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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

64 Sor 30 exc D D 3767666 1 65 fronl repair oarts Note 2 1 NOTE 2 Consists of 4 oarzh Pull Back Springs Hold Down Springs 8 Hold Down Springs Cups 12 Hold Down Pins and 2 Shoo Grrido Plates 5 028 SPRING Bralw Shoe Lover 38 50 Utility 46 52 1 Ton D D front and roar 38 52 HE JE KE KE AIVI AN BIVI DR ER FR GR HR JR KR roar 51 52 Utility 477440 10 front lll gy I D x Br long AR 5 030 PIN Brake Shoe Friction Spring 38 5 Utility front and roar 39 42 JE KE AIVI Bl I 38 52 1Ton roar 51 52 Utility 477443 15 front WB 15 l6 A R 38 42 Pass Ciornrn oxrz H D l Ton 46 50 Pass I 2 Ton front and naar 38 52 HE JE KE KF Al I AN BIVI BN DR ER FR GR HR JR KR 592418 15 front y r 19 E4 A R 5 034 PIN Brake Srlhoro ll ink 38 50 Utility front and roar 39 42 JE KE AIVI BIVI 38 52 1Ton roar 5 I 52 Utility 4 77444 40 front AR 46 52 1 Ton D D front 46 52 3 Q Ton 3680887 30 rear 4 5 041 PIN Bralke Slihoo 65 69 Corvette exc H D 5467815 66 front and roar retaining SAF x 3U r3y A R 65 69 Coryotto vr l l D Disc Brakos 1187319 18 front lrral r z shoe rctainar 5 r Q x 33 L1 18 938 2 67 613 Pass yy Disc Brakes 4 piston dosign 5456841 49 front lrraloa shoo rotainor 1 5 043 PIN UNIT ll lASHEFt NUT BOLT Ul lIT SPRIN 3 RETAINER LOCK Brake shoe lrlold Drovvn 38 42 Pass Comm 46 48 Pass I y 3 1 Ton 36968 30 10 front and roar front only on johs vv 14 roar hrakos AR 53 59 1Ton roar 53 55 Utrlity lst Sor l 65 G 10 67 Sor 30 D D vy Sgl Spd roar axle front 55 59 D D yy 7 50 x 17 tircs diials I4 lvrako 2nd Sor oxo 3 Spd 60 64 Sor 30 3702978 30 roar 8 55 59 3 1 1 Ton 2nd Sor oxo 4 VD 60 65 D D oxo Sor 10 front 55 59 Bq Ton 2nd Sor exo D D 55 59 D D 2nd Sor oxc Zl 50 x 17 tircs dtials T4 brake 60 64 Soi 20 4 D D D 3718045 20 rear 8 56 58 Pass Corvotto p Ton oro l p Ton vv P Trac 59 62 Coryotto oxo Nlotallirt Lrning H D Brake Siisrir front and roar 60 32 Sor 10 20 62 Sor 20 30 D D 3719280 20 front 8 57 58 Pass vv l letallio inrng s 53 50 Coryottee yy lVlotal io Lrnrngrs 61 62 Coryotto vv HD Brake strzasgw lVlr2ta lrr Lrnrngs 3759941 47 front zrnrit roar 8 57 59 Sor 3A vv 4 D 3750342 30 front wr sprrrrg 4 57 59 Sor 3E 3G vv 4 VD 60 62 Sor 120 4 D front 62 64 Sor 30 65 66 Sor 30 vv P Trac H Di rr Shocks L 196 9 CHEVROLET VIVIOTOR Dl ISION GENERAL IVIOTORS CORPORAT ON REV 7 1 69 P snr 5 026 5 043