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Truck Parts Catalog June 1971 |

RIVET Tie Rod 6 255 ROTOR Coolant Pump 1 109 ROD Accelerator Pedal 3 431 ROTOR Distributor 2 382 ROD Air Cleaner Intake Valve 3 415 ROTOR KIT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump 6 610 ROD Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 ROT R Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump 6 610 ROD ASSEMBLY Connecting Less Dipper 0 603 RUN ASSY Door Window Glass 16 200 ROD ASSEMBLY Four Wheel Drive Transfer RUN Door Window Glass 16 200 Case Shift Control 4 560 ROD ASSEMBLY Steering Connecting with internal parts 6 870 ROD ASSY Body Side and Rear 16 157 S ROD ASSY Rear Axle 5 415 ROD ASSY Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder Piston 4 924 ROD Back Door Inside Lock 16 333 SASI I ASSY Door Glass Sash 16 190 ROD Back Door Vertical Lock 16 332 SASH ASSY Front Door Ventilator 16 175 ROD Back Up 2 698 SASH Dloor Window Glass Upper and Sides 16 181 ROD Body Side and Rear 16 157 SCREEN Air Blower Mounting and Attaching 3 384 ROD Brake 4 625 SCREEN Air Conditioning Evaporator Core ROD Carburetor Air Valve 3 757 Housing 9 211 ROD Carburetor Choke 3 752 SCREEN Air Conditioning Evaporator ROD Carburetor Metering 3 806 Expansion Valve 9 214 ROD Carburetor Power 3 858 SCREENI Air Conditioning Compressor ROD Carburetor Pump Connector 3 843 Internal 9 172 ROD Carburetor 3 755 SCREENI ASSY Air Cleaner 3 410 ROD Carburetor to Accelerator Lever 3 430 SCREENI ASSY Air Conditioning Evaporator ROD Clutch Fork Release 0 787 Expansion Valve 9 214 ROD Clutch Pedal 0 854 SCREEN ASSY Air Duct Intake Outside Air 9 784 ROD Door Lock Remote 16 341 SCREEN ASSY Oil Pan Pump Suction 4 197 ROD Door Opening 16 600 SCREEN ASSY Transmission Case 4 105 ROD Drivers Seat 16 682 SCREEN ASSY Transmission Oil 4 248 ROD End Gate Hinge 17 625 SCREEN ASSY Transmission Oil 4 224 ROD End Gate 17 198 SCREEN Carburetor Pump 3 841 ROD Engine Fuel or Air Inlet Shutdown 3 485 SCREEN Oil Pump Intake 1 656 ROD Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case Shift SCREW Air Cleaner 3 403 Control 4 560 SCREW Air Conditioning Compressor Oil ROD Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case Shift Test 9 177 Control 4 555 SCREW Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 665 ROD Front Axle Tie 6 230 SCREW ASSY Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 110 ROD Fuel Pump 3 935 SCREW ASSY Flywheel 0 679 2 ROD Gearshift Control Hand 4 006 SCREW ASSY Fuel Tank Gauge 3 112 ROD Hand Choke with Button Wire and SCREW ASSY Harmonic Balancer and Tube 3 480 Crankshaft Pulley 0 662 ROD Hand Throttle with Button Wire and SCREW ASSY Steering Gear Ball Return Tube 3 481 Guide 6 843 ROD Lighting Switch with Knob 2 486 SCREW ASSY Tail and Stop Lamp 2 680 ROD Low Servo 4 228 SCREW ASSY Tail Lamp 2 688 ROD Main Cylinder Push 4 658 SCREW ASSY Transmission Main Drive Gear ROD Parking Brake Lever Release 4 594 Bearing 4 356 ROD Parking Brake 4 765 SCREW ASSY Valve Rocker Cover and ROD Starter Pedal Shaft and Link 2 029 Support also see group 0 366 0 413 ROD Steering Connecting with internal parts 6 870 SCREW Automatic Choke Thermostat Control 3 750 ROD Transmission Control Safety 4 054 SCREW Axle Filler and Drain 5 400 ROD Transmission Gearshift 4 035 SCREW Back Door Vertical Lock 16 332 ROD Transmission Throttle Valve Control SCREW Back Up 2 697 T V 4 050 SCREW Back Window Glass 16 475 ROD Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder Piston 4 924 SCREW Battery Cable 2 343 ROD Valve Push 0 426 SCREW Body Side Outer Panel 17 507 ROD Wheel Cyl to Brake Shoe Thrust 4 675 SCREW Brake Band Adjusting 4 253 ROD Windshield Wiper 16 063 SCREW Brake Cyl and Pedal Shaft Also see ROLLER ASSY Door 16 320 group 0 847 for pedal shaft bracket 4 648 ROLLER ASSY Transmission Reverse Shifter SCREW Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 110 Crank 4 293 SCREW Carburetor Air 3 730 ROLLER Camshaft 0 480 SCREW Carburetor Air Valve 3 757 ROLLER Direction Signal Lamp Detent 2 910 SCREW Carburetor Body 3 741 ROLLER Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case 4 520 SCREW Carburetor Choke 3 752 ROLLER Gear Shifter Shaft and Fork Yoke 4 312 SCREW Carburetor Choke 3 751 ROLLER Transmission Countershaft Gear 4 422 SCREW Carburetor Fast Idle 3 766 ROLLER Transmission Main Shaft Front Pilot SCREW Carburetor Fast Idle Cam 3 767 to Main Drive Gear 4 352 SCREW Carburetor Idle Adjusting 3 822 ROLLER Transmission Overdrive 4 467 SCREW Carburetor Idle Air Compensator 3 820 ROLLER Transmission Reverse Idler Gear 4 431 SCREW Carburetor Idle Stop 3 761 ROLLER UNIT Stator 4 117 SCFIEW Carburetor Idle Vapor Vent 3 852 ROLLER Universal Joint Yoke Trunnion 5 566 SCREW Carburetor Power 3 858 ROTATOR ASSY Valve Spring 0 309 SCREW Carburetor Pump 3 842 ROTOR ASSY Air Blower Drive 3 392 SCFIEW Carburetor Pump 3 841 ROTOR ASSY Generator 2 279 SCREW Carburetor 3 755 ROTOR ASSY Oil Pump Shaft 1 639 SCFlEW Carburetor Throttle 3 762 ROTOR ASSY Vacuum Pump 4 895 SCFIEW Carburetor 3 838 1970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL NIOTORS CORPORATION P A 31 155 INDEX