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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968
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E i 1 r T 7r C TRANSMISSION TURBO HYDRAMATIC TRANSMISSIONS The best means of identification is in the Carburetor to Transmission control linkage TH 350 Cable Control TH 400 Electric Control Group 4 169 First and second design forward and direct clutch dru ms A FRONT or mmsmissiou r DIRECT CLUTCH FW RC1 JTCH NEEDLE g mum BEARING Q ae WEQZER U l iLE Z I I Hou 4 I mg ll oinsgumurcu FWD RCJI ITCH FIRST DESIGN SECOND DESIGN Forward cmd Direct Clutch Drums REAR AXLE The best means of identification is to count the number of bolt holes on the differential carrier cover 12 bolts for 12 bolt ring gear and 10 bolts for 10 bolt 8 7 8 vs 8 1 8 dia ring gear IDENTIFICATION OF LIGHT DUTY TRUCK REAR AXLES Ser 10 1 2 ton trucks Chevrolet Rear Axles identified by a 12 bolt cover Dana Rear Axles identified by a 10 bolt cover Ser 20 3 cl ton trucks Chevrolet Rear Axles identified by a banjo type axle with a removable carrier Dana Rear Axles identified by a salisbury type axle without a removable carrier Group 10 563 First and second design door lock and locking rods EL LOCKING LEVER l cir LOCKING LEVER pi l li I O 1 L 33 5 S T IJ 5o AlE gigs EE EEE ENE f L EE L www Qi cue LOCKING nov Al I hir cur EARLY mso vnonucnou umn me monucnou First und Second Design I Door Lock und Locking Rods l9G9 CHEVROLET ivloroe DlVlSlOl l GENERAL lvioroes conpormlolv 149 REV 3 1 69