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Truck Parts Catalog June 1971
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5 645 VALVE ASSY FlTTlNG KlT SEAL 1SLEEVE Axle Vacuum Shift Check 46 55 All 1st Ser 2377963 A R 3 25 67 70 Ser 30 w 11 000 lb axle 8869146 1 7 75 Bendix 2505465 67 70 Ser 30 3752704 1 95 FITTINIG check valve Bendix 378579 Not required in this group See group 4 955 23817 77 86 KIT repair 60 70 Ser 30 3764293 1 95 KIT valve repair Bendix 379465 63 70 Ser 30 3764290A R 15 SEAL O ring valve Bendix 378907 67 70 Ser 30 3752703 1 40 SLEEVE control valve Bendix 378576 5 803 WHEEL RlM ASSY Front or Flear HUB SPOKE HAND HOLES HUB HOLE HOLES HOLE I iZ il 1 6 STUD B STUD VENTILATED STAMPED DISC WHEEL DISC WHEEL WHEEL RIMS Iollewing illustrations ara uoniplu al typ s ol rims which are part al u ml Ii s Th rirns r not sm RING s rvi d s p r t y and an ith r w l l d or riv t d to tha wh disc SERVKED Siunnm tm winm 5o nm wanna i Em www I I AMP RING j 5 szgitrn SEPARATELV 5 SIDE RING I5 stnvlczn smumr J ONE PIECE TWO PIECE THREE PIECE Ott pi rims S 15 or larger rims have IS Two pi rims Nan S t p r bud not and are Thru pi rims Nave a 5 leper bond nut and an tnpnr bud seat and an und lor tubalus tins us d only lar tube tires RPO vrh s nl 6 0 or 6 5 us d only ter tube tins RPO whuls el 7 0 ar 1 5 Smaller rims hou u S taper bud seat and are rim widths are of Z pi t design rim widths an ol 3 pine design used lor beth tub l ss and tub tiru nm wlnm mm NOTE OHs t is d l rmin d by NOTE Wheel part numbers do muwdnl EM difmnu nel include clamp or WHEEL DISC E h I y su rant the rim to th inner 0 lm side al the wh disc e OFFSET DISC TYPE WHEELS This section contains Model Usage and Prices for Disc Type Wheels For Wheel Size Tire size and other I description see the following chart titled Disc Type Wheels These two sections should be used in conjunction with one another to determine the correct wheel 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL ll IOTORS CORPORAT ON P A 31 EV 6 71 5 73 5 645 5 803