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SUlPPLEMI NTA R Y DATA As GH 1ddlllOI 1 COI 1V BI l I1C l O pCI IlZEi I f1 1 l WG hC V assembled in this section some charts cit the most active i classes ot parts and other consolidated information for t quick I l I I C This data supplements the regular parts listing still shown in the usual group location czintd the chart or table form used will serve to tacilitzcrter the finding of parts Use crt the dimensional and othe r distinguishing data will provide a means ot id ent ltjyiit1g mixed stock matching parts from submitted sc1trnpl es etc INDEX Title Page N0 Bearing Chart V V V V 638 642 Door Check Link Chart V V 643 Locking Handle Locr Parts 644 Misce llan e0us Body Std Parts Chart 645 650 Paint Combination Chart V 651 653 Trim Combination Chart V V V V 653 Parts Exchange Plan V V V V V 654 655 New lParts or Accessories Returned for Credit V V656 657 Teleqraphic Codec VVV V V V 658 Casting Forging Stamping NoV Index 659 67O 637