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Master Parts Catalog April 1950 |

Weathercord Body hinge pillar 14 665 1 Wheel hub clamp ring 5 820 1 Vindshield weatherstrip 10 030 16 040 Weathercord Body lock pillar 14 735 1 Wheel hub deflector 8 323 V1 indshield wiper Auxiliary 10 145 W strip Back window 16 469 16 470 1 Wheel hub Front 6 307 Vllindshield wiper blade 10 146 16 062 W strip Deck opening cover 17 715 Wheel hub nut 5 813 Windshield wiper arm 10 147 16 063 W strip Door opening 10 694 16 225 Wheel hub nut lock 5 830 Windshield wiper arm spring 10 147 W strip Door glass lwr sash channel 10 696 Wheel hub oil deflector 5 815 Windshield wiper motor 10 150 16 064 W strip Door window garni sh Wheel hub oil seal r 5 822 Vllindshield wiper motor grommet 10 152 mldg 11 084 11 102 16 290 Wheel hub Rear 5 806 Vifindshield wiper washer 10 152 W strip Door window front 16 183 16 470 Whee 1 hub spacer 5 811 Windshield wiper pipe W strip Door window glass 16 183 VVheel inner bearing Front 6 311 fittings 10 154 16 066 W strip Door header 16 223 Wheel inner bearing cone Front 6 314 V1 indshield wiper connector W strip End gate and rear Wheel inner bearing cup Front 6 316 hose 10 155 16 066 comp 12 269 17 185 17 190 Wheel locking ring 5 839 V1 indshield wiper tubing r 10 155 V1 strip End gate glass r 17 190 Vlfheel outer bearing Front 6 313 Windshield wiper ret dr spring assy 10 158 W strip Fldg top front roof rail 14 060 Wheel outer bearing cone From 6 315 Windshield wiper trans 6 link a ssy 10 159 W strip Fldg top side roof 1 VVhee1 outer bearing cup From 6 317 Vxlindshield wiper trans gskt G ret 1 0 160 rail 14 120 14 190 14 260 1 Wheel spindle lubrication fittzng 6 026 Vlindshield wiper control parts 10 163 VV strip Front door ventilator 10 652 1 VVheel Steering 6 513 VVindshie1d wiper control W strip Front door window outer 10 710 Wheel supt shaft bearing knob 10 164 16 067 W strip Partition window glass 17 254 1 spacer 6 403 6 408 VVindshield wiper control conn link 10 167 VV strip Qtr window glass 11 015 W heelhouse access hole cover 6 V1 indshield wiper control conn link Vi strip Qtr wind lwr sash channel 11 027 gskt 12 944 grommet 10 168 W strip Qtr window garnish mldg 11 116 1 Vghigelhouse inner quarter panel 12 944 zgingslliiex wiper link and rod W strip Rear door window 10 774 V1 ic Distributor 2 364 1 in s ie wiper parts VV strip Rear door vent 10 822 1 Wick Generator oil 2 301 1 Windshield wiper suction pipe 16 066 zx sirip Bgecgr corrgp pgn 12 987 ggiiiglcigrgxirmotor 1 wiper cover plate s rrp 1 e roo rar 1 3 10 721 14 120 14 190 14 260 Window division rnldg Back 11 216 1 Wiper arm Rear window 11 251 W stri Side window 17 136 Window lass and reveal mldg 1 Wiper motor parts Rear window 11 255 strip in s ie 1 c anne ac Y iper mo or ear win ow W P W d h ld 10 030 16 040 h 13B k 11207 1 VV t R d 11254 W strip Windshield side rail 14 115 Q VVindow glass Back 1 1 1 1 2 C14 1 6 464 V1 ire Coil toldistributor 2 171 V1 edge plate Door dovetail 1 V1 ndow glass reveal rnlog la