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1953-75 Corvette Parts Catalog September 1974 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX BEARING UNIT Crankshaft Front 1 Upper BOLT Connecting Rod Clamp 0 609 and 1 Lower 0 096 BOLT Coolant Pump 1 073 BEARING UNIT Crankshaft Front BOLT Crankcase Front End 0 206 Intermediate 1 Upper and 1 Lower 0 099 BOLT Crankshaft Bearing Cap 0 056 BEARING UNIT Crankshaft Rear 1 Upper BOLT Cylinder Head 0 293 and 1 Lower 0 106 BOLT Differential and Planet 5 510 BEARING UNIT Crankshaft Rear BOLT Differential Carrier Cap 5 506 Intermediate 1 Upper and 1 Lower 0 103 BOLT Door Hinge to Hinge Pillar 10 463 BEARING UNIT Transmission Rear Unit 4 187 BOLT Door Window Regulator Manual or BEARING UNIT Transmission Sun Gear and Electric 10 792 Parts 4 159 BOLT Engine Attaches to frame side rails 7 011 BEARING Universal Joint Yoke Trunnion 5 566 BOLT Engine Mounting Small Attaching 0 002 BEARING Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder BOLT Flange Plate 5 002 Piston 4 924 BOLT Flywheel to Crankshaft 0 669 BELLOWS Windshield Washer 10 153 BOLT Flywheel 0 679 BELT ASSY Seat and Shoulder 14 875 BOLT Folding Top Compartment Lid 12 242A BELT Fan Gen and Accessory Drive 1 066 BOLT Folding Top Compartment 12 170 BELT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump Drive 6 660 BOLT Folding Top Front Roof Rail 14 080 BEZEL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air BOLT Front and Rear Bumper Shock 7 840 Distributor Outlet 9 264 BOLT Front or Rear Bumper Bar Mounting BEZEL Antenna 9 647 and Attaching 7 874 BEZEL ASSY Air Cond Evap Air BOLT Front Door Window 10 783 Distributor 9 262 BOLT Front Fender Moulding 8 133 BEZEL Door Outside Handle 10 536 BOLT Fuel Tank Strap 3 023 BEZEL Emergency and Safety 2 575 BOLT Generator See 2 317 for Brace 2 277 BEZEL Fiber Optic Conductor 2 583 BOLT Generator Through 2 316 BEZEL Gas Tank Filler Neck Compartment 12 945 BOLT Generator 2 313 BEZEL Headlamp rim or door 2 728 BOLT Hardtop 13 346A BEZEL Heater 8 852 BOLT Harmonic Balancer and Crankshaft BEZEL Hood Also See Group 1 303 8 055 Pulley 0 662 BEZEL Ignition Lock 2 198 BOLT Hood Upper Lock Plate 8 085 BEZEL Instrument 9 743 BOLT Hub or Drum Front and Rear Whee 5 812 BEZEL License Plate 7 800 BOLT Low Sun Gear and Clutch 4 162 BEZEL Lighting Switch Rod 2 487 BOLT Main Cylinder Outlet Fitting 4 661 BEZEL Muffler Tail 3 705 BOLT Manifold also see groups 3 288 BEZEL Radio Instrument Panel 10 256 manifold to carb 3 613 manifold to BEZEL Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 exh pipe and 8 981 3 275 BEZEL Rear Compartment Lid and Rear End BOLT Manifold 3 602 Panel 12 182 BOLT Oil 1 652 BEZEL Tail and Stop Lamp 2 689 BOLT Oil Filter 1 840 BINDING Corvette Luggage Compartment l BOLT Oil Pan Attaching with Lockwasher 1 428 and Wheelhouse 15 294 BOLT Oil Pan Pump Suction 4 197 BLADDER ASSY Fuel 3 001 BOLT Oil Pump 4 203 BLADE ASSY Fan 1 064 BOLT Parking Brake Lever Anchor 5 158 BLADE Windshield Wiper 10 146 BOLT Parking Brake 4 765 BLOCK ASSEMBLY Cylinder 0 033 BOLT Ouarter Window Reveal Mldg 11 032 BLOCK ASSY Battery to Starter Switch BOLT Rear Axle U Joint 5 428 with Terminals Insulated 2 342 BOLT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 383 BOARD ASSY Windshield Wiper 10 150 BOLT Rear Axle Shaft Bearing 5 816 BOARD UNIT Windshield Washer 10 153 BOLT Rear Axle 5 387 BODY ASSEMBLY Painted and trimmed BOLT Rear Spring 7 529 with all hardware less instruments BOLT Rebuilt by General Motors supplied during production year 10 001 Transmission 4 115 BODY ASSY Air Conditioning less Clutch 9 170 BOLT Shock Absorber 7 380 BODY ASSY Carburetor Air Valve 3 757 BOLT Spring Center Front and Rear 7 506 BODY ASSY Carburetor Float 3 734 BOLT Stabilizer 7 240 BODY ASSY Carburetor 3 729 BOLT Starting Motor Internal 2 077 BODY ASSY Rear View 10 185 BOLT Starting Motor to Engine Attaching 2 042 BODY ASSY Transmission Main Valve 4 216 BOLT Steering Column Lock Bolt 6 500 BODY ASSY Transmission 4 256 BOLT Steering Column 6 760 BODY Instrument Case 9 746 BOLT Steering Gear to Frame 6 509 BODY Oil Filter 1 837 BOLT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump BODY Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 4 922 Mounting 6 606 BOLT Air Conditioning Compressor BOLT Steering Idler Third Arm 6 186 Mounting 9 171 BOLT Steering Knuckle Arm 6 104 BOLT Air Injection Reactor Pump Mounting 3 655 BOLT Steering Knuckle Lower Control Arm BOLT ASSY Clutch Release Lever 0 873 l Attaching 6 172 BOLT ASSY Rear Door and Quarter BOLT Steering Knuckle Lower Control Arm Moulding 12 118A Pivot 6 174 BOLT ASSY Seat Back 11 381 BOLT Steering Knuckle Upper Control Arm 6 178 BOLT Back Window Glass Reveal Moulding 11 209 BOLT Steering Shaft U Joint 6 525 BOLT Battery Hanger Clamp 2 334 BOLT Steering Shock Absorber 6 865 BOLT Belt Assy and Strap Unit 14 875A BOLT Trans 4 115A BOLT Brake Connector 4 671 BOLT Transmission Case 4 104 BOLT Brake Cyl and Pedal Shaft Also see BOLT Transmission Main Valve Body 4 217 group 0 847 for pedal shaft bracket 4 648 BOLT Transmission Rear Main Bearing 4 319 BOLT Brake Shoe Anchor Pin 5 056 BOLT UNIT Battery Cable 2 343 BOLT Camshaft Sprocket 0 738 l BOLT Valve Rocker Cover and Support BOLT Carburetor Body 3 741 Also See Group 0 366 0 413 BOLT Clutch Cover and Pressure Plate 0 862 BOLT Wheel Brake Also see Group 4 667 4 665 BOLT Clutch Pedal Adjusting 0 841 BOLT Wheel Carrier 7 632 BOLT Clutch Pressure Plate 0 864 BOLT Windshield Washer Access Door 10 130 BOLT Concealed Headlamp Control Drive 2 760 BOLT Windshield Wiper 10 150 BOLT Connecting Rod Bearing Cap 0 623 BOLT U Joint Trunnion and Yoke 5 586 1974 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET P A 30B INDEX 28