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Parts and Illustration Catalog 44N February 1991 |

1985 CARPET TYPE EILY IVIOEIIEIL 15 512 Using Carpet Charts 1 Identify your model and trim combination When viewing the trim combinatgon tnote that the chart provides only the last digit of the trim com ina ion 2 View type of carpet material for proper location 3 Retugn to catalog group for part uaing type of material color and mode TRIM LOAD REAR SEAT TO MODEL COMB DOOR FLOOR m BACK WINDOW PNL KICK PNL 4NJ27 B N TRIANON 4NJ27 C 2 TRIANON 11986 CARPET I Y P EE ELY MODEL TRIM LOAD REAR SEAT TO MODEL COMB DOOR FEEEP m BACK WINDOW PNL KICK PNL 4NJ27 B N D TRIANON 4NJ27 C 2 TRIANON 4NJG9 B N TARA 4NJ69 C 2 TARA 11987 CARPET l Yi P EE BJY MODEL TRIM LOAD REAR SEAT TO MODEL COMB M DOOR FLOOR m BACK WINDOW PNL KICK PNL 4NJ27 B C D TRIANON TAHOE N 2 4NC69 C E 2 TRIANON TAHOE 1988 CARPET TYPEE BY MODEL TRIM LOAD REAR SEAT TO MODEL COMB mmm DOOR FLOOR w IBACK WINDOW PNL KICK PNL 4N27 B C 2 TARA TAHOE TARA 4N69 E G TARA TAHOE TARA 1 I I Y 1991 GENERAL MOTORS i5ERV ZZE PARTS OPEiR ATIONS BUICK 44N 2 91 1 1 1 15 512