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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

68 litiscayrrc Bal Arr 12 Dr J 6Et l 8910 25 SlJPP Ft 1 lrt st shldr strap hook 1Nota 3 2 68 15pt Seri SU PP FtT coat hook support 68 1 ass 1t tZ Spi Cpc Cow L 7789812 10 fra st shltlr strap hook 1Notc 3 2 lO l E 3 llsu vvrtlw 1st ttcsturr l outrlcr strap hool Mot rcqtrrrorl in thus group Soc arroup 111 714 E 8 4152 9 85 BOLT 12 t ass Cr rtrr ttte 63 Rasa 38147 33 40 BOl 11 scat ltrszlt to floor 11 r1r 20 x gy 2 63 68 tTJcr rt2ttr W slrtrttldtzr harncs E 7E1 74 5E3 40 B 1fl l scat trait to floor 13 r8 16 rg 4 64 613 Pass i8287 45 13 B1 lI l scat hott to floor 17 1p 2O x 13 1 Q AR 64 615 Pass 3841 314 13 B 0l 1 scat hult to floor 11 W r 20 x 1 1t AR B4 615 Pass 1Ei0 l 120 2 50 B 1 L 1 scat ht rlt rnhoard anchor 2 64 615 Prrrszer 4ESO 12Ut l 50 B 0l T fr Stt tE11 bolt otr anchor 1 6 20 x 111 64 rcnronrre 2 G5 615 P s 386151230 25 B T rrtrr sti at lrolt 17 20 x 1 2 G5 66 P 1Spt Sort B1ftl T lr an rt roar scat halt outar anchor 65 66 llttss 75832 21 35 lr scat halt rrrr anchor 17 Qrr 20 x 17 r 2 65 66 Pass f1 E5291Z154 25 B1Z T roar strat halt rnr and otr anchor AR 65 66 1 1 tax SPT SED 7138231220 35 B1 t T frt ant rear scat halt otr anchor 11 tr 20 x ll mw lzinr 2 H1 P ss Br0 t T 1 rt armt roar scat hclt rnr anchor 15 l rrr tt t sa KQ r 7 7 0982 40 ccnt c lrt sr rr ltult anchor rnnor 2 G l 77 0983 4 0 B Oll T lrt strat ltclt anchor outor 2 Bf 68 Pts 7700984 40 BrO 1 lrt sua lzolt anchor rnnor 2 f ii 613 l 2 B lZllL T rr stat halt anchor frt scat troll otr anchor fldg 2ntl st troll tnrzhor 2nr1 st anchor otr 68 tr 139 lh rss 7i 8784 40 rr s at slroulrlcr strap to lrraco AR 68 69 1 ss 7 7615 572 70 B 0 l T strat ht tt and shldr strap inncr 2 68 Sept 1 pr 1Io rt r vv stratrr l ut r t scat B1QtIt T frt st lrclt shlttr strap rnr 138 69 Frost W rr scat sltlrtr lrarrr 77009136 60 rr st hcl slrlttr strap 2nrl st halt shldr harn 2 69 1 r rtrctt 395151042 40 B 0 l l sltrrlr warn anchor platc rolnf 2 l l t rt trurrt tt rrr thas trroup scr gt mug l 1 r 1 39Z 1 5 73 71 B1 lll T 139 1 r r trr tt 395137125 1 50 Cll lllV scat lrtrtt 2 67 69 1 arprrrna w f c or tttrrrsolrr 67619 lrrrpaltt 15 S1 71913 584 05 NUT seem ltr t lwur l le ratarnr rr 2 68 1 ur tr 1 ll576 6 l l11l I roz r slrlrlr strap to lrracc 18 915 2 68 Fr ge 7799 4Cl7 65 C O t ER lrt Err 2211 shlrtr strap ant L strap cutout thlack 2 58 Fr 719941 1 65 COVER lrt scat shlrlr strap L strap cutout ldk plus 2 68 1 ss 7 79134 12 G5 C 0 t ER lrt ss tat shldr strap anc Lrstrap cutout dk mal 2 68 l was 77E1 1 4 l3 85 C O t ER it ficftl shldr strap anc L strap cutout tok turn 2 138 Fas 7799414 85 COVER 1rt s mat shlrir strap anc L strap cutout tntctl sttrtcllc 2 G8 Pass 7 799415 65 C 0 t ER tri scat slrlclr strap anc L strap cutout trncd gold 2 138 Fas 7 799 4 l6 65 COVER irt scat shldr strap apc l strap cutout tmccl nett 2 68 Pass 7T799 4 l7 65 C 0 1 ER lrt scat shldr strap anc l strap cutout clk groan 2 158 Pass 1c r LZ tlr isnt 4 tit Eicrl Sta r 1g 1 71 7 382 10 C O r ER 1rt st slrldrstrap stovv rst AR 159 Press 14 Dr r tvxrt Spr Sao 131 691516 15 Ctjllr ER lrt scat shlclr strap stovvaga 4 64 Q r trcttc 386451 S359 7 30 BPlA t C1KEE 1 swat halt outcr 2 85 615 C or rtattc 38971385 75 Bll1 ACll EiT sr eat halt stovvagc 1 15569 1Yorw ttc 38921275 95 BRA 1 Cll EE 1 strat halt calrlo 1 61 1 r r t ttc 3897408 35 BlRtAi Cll E 1 sraat halt stowagc 1 153 64 1 orvattc 3833248 2 18 BllU CtKEi T 1tSSY rrght bolt nttu 1 63 64 1 or1 rt rtr 38332 47 2 18 Bll11r3 Cll Ei 1 t SS l lcft halt rntg 1 63 64 1 u crtr 383121539 24 Cl 5E5 HIOl l st bolt mtg plate to frarnte rnnor trrackat 2 65 69 t ur rt ttt 3863625 3 30 CABLE ASt15 1 ss at lrolt lnncr 1 55 67 C r ro1t 38615037 3 72 CAE LEE A f5t 5 r 661 halt outcr 1 136 67 I1nr rcttc 1Spt Cpai 39076 27 3 72 CAI3 LEE ASt S r7 sltotrlc1ar harnress 1 69 Ijrtrwcrtt w5 111 rtl11lr rwrrrtass 3S S 5 1 13 1 45 3v l1ll E sltocrlder harness L l l 139 VItrr rt ttr mrrshotrlrlrr rrgtrncse Silii 5114 1 45 GUIDE slr r Jlclcr harness R 1 1 6121 1 rss ttm CONV 717515411 20 HOOK rtroult cr strap tbluol 115 388 2 88 lst t t1a tff pt 1 ipc 775513412 20 H1Z l K hr r l lor strap rtoall 115 388 2 158 69 i r r 1 ra 7 7513 13 20 H l1 l s rtorrlttcr strap lsaridlat 115 388 2 G8 P s r1ta rt Siu 1 1 ag 011 7j75154 I4 20 H 1 l1 K snoultlsr strap tgoldl 115 388 2 68 trrrprttu 1 r l rl r 1 l tP r litter 1 ag 7Etl 416 20 H 1t11 K S nr rrIt te2r strap 1grecn 115 388 2 158 rrrrualr r tu t Com BE LYzrprrt Sta 1 att H 7 3164 20 1 lU 11 K shoulrtor strap ttumruorsre r15 388 2 11 1 1 rtlr 3811 1131G 05 W t 15il 1 EF1 rarxirt ltclt AR J 19oij C lEV1t1LrL 1i1 I tfO lOl1 DIVISION 13EE1 lEl AlL MOTORS CORPORAT ON 1 E 7 1 69 r 14 9 2 14 875 14 875