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1973-78 Truck Illustration Catalog February 1982 |

l GROUP 17 000 e TRUCK LOAD CARRIER PARTS ALPHABETICAL INDEX A CLIP End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 CLIP Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 CLUTCH End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 APPLIOUE 17 507 COMPARTMENT ASM Tool Stowage 1 APPLIOUE Body Inside Top Front and Rear Compartment 17 510 Trim Parts Formerly in this Group are now CONTROL ASM End Gate Lock 17 198 I in Group 16 575 575A 17 112 CORNER Luggage Roof 17 070 APPLIOUE End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 17 215 COVER ASM 17 110A APPLIOUE White Striping Sport Truck COVER End Gate Transfered to 17 225 17 635 COPO9G4 STEPSIDE COLOR STRIPING COVER End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 COPO9G5 FLEETSIDE COF O9G6 COVER End Gate 17 225 WIDESIDE 17 507 COVER Luggage Roof 17 070 COVER Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 COVER UNIT Pick up Box 17 090 CROSSMEMBER ASM Luggage Roof 17 070 l B CYLINDER ASM End Gate Lock 17 198 CYLINDER ASM Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 BASE Luggage Roof 17 070 BASE PLA E Luggage Roof 17 070 BEZEL End Gate Lock 17 204 D ff BOARD Floor Universal 17 400 BOLT ASM End Gate and Rear lDoor Decoration 17 215 DECAL 17 507 BOLT End Gate Transfered to 17 225 17 635 DECAL Body Side 3 17 507 BOLT End Gate Support 17 202 DECAL End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 17 215 BOLT Platform Mounting 17 447 DEFLECTOR UNIT Luggage Roof 17 070 i BOLT Stake Rack 17 490 DOOR 17 1 10A BOLT Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 DOOR ASM Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 BOX UNIT Pick up Box L 17 090 DRIVER End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 1 BRACE Platform Cross 17 405 ng BRACE SHIELD Body Load Carrier 17 505 BRACKET End Gate Support 17 202 BRACKET Lugtgage Roof 17 070 E I BRACKET Pla orm Cross 17 405 C BRACKET Platform Rear Rub with Pockets 17 445 I BRACKET Roof Parts Formerly in this Group IEMBLEM 17 507 are now in Group 16 585 17 060 END GATE Lock and Hinge Transfered 17 198 BRACKET Stake Rack 17 490 17 208 17 625 BUMPER 17 110A ESCUTCHEON UNIT Q 17 507 BUMPER End Gate Transfered to 17 225 17 635 ESCUTCHEON End Gate Lock 17 204 BUMPER End Gate Suppoit 17 202 ESCUTCHEON End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 BUMPER End Gate 17 225 ESCUTCHEON Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 Y BUSHING End Gate Closing 17 208 EXTENSION SHlELD Body Load Carrier 17 505 i EXTENSION 17 110A EYELET End Gate 17 225 I C F CAM ASM Upper End Gate 17 190 CAP Body Side Window Parts Formerly in this o Group are now in Group 16 460 17 136 FASTENER Body Side Window Parts Formerly W CAP End Gate Support 17 202 in this Group are now in Group 16 460 17 136 CAP UNIT 17 507 FASTENER End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 CARRIER UNIT Luggage Roof 17 070 FASTENER Stake Rack 17 490 CASE ASM Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 FASTENER Upper End Gate 17 190 CHAIN ASM End Gate Transfered to 17 225 17 635 FlLLE R Sl IIELD Body Load Carrier 17 505 CHAIN ASM End Gate 17 225 4 CHANNEL ASM Upper End Gate 17 190 4 CLEAT Stake Rack 17 490 CLIP 17 507 V CLIP End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 17 215 I CLIP End Gate Lock 17 198 I WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 51 1 1 1 A INDEX S