k 1 1 208 VVire Headlining listing supt 12 955 bumper 1 10 584 16 420 E V1 indow glass run channel cznd ret V1 ire Horn button contact 2 819 Weight Distributor 2 388 Back 11 223 1 VVire Ignition 2 525 Weight Exh mfld valve shaft 3 655 3 Window reg handle escutcheon 1 0 806 1 Wire Matched horn 2 859 V1 elch plug 8 970 1 VVir1dow regulator Back 11 224 1Nire socket Rear license lamp 2 714 Wheel bearing ball and 1 Window shield 9 694 Wire Spark plug 2 240 t 6 318 6 319 W e bl d R 2 11 252 1N re St rt t 1 ll l k 2 096 Whilelxlgleglring felt packing front 6 326 1 lll 133121vNv colltrinl plzglls liectzr 11 253 1 V1 lre l a 11 2 646 Wheel bearing spacer 6 324 1 W indlshie1d anchor nut and filler 16 012 1 Wire unit Fri seat cushion back tie 11 419 Vi heel carrier 7 751 1 Vi inclshield defrostter and parts 9 779 Wire unit Spark plug and distributor 2 239 Wheel carrier bracket 7 753 Vt indshieldl div mldg filler 1 0 054 16 012 Wires Starting and lighting 2 525 Wheel carrier bolt and nut 7 759 11Vinclshield division moulding 1 0 052 16 017 1 Wiring harness Body 13 090 Wheel carrier clamp bolt extension 7 634 1 Wlinclshielcl division moulding Wiring harness Fldg top control 14 494 Wheel carrier clamp 7 766 1 lnrier 10 0513 16 018 1 Wiring harness Volt control to gen 2 503 Wheel carrier clamp bolt 1 7 769 1 1NindshielC1 division outezr cap 16 017 Wiring harness Chassis 2 555 Wheel carrier centering plate 7 783 Vi inclshielcl frame 12 807 Wiring harness Parking lamp 2 596 Wheel carrier centering plate pin 7 784 Ninclshielc1 frame assy 16 010 I Woodruff key 8 960 whee1 carrier lopk assy 7 675 1 1xi n 1s11tie1c1 frame bp torri and side ixorm ggear thgust collar hee carrier p ate 7 752 inc s ie c garn m g escn lil r z t orm t rust earing retainer 5 Wheel carrier roller 7 780 Windshield garnish moulding 1 0 051 16 013 1 Wrench 8 621 Wheel carrier spacer 7 762 1 Windshield garnish rnldg rn1Ec t 16 014 Wrench Spark plug 2 273 Wheel carrier strap 7 778 1 Windshield glass 10 027 16 005 1 Wheel carrier track assy 7 779 1 Wlndshield glass channel 10 092 16 010 Y Wheel carrier track bracket 7 781 1 Windshield header panel 16 562 1 Wheel carrier track member 7 782 Windshield lwr reveal rnldg ret 10 096 11 11 i1 S Eg Wheel carrier tee bolt and nut 7 786 1 Windshield opening rnfct 10 052 16 017 1 P 1 E Yoke Double reduction shifter 5 490 Wheel carrier tire guide 7 788 1 Windshield rail 16 553 1 Yokp End B 946 Wheel cover mldg and parts Rear 8 176 1 Windshield regulator Z 0 107 16 045 1 1 1 1 Yoke Fldg top vac cyl shaft 14 478 Wheel cover panel Hear 8 175 1 Windshield reveal rnoulttiing 10 1193 lb 041 1 Yoke Geurshih 4 303 Wheel cover panel seal 8 177 1 Windshield scraper and sealer 3 799 Yoke Universal jbhh 55 Wheel cylinder bleeder screw 4 666 Windshield side rail w strip 14 115 Wheel cyl adj pinion shaft spring 4 678 Windshield stop 1 6 058 Z Wheel disc and trim ring 5 871 Windshield to side roof rail brc 1 e 12 735 1 Wheel Front and rear 5 803 1 Windshield washer unit 8 798 1 Zipper Back curtain 13 392 701