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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968
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65 69 All vv P G 69 All vv T H 350 3789034 50 lBUSH lNG etitptit shalt 1 65 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8623943 1 84 BUSSHl l G etitptit shaft 1 69 All Blazer vv T H 350 6261033 50 BU 5l lllN reaction planet tzarrier sun gear 3 69 All Blazer vv T H 350 6261029 25 BUSHING rnptrt rihg gear 1 50 62 All Corvette vv PG ext 327 63 65 PaSS vv P G exe 327 409 63 65 Ser 10 20 G 10 vv P G 153 194 230 66 67 Pass vv PG exe 327 396 laxl Pelxee 66 Ser 10 D D G 10 vv P G ext 230 66 Ser 10 vv PG 6 50 16 7 00 15 7 17 5 ext 411 rr axle 33694428 20 PLATEE pinren shaft 0t l 3 1 heles Nete 2 1 62 Pass Cervette vv PG 327 63 Pass Cervette vv PG 327 409 63 Ser 10 20 vv P G ext 230 D D 3813637 20 PLA E prnien shaft l0e 1 57 61 Pass vv 1 G 3732254 25 RA C lE needle thrust nrt tvvtl 1 y I D x 23 gy 0 D 1 65 68 All vvtl H 8623203 91 Rl l EEi titrttirtit tzarrler snap 1 65 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8626112 1 84 Rll l EEl ftent internal gear 1 69 All Corvette vv T H 400 8626173 91 RI Ei snap trtitptit frent internal gear 1 69 All Blazer vv li H 350 6261039 15 Rll l EEl trans etrtptit t arrrt r ret te etltptit shaft 1 69 All vv T H 350 6261040 15 RIl jEi trans Otltptil ring gear sept te 0t T l 1 3l1 lll 1 69 All Blazer vv T H 350 6261066 15 R l Ei trans sun gear tlrivt shell retainer 2 50 62 All Cervette vv P G ext 327 63 65 Pass mt PG exc 327 396 409 63 65 Ser 10 20 G 10 vv P G 153 194 230 66 69 Pass vv P G ext 327 350 396 1 21XI Pelitce 66 Set 10 D D G 10 vv P G ext 230 66 Ser 10 vv P G 6 5016 7 00 15 7 17 5 ext 411 rr axle 7450410 01 RC ll lLE lengt anti shert plnren needles Note 2 A 8 57 61 Pass vv T G 457404 01 R lLl E t rear planet pinren needle P3 lengt 51 62 Pass Corvette vv P G 63 64 Pass Cervette vv P G exe 283 63 64 Ser 10 20 vv P G ext 230 D D 64 68 All Cervette vv P G 94 I7317 01 ROLLER plriterr needle 180 50 63 All Cervette vv P G 64 69 Pass tv PG ext 327 396 409 Taxi Peliee 64 65 Ser 10 20 vv PG ext 283 292 327 66 Ser 10 20 D D G 10 vv P G ext 230 292 3694432 05 S ZZFl El r let l plate vv Ieeltvvasher 12 24 x 1 t Note 2 3 58 62 All Cervette vv P G ext 327 63 Pass vv PG 1st design ext 327 409 63 Ser l0 20 vv P G 230 lst design 3751043 10 SPIMZEER lent and Shert plnien needle lrrg Note 3 A R NOTE 3 Use vvrth t arr1er vvrth levv sun gear thrust washer 62 Pass Cervette vvrP G 63 Pass Cervette vv P G 327 409 63 Ser 10 20 vv P G ext 230 D D 64 68 All Cervette vv P G 3789037 10 SPlY tC EER pinren needle l l illll lQ thrn 12 62 Pass Cervette vv P G 63 Pass Cervette vv PG 327 409 63 Ser 10 20 vv P G ext 230 D D 64 68 All Corvette vv P G 3789038 29 SlP Y C E R l l OY needle ltearlng threk 3 1969 Cl lEi 7 F10LET l IOTOR DIVlSl0N GENEERAI l IOTORS CORPORATlON REV 7 1 69 P avril 4 176 4176