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NEW PARTS OR ACCESSORIES RETURNED FOR CREDIT Instructions for Dealers A New material which a dealer desires to return for D Ship the material PREPAID to General Motors Parts credit is of four general classifications Division Warehouse to which the dealer normally 1 MATERIAL RETURNABLE UNDER 30 DAY RETURN r ds hrs sms d S CLAUSE OF SELLING AGREEMENT INCLUDING MA Retain the number 4 copy of PC 659 as dealer record TERIAL ORDERED OR SHIPPED IN ERROR of shipment 2 E T P DEF C IVE NEW ARTS With return goods shipped in error by GMPD the dealer 3 DEFECTIVE NEW ACCESSORIES may attach original transportation receipts to the Nos l and 4 SURPLUS STOCK 2 copies of PC 659 and credit for transportation expense Parts and Accessories should be written on separate PC 659 will be Ow d application for Authorization to Return New Material Parts or Accessories of only one of the above classifications should be cr Defective New Parts written on one application When items of more than one classi fication are to be returned a separate application should be 1 New pqrts found tn be detective before installation has used for each group occurred will be returned by the dealer to the Parts Ware All material of classifications l or 4 to be returned is to be in house on Form PC 659 new cmd Sdluble Condrrrgrr The following information should appear on PC 659 B Material returnable under 30 day return clause at A Cm Division with which dealer is Contracted selling agreement including material ordered or shipped Bl Zone Ofiive Address in error C Warehouse Location D D t 1 It is necessary in order to properly identify returned parts E Da T d dd or accessories and thereby expedite the issuance of credit eu sr S Hume an G wss to the dealer s account that form PC 659 be prepared by F Ncrrurg of detest the dealer in four copies at the time the materials are being G Name of part returned By showing the required information on this form H Quuuury re be returned it not only serves as a packing slip to identify the shipment I Packing Slip Number but also as an invoice from the dealer to Chevrolet Motor D W h 9 r C rved rrOm Division for the materials returned thereby facilitating the are OuS E 9 prompt issuance of credit to the dealer s account K Dura Received L R f t PC ess should show S r re um A Cm Division with which dealer is contracted The completed application in four copies is to be mailed to the General Motors Parts Division Warehouse EI Zone Office address C Warehouse Locutiou The numbers 3 and 4 copies of the application will be re turned to the dealer showing disposition to be made of goods D Date E Dealer s name and address On receipt of these documents the dealer will handle the F putt Number return ot items coded R in accordance with procedure G Name of purr outlined in Paragraph B 2 A C D E H Quantity to be returned I puekjug Sup Number 2 New parts found to be defective after installation are to be I Warehouse received from ticriridled on GSD 17 Application for Policy Adjustment as R Date Received L Reason for return Any failure of replacement service parts after having been placed in the car will be handled on GSD 17 Application 2 xrh L h 1 be mss for Policy Adjustment inthe mms mmm as R the part had w been installed in production A tg gv Ch Pm Wis GSD ts Rem sm The mom t r it mn apps 0 GSD 17 1 Quantity A Car serial number 2 Part Number B Mrrecrgei 3 Description C Date new part was originally installed Use space 4 PC 659 Number captioned Date of Delivery for this information B Muir 1 cmd 2 copies or PC 659 to General Motors D Dat labor was performed in replacing defective new Parts Division Warehouse to which dealer normally pur forwards his parts orders E Repmr Order number C Pack goods carefully for safe shipment using the No F R rrrrg r murerrdll 3 copy of PC 659 application as a packing slip G Date of application 656