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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958 |

ll II iI iUE T RATION I N1 E X r1 1 r c wrmAr vr mcr r vzmws 1 1 1 1r 1 r imcrmz Cont 1 1949 50 Styleline Deluxe Four Door Sedan 65 1955 58 V 8 Engine Crankshaft Camshaft and Oil Pan 1950 Front End 66 Typical 4 127 1951 Front End v 4 4 67 1957 58 283 V 8 En gi ne Cross Section 4 128 1951 Styleline Deluxe Four Door Sedan r 68 1958 348 V 8 Eng ine Cross Section 4 129 1951 Fleetline Deluxe l wo Door Sedan 69 Engine Mounting Parts r 155 1951 Bel Air v v 70 Six Cylinder Engine Side Mounting r 4 156 1952 Front End t i V t i 71 Six Cylinder lEZ ngri ne Rear Mounting i 156 1952 Styleline Deluxe Four Door Sedan 72 1955 57 Passenger Engine Hear Mounting 157 1952 Rear End vv v 73 1955 57 Passenger Engine Front Mounting 4 157 1953 Passenger Front End 4 74 1958 Engine Mountings 4 158 1953 Two Ten Four Door Sedan i 75 1955 57 Clutch Pedal Linkage t 4 183 1953 Bel Air Sport Coupe V 76 1955 Passenger Clutch Pedal Linkage r 184 1953 Bel Air Four Door Sedan 4 77 Clutch Peclal and Linkage V 4 185 1954 Passenger Front End 4 78 Diaphragm Spring Type Clutch Parts 188 1954 Two Ten Four Door Sedan 4 79 1955 58 Coil Spring Type Clutch Parts 189 1954 Bel Air Sport Coupe 80 1949 Grille Exploded r r 195 1954 Bel Air Four Door Sedan r 4 81 1950 Grille Exploded t 4 4 196 1955 Passenger Front End 4 4 82 1951 G rill e Exploded r 197 1955 Two Ten Four Door Sedan r t 83 1952 Grille Exploded r 4 198 1955 Bel Air Sport Coupe 4 84 1953 G rill e Exploded 199 1955 Bel Air Four Door Sedan 85 1954 Gtrille Exploded 4 200 1956 Passenger Front End 4 86 1955 Grille Exploded 201 1956 Two Ten Four Door Sedan 87 1955 Grille Enizploded r 202 1956 Bel Air Sport Coupe 4 4 88 1957 Grille Exploded 4 203 1956 Bel Air Four Door Sedan r 4 89 1958 Grille Exploded 204 1956 Bel Air Sport Sedan t 4 4 90 1958 Corvette G rille Exploded 204A 1957 Passenger Front End r 4 91 1947 53 Utility Grille Exploded r 205 1957 Bel Air Convertible 4 92 1954 Truck lZ3ril1e Exploded r 206 1957 210 Sport Sedan 4 93 1955 56 2nd Series Truck Grille Exploded 4 r 206A 1957 Bel Air Sport Coupe r t r 94 1955 58 Oil Pumps t 228 1957 150 Four Door Sedan 4 4 r 95 194 0 52 Oil Pump Exploded View 229 1957 Passenger Bear End r 4 96 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1055 1 55s511 151 Fr r 1 End 07 Starting Motor Solenoid Switch 237 1958 lmpala Sport Coupe 4 r 4 98 i miO r lz Volt 4 238 1050 11115515 C 11v5111b15 r 95 Generator Output Chart 4 r 239 1050 051 Air 51 r1 55 1 r 100 616661661 swrernr r r r 240 1050 1551 Arr TWO 0 r 5 1 rr r 101 Bqirery 666 611 666 cube pens r r r 26211 262c 1050 B1s55Yn5 551111 15591 54 1 rr r r r r 102 Six Cylinder Ignition Distributor 263 1050 041r v 1 r 0 r 55r1 rr 105 1666 66 E5 oyi Ignition Distributor r r r 264 1050 1 Sr 5r 11 5 r Errd Bmpr 1r 1 1 104 1955 ESB 6 cz yi 1 61111166 orsrribmr r r 4r 266 1055 55 0 rr5115 Fr rr111 1 r 105 1956 523 irrwr Spinner Type Distributor r 4 r4 r 266 1055 55 C 1v5115 r r r r r 4 r 100 1956 11 ail and Stop 1 amp Exploded 283 1050 57 C rv5115 1 107 1958 rmi and 616 pi mp r x 16d66 4 r 4 283 1050 57 0 rv511s with A rr1r rv T 100 1955 Sealed Beam riwdiump 4 r 4 4 r 293 1958 Corvette Front End 109 1958 Sealed Beam Headlamp 4 4 4 293 1050 Corverts 1 110 1955 56 Horn 6 i 6i Pme r r r4 296 1050 C91 1 5119 11591 E111 1 111 Drrectional Signal Assembly r 302 1947 53 Suburban Carryall with End Grate 112 FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 1 3Z 1 11cgv 11 1 11 111 irgm Passenger Single Exhaust System 4 4 331 957 ggmeoggirrigiuc 10111 11 U5 1957 Passenger Chassis with Dual Exhaust 4 332 957 3000 Serie PGM Ttil Ck 7 7 116 1958 Passeriger Dual Exhaust 333 Four Barrel Carburetor Flange Gasket 342 11957 3000 511111111 P1111111111 T111C11 1 7 117 Manual Choke Ccirlouretor 346 1957 6000 911911 Stake Truck 7 118 Carburetor Fasat ldling Linkage r 4 346 ENGINE Carburetor I E xploded View 4 347 1953 58 Six Cylinder Engine As5y Tylpicql 4 119 A11 1 O1 1 1 1I1C T11 101l9 CClI1Z uY9iOI Six Cylinder r 348 1953 58 Six Cylinder Engine Assy Cross Section Typical 120 19125 110111 1 1 Carburetor 3119 1953 58 Six Cylinder Engine Head Cmd Manifolds Typical 121 1955 Carburetor Horn Exploded r 350 1 1 1955 Carburetor Throttle Body Exploded rr r 351 1953158 Sm Cylmder Engme Block Tyvpma 1 122 1956 Floohester Four Barrel Ccirburetor Air Horn Assy 352 1055 50 5111 CY1111 151 151151115 C m511 11 C11 111k511 111 Cmd 011 1956 57 Rochester Four Barrel Carburetor Throttle Body 1 6 120 mei Bswi V 4 4 4 4 666 1055 55 5i r Cv1r 1 5r Errsirre 11 1 5r Arm rrrrd Prrrtr 1 v1 i 1 124 1666 67 Dual Four Barrel cqrbuwror Linkage 4 354 1055 55 V 0 Errsirre 1 1e d d Manifold T ypi l i 125 19157 58 Fuel Injection Assy 355 1955 58 V 8 Engine Block Typical 126 1957 58 Fuel lnjection Air Meter Assy 356 REVISED JULY l 1958 O