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Truck Parts Catalog June 1971 |

POWERGLIDE TRANSMIISSION 4 003 TRANSMISSION ASSY Less Hand Brake POWERGLIDE TRANSNIISSION 64 66 Ser 10 20 exc D D 327 7 00 x 16 7 17 5 tires 64 66 Ser 10 D D 230 exc 6 50x 16 7 00x 15 4 tires 3930903 1 358 30 Note 1 NOTE 1 It may be necessary to transfer the original park lock and range selector outer lever and shaft assy and the original throttle valve control outer lever assy 64 66 Ser 10 20 w 7 00 x 16 7 17 5 tires exc D D 327 64 66 Ser 10 D D w 6 50 x 16 7 00 x 15 tires 230 3884 619 1 376 05 67 G 10 20 exc 230 3952677 1 376 05 67 Ser 10 20 exc 327 D D 68 69 Ser 10 20 250 exc D D 3950410 1 376 05 Note 2 68 69 G 10 20 6 cyl 3950421 1 376 05 68 Ser 20 D D 292 3919373 1 376 05 w 6 bolt converter 68 Ser 10 20 D D 6 cyl exc 292 3919377 1 376 05 w 3 bolt converter Note 3 68 69 Ser 20 D D 8 cyl 392 706 1 376 05 Note 4 68 Ser 10 20 292 exc D D 3919369 1 376 05 Note 2 69 Ser 10 20 292 exc D D 3950408 1 376 05 No1 e 2 69 Ser 20 D D 292 3950415 1 376 05 69 Ser 10 20 D D 230 250 3950412 1 376 05 Note 3 69 Ser 10 20 8 cyl exc D D 3950403 1 376 05 Note 2 70 Ser 10 20 Conv 250 39618082 1 370 60 A 70 Ser 20 292 39618084 1 370 60 70 Ser 10 Conv 307 39618086 1 370 60 NOTE 2 Not used with 4 11 axle on Ser 10 unless 6 50 rx 16 7 00 x 15 7 75 x 15 8 15 x 15 tires are used NOTE 3 3 73 axle w 7 00 x 15 6 50 x 5 7 x 17 5 tires on Ser 10 D D NOTE 4 Not used with 4 10 axle on Ser 20 D D 8 cyl unless 8 00 x 16 5 6 8 and 10 tires are used REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS NOTE For 1958 to 196 I Turboglide Conversion unit see the main section of this group 58 62 All w P G 6 cyl 38312564 1 143 30 4 004 CONTROL ASSY Transmission Gearshift 64 66 G 10 w P G 38818901 1 29 05 w shaft and housing 67 70 G 10 20 w P G 38818946 1 27 95 w shaft and housing 4 005 GASKET UNIT RING UNIT SEAL UINIT Transmission 60 62 All w P G exc 327 3764407 1 4 35 Note 1 NOTE 1 Consists of 1 case gaslket 1 valve body to case gasket 1 ea right and left hsg side cover gasket 1 rr oil pump gasket 1 sewo cover gasket 1 governor cover gasket 1 oil pump suction pipe seal 1 body end plate gasket 1 drive valve body gasket 1 parking lock lever shaft oil seal and 2 O ring seals 63 68 All w P G 3910040 1 10 90 Note 2 NOTE 2 Consists of 1 each gasket trans low servo cover front oil pump body governor support body trans upper valve body plate trans transfer plate to upper and lower valve body trans vacuum modulator trans oil pan trans oil pump suction screen trans governor 1 each seal rear oil pump low servo cover front oil pump body oil throttle valve control shaft oil ring speedometer driven gear fitting trans clutch piston outer and inner 7 front oil pump to trans case bolt clutch piston outer 1 seal unit trans reverse clutch piston 1 seal assy trans parking lock and connector 2 gaskets for transfer plate to valve body upper and lower 1 seal filler tube O ring 69 70 All w P G 3958686 1 1 1 20 vv seals Note 3 NOTE 3 Consists of 1 each gaisket low servo cover front oil pump body upper valve body plate vacuum modulator oil pan oil pump suction screen governor 1 each seal assy parking lock and range seal 1 each seal unit reverse clutch piston 1 each seal rear oil pump low servo cover 2 each seal front oil pump body oil 1 each throttle valve control shaft oil ring speedometer A driven gear fitting trans clutch piston outer and inner 7 each seal front oil pump to trans case bolt 12 each gasket transfer plate to valve body upper and lower 1 each gasket trans to governor 1 each seal clutch piston outer filler tube O ring 50 61 All w P G iron 3928596 1 10 95 RING UNIT trans oil seal Note 4 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 31 7 REV 6 71 4 119 4 003 4 005