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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958 |

Iz z r I r Windshield Plt SS ENGER j C 0 Doors BODY PARTS SE TI Nt 10 351 M0dl lltS ll9z9 1958 Front Door Ventilator The identifying lob numbers used to designate model usage in tltiiwas Passenger Body 10 650 section are identical with the style number appearing on the Body Name Plate This 1 style number may be interpreted tqgive complete information as to the year Model Doc Window er1es and type of Body as shown below Reguluuu All correspondence and orders sllioulcl include the information sitmwn on the name m j g3 plate which is located as follows 1929 315 exc Roadster and Pha stc n On R H body sill und aarI floor mat 1929 315 Roadster and Phaeton On R H side of seat frame q 1937 515 On R H side of cowl EEe E1 ga EsEel 1957 First type On lower ce 1TI ter of cowl E 1957 Second type On R H side of cowl under heater va l Ire ij 1958 On left of center of cowl l0vrn Z2 from top of cowl Rear Ccnmpart T r i g z H m lE Lid CHEVROLET DI VI IOtN 112 11181 t GENERAL EE MI M1 YEAR W CORRESPONDENCE PE TMNING TO THE ZZ I som Must BEAF EEESEEH 7v BERS X f I t E SERIES w d P 1 O M n v wps 12 428 I STTYLE No lss Is 41 I i Z ZZZZZ I A II T O RY C l BO DY N0 l L p IDIEMITIFICATION Braces and 1 N N0 3 JIQI m I rRITII I DESIGN Brackets I f AIMII MATERIAL 1 2 4650 I 900 PAIINT No d L C C L OR COMBINATION BODY BY FISIHEER Body EE E 2 Sheet Metal 1 2 803 All Modells including Convertible Station Wagon and Sedan Z Z atit very are referred 1 PASSENGER O Us Folding Top Convertible C 1 1v Sedan Delivery 1 Sdl 3 346 Bel Air IB A Coupe 1 Cpe Sport Coupe Spt Cpe Station Wagon O 111t im Station Wagon Steel Sta Wag S Assemblies Wood Sta Wag W Sport Sedan Spt Sed E4 630 Sport Models Spt Mdls See Chart immediately following this page for typical listings ot rrinodels by number seat cushimls and Trim t 1l4 799 See passenger Body IMcI Iiel Number Sheet for Nl I I Iiel Numbers Floor Mats j and Carpets I 1l5 Z86 Commercial Body Nloclel Identification Sheet Shown at Group 16 000 Y T are age Q 15 490 15 534 815