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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

64 Pass Corvette 3El6 1 2Ei5 314 50 2 56 to 1 ratr l lttrtcrtl Nota 19 20 l NOTE 19 Whoa trsrm on 1963 rriorials it is necessary to uso tlrra 1Q Ei olrrtcl lrotrsrog NOTE 20 hem trsrrrt on 1963 raotltzls transfer old slwiftor Iezvtzrs or irrstalt new lovers 64 Pass vv 7 11 axle 64 Corvette vv E 1 axc P Trat 331867268 314 50 2 20 to 1 2 m iz Note 21 1 64 Pass 8 vl oxo 4 11 4 56 ll Trax 64 jorvotta w P Trac oxr 4 56 313672157 314 50 2 20 to 1 ll ll ll1tI t Nott 21 1 NOTE 21 Loss tavors 64 Pass Crtrvatto 1 l lrUl T vv 4 56 axlt 1 1lB6 72 59 314 50 2 20 to 1 lMl tr1r to 1 65 Pass exit close ratio 65 tiorvottte oxo close tG1l0 Sp H Peer F I 3536 66767 Pass jorvtztto oxo rtloso ratio 68 Corvette axr P Trar vvr 3 55 1Xl 3 rilostz ratio 68 Pass 306 427 ext 3 55 3 73 txla close rtttro 68 Pass 6 15 x 15 t rro vv 3 55 ax o 396 427 1t c S S tzloso ratio 31911 5077 332 00 2 52 to 1 teritrrarrrttrwi lVlttrtt r 7 1 65 Corvattt Stn H Por vv F I vv 3 Y0 4 11 axle 65766 Pass t ast ratio vv 4 10 3 73 ltxlta 65 67 Corvtettt tzlosez ratio PxTr rr vv 3 70 4 11 ax 127 65767 Pass t lose ratio vvr P Trac text 815 x 15 tires 68 Corvtettxi Sr H Por vv tzloso ratio 327 68 Corvottw ltrloso ratio vv P Trat vv 3 70 411 axltx 427 68 Pass 1 lose ratio 3 55 3 73 axle vv P lTrat text 815 x 15 tires 3915085 332 00 llVll l K ll 1 65 Pass vp 3 axlo S cyl ox nlose ratio 66 67 Ct l 11 1p Tlilt vv Sp 1rt P r 1327 exc close ratio 68 Corvattrn HH Por t ll1l I l11IE1l carrier vv P liratz 327 68 Pass vu 3 55 3 73 axlrw 391 427 oxo 815 15 1I1 5S 3S l I5 79 332 00 l 1tirt i a 1 65 Corvrstto P Trqatg vv 3 08 331 3 55 axial 11 1 W 5 l 1 PQI 327 65 Corveet t 396 65 Pass lwloso ratio ttzxt P Trvirc 66 Corvtettt close ratio 3 55 31 axltv vv So llr Por 42 P 66757 Pass arlostz T l f l toxtz P Trlttt 3 73 axle 67 Corvtzttw 427 text P Tratt vv Z 70 411 axles 68 Corvottt close ratio 427 wx P Tratt 3 70 411 Pr txltz 68 Pass wloso ratio oxo P lratt 3 55 3 73 roar a 68 Pass ost7z ratio 3 55 axlo vvwli 15 x 15 tirtzs oxt S S 3 364 505 37500 2 20 to 1 alirmrrmm 1 ltmtzitz 1 66 Pass 327 31884603 314 50 2 54 to 1 ti st rrorw Sagiaavv 1 66 67 Pass l283 oxr 3 55 axle ttloso ratio 71969 CHE v F1Dl EET l IOTOR Dl lSlO l t3Elx E F1 xl 1 IOTORS COHPOR 1T ON REV 7 1 69 P 473 4003 4 003