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lGENERAL DAT A SIX CYLINDER MODELS Comfmued Ave Ave LIST PRICE Bore S A E Ship Road With Factory Year Model Type of Car No of and Hm se Tire Size Wheel ping Wt Less No of Installed Built Cyl Stroke power base Weight Pass Pass Access I The following data covers all Series BA Passeingwr Cars Series BB Commercial Vehicles and Series N Trucks for the 1932 Selling Season 1932 onliecierate Plia t0n h 6 3 Q x3 26 3 18x5 25 109 2495 2585 5 495 00 1032 onier erate Lan an aeton i 3 xRM 20 3 181 5 25 109 2700 279 0 5 625 00 1932 oniederate Roadster 6 Ii xii V 20 3 181 5 25 109 2410 2500 2 445 00 1032 Confederate Sport Rozadstcr 6 Iiinizxli Q 20 3 181 5 25 109 2480 2570 4 485 00 1032 Coniederate Standard Sedlzm 6 3 qgx3 20 3 181 5 25 100 2750 28440 5 590 00 1032 gon fe erate Epecigl Sedan gi 3 1gx 3gQO 5 6 5 1032 oriiec erate Toac S 5 4 xZ 3 x l S 55 5 49 00 1032 Contiederate De Luxe Coach 6 Iihixli 20 3 lRx5 25 109 2065 2755 5 515 00 l032 oniiedcratc Standard Coupe 6 Zi i6xIi 26 3 18 5 25 109 2580 2670 2 490 00 1032 Confederate 5 Window Ups 0 1i 7ggx3 20 3 1Bx5 25 109 2580 2070 2 490 1932 0n1 ederute De uxe 5 VVind0w ipc 6 Zi x3 V 2Ii 3 181 5 25 109 2580 2070 2 510 00 1032 Tonliederate Sport loupe 0 fi H5iX3 2 20 3 18x5 25 I09 2045 2735 4 535 00 I932 Confederate 5 Pass Cuiiplli 6 Zi 5xIi 34 26 3 I8x5 25 I0 2700 2790 5 575 OO 1932 oniederate Cabriolet 6 35 gxfi f 26 3 18 5 25 109 2590 2080 4 595 00 1932 Confeclerute Sedan Delivery 6 35 sxfi 26 3 IBX5 25 109 2030 2720 575 00 1932 C on1 ederat z De Luxe Pzmel 6 3 3 26 3 18x5 25 109 2730 2820 585 00 1932 Confederate Spgxgul Yarn 6 qw gv ZF 3 18 V 25 IOQ 1970 2060 T assis 1 x 1 xo 365 00 4 4 Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1932 Confederate Com Ch 5 3 x3 M 25 3 187 5 25 1 00 1935 2025 345 00 4 Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1932 onfeclerate Com l Ch 6 3531 3 M 25 3 181 5 25 109 2270 2300 440 00 Closed Tab 4 Fenders and Spare Wheel included W32 Confederate Com l Ch 6 35lr 5x3 M 25 3 181 5 25 100 2465 2555 440 00 Closaecl jab Pickup Box 4 Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1032 C0 i cl te C0m l Ch 6 3 7 3 V 26 3 187 5 25 109 2370 2460 430 00 H c em L I V I U 6 qs 2 26 3 3O p n Cab jl l up Igggi 4 Fggiiirs and Spare Rim included 1932 Conf I te Yti 1 71 x X5 mnt 2 520 00 B Bm Single 7 7h q 1 S i i S NA 6 4 6 32xG Rem l 0ntJI enders and Spare Wheel included 1932 Conf l t Util Il T Ch 6 3l x3 3 2 3 301 5 Front 1J 065 3155 615 BL Cm P Single 7 ln eels S i ries VA 6 4 321 6 Rem Closed Cab Front Fenders and Spare Wheel ine 1032 Confedlemte Util 1 Lg I Ch 0 3 3 26 3 30x5 131 2855 2945 545 00 Dual Wheels Sei ies NB Frcml Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1932 Confederate Util 1 LQ I Ch 6 35T6 X3 20 3 30x5 131 3190 3280 640 00 Dual Wheels rrrr Series NB Closed Cab Front Fenders and Spare Wheel inc 1932 Confedlerute Util I LQ T Uh 0 3 q3x3 Ei 26 3 301 5 Front 157 2930 3020 575 Single Vheel lr rie a l I 7 32 0 tear liiiionlz Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1032 Confederate Iltil 1 Mg T Th fi Z1 igx3i 20 3 30x5 I r0 ut l i7 3205 3355 670 Single Wher ls ierieii N1 32x0 Rear 1 Tlosed Tab Frogit Fenders and Spare Wheel inc 1 7 IV il 1 I I f 35 KV 2 3 30 I FV 2990 080 575 00 1 H2 Cimfmemm Diial Wheels See1 iies N U mx 4 I X i I UI iZ Fenders and Spare Wheel included H 32 Confiederate Util 1 M I Th 6 iii 3x3 M 26 3 30X5 7 3325 34lfi 670 00 Dual Wheeler Series N Ji iljlimed Cab Front Fenders and Spare Wheel inn The following data covers ull Chevrolet I usnengm Vomimzrciai Vehicles and Trucks for the I033 Selling SCHBOD ALL I933 ZI E lR I E l l I I ELS r llgBEIII I lI I RP 36 3 0 A C I SERIