate Tail and stop lamp 2 68 3 Plug Generator oil 2 301 Prop shaft bearing lock ring 5 437 Plate Toe board 12 565 1 6 546 Plug Hyd brake main cylinder 4 651 l Prop shaft bearing support kit 5 436 Plate Top frame link assy 13 365 Plug Hyd steering adapter 6 560 Prop shaft brake parts Dual Shoe 5 610 Plate Transmission 4 215 Plug Hyd strg reliet valve 6 553 Prop shatt brake parts l ru Stop 5 606 Plate Transmission broke 4 25l Plug Instrument panel 16 083 l Prop sliatt brg dust seal assy 5 438 Plate Trans synchro 4 384 Plug Knuckle expansion 6 223 Prop shalt brg dust shield 5 433 Plate Trans center bearing 4 131 Plug Lock pillar access hole 10 587 l Prop shaft brg dust spacer 5 438 Plate Trans clutch 4 163 l Plug Oil pan drain 1 453 l Prop shaft brg ret and ins 5 439 Plate Trans control selector 4 038 Plug Oil pressure pipe 1 53l P Prop shalt coupling 5 454 Plate Trans counter gear lock 4 422 Q Plug Pipe 8 971 l Prop Shaft Coupling pin and rivet 5 457 Plate Trans cover 4 l05 l Plug Qtr side inner 2 941 l Prop shalt Coupling Spring 5 457 Plate Trans inspection cover 12 54 l l Plug Hear compartment lloor 122 98Ql Prop shalt lront bearing hanger 5 432 Plate Trans low 51 drive body end 4 265 Plug Seat cushion frame 1 6 679 Prop Shultt front bearing support 5 432 Plate Trans main drive Plug Sheet metal or button l 3 l Prop shalt front brg supt bolt 5 432 gear brg lock 4 356 Plug Spark 1 l427O l Prop shalt housing 5 504 Plate Trcms oil pump 4 203 K Pl ig Speedometer driven gear 4 3313 P1 Op Shfltl l10uSiI1q Plate Trans overdrive sun gear 4 4Zi 2 Plug Strg connecting rod safety 5 8812 bushing dowel 5 450 5 451 Plate Underbody panel brace 1 Plug Strg gear hyd check 1 553 Prop shalt oil seal 5 469 anchor 12 934 Plug Steering gear hydraulic Prop shaft packing 5 lt19 Plate unit Ditt clutch 5 51 1 l oylincler piston rod 5 5381 Prop shaft pork brake shoe Plate unit Front tender name 8 147 t Plug Strg gear hyd pump 61 2 IlCl1O1 1 Spring 5 028 Plate unit Rear quarter 12 1 l iC Plug Strg idler and 3rd arm shcttt 3 181 Prop shalt park brake shoe lever 5 6lG Plate Vac brake cylinder end 4 904 Plug Tail stop lamp 21 694 l Prop Shilit pirlifm flange 5 545 Plate Vac brake cylinder 4 947 Plug Tie rod end 5 255 Prop shalt pinion tlange nut 5595 Plate Vacuum modulator valve Plug Trans txt servo overrun 1 227 l P l 0p shaft ret Spring 5 437 body 4 205 I Plug Trans main valve body 1 217 l P f0t Ct01 SP 11 l plug 2 258 Plate Vacuum power brake 4 648 3 Plug Trans oil filler 4 133 Pulley Azlr suspension air Plate Vac power brake cyl 4 922 4 9231 l Plug Trans oil pan 195 compressor TAESO Plate Vac power brake cyl l Plug Trans overdrive l 455 Pulley and tan Generator 2 274 counter reaction spring 4 9134 Plug Trans primary Pulley Brake cable 4 833 Plate Vacuum power brake pump hsg drain l 115 Pulley Compressor drive 9 18 3 cylinder piston 4 922 Plug Trans rear brg Pulley Crarikshalt balancer 0 659 Plate Vac power brake cyl retainer supt 4 317 l 4l2 Pulley Fan and water pump l 062 poppet diaphragm 4 4 955 Plug Trans thermostat Pulley Strg gear hyd pump 6 655 Plate Vac power brake cyl valve spring 1 216 Pump assay Engine coolant 1 069 poppet valve 4 928 Plug Trans valve v Pump assay Folding top 14 LS Plate Wheel and tire 7 629 pressure regulator l 2l6 l Pump assy Fuel r 3 900 Plate Wheeel carrier 7 751 7 7953 Plug U joint sleeve yoke 5 556 l Pump assembly Oil r 1 652 Plate Wheelhouse 1 2 944 l Plug Vac brake hyd cyl end 910 P Pump assy Strg gear hyd 6 605 Plate W shield glass channel 10 009 l Plug Vac pwr brake booster outlet l 931 Pump assy Trans Plate W shield motor aux lO l57 Plug Valve rocker arzm shaft 0 356 torque converter 4 l 10 Plate W shield motor bracket 10 150 l Plug W ater temp Dash Unit ES 971 Pump Carburetor 3 835 Plate W shield wiper motor 10 152 l Plunger Carburetor r 3 838 Pump Fuel meter gear 3 308 Platform cross sill 17 405 Plunger Starting motor drive shift 122 1 3 Pump Seat cushion 16 715 Plug Air suspension 7 447 lPlunger Strg gear vdlve enterin g E5 551 Pump Torque conv primary 4 115 Plug Axle tiller 4 5 4 00 Plunger Trans rear servo accum 4 250 Pump Trans rt servo 4 226 Plug Battery filler 2 345 l Pluriger Vacuum modulator 4 205 Pump Trans oxl supply 4 4 200 REVISED JANUARY 1 1959