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Dealer Parts and Accessories Price Schedule and Numerial Index March 1958 |

CREDIT FOR EMPTY FREON CYLINDERS P l R I NO 3875 GROUP 9 282 Credit for Deposit Charge 12 00 will he made by E I du Pont le Nemours and Company on complete Du Pont cylinders returned directly to the Du Pont Warehouses listed below rail freight collect Dealers located in the following states Maine Connecticut West Virginia New Hampshire Pennsylvania North Carolina Vermont New Iersey South Carolina New York Delaware Georgia Massachusetts Maryland Florida Rhode Island Virginia Return empty Freon containers to Mail copy of l ill of lading debit memorandum to E I du Pont de Nemours 81 Co Inc E I du Pont de Nemours 81 Co Inc Kinetic Chemicals Division Kinetic Chemicals Division Carneys Point New Iersey Penns Grove New Iersey Dealers located in the following states Washington California Arizona Also applies to Dealers serviced by Oregon Nevada Utah Great Falls El Paso Warehouses Return empty Freon containers to Mail copy ot bill of lading dc it memorandum to E I du Pont de Nemours Co Inc E I du Pont de Nemours 81 Lo Inc Kinetic Chemical Division Kinetic Ch emic al Division Du Pont California P O Bora Il Antioch California Dealers located in all other states return empty Freon containers to Mail copy of bill of lading debit E I du Pont de Nemours dz C0 Inc memorandum to Kinetic Chemicals Division E I du Pont de Nemours Co Inc 5215 Kennedy Avenue Kinetic Chemical Division East Chicago Indiana 52lS Kennedy Avenue East Chicago Indiana Du Pont cylinders bear an identzifiication marked K C UNC stamped in the steel shoulder and only cylinders of this type are acceptable Returned cylinders should be classitiecl on the bill of lading as Empty compressed gas cylinders old other than coppered or nickeled Eacch cylinder should have ci shipping tag attached showing the name and address of tl 2 consignee as well as ofthe Dealer making the return Tags for this purpose will be supplied by the Du Pont Company upon request n 42 9 ksvrsso JANUARY 1 1959 PIA 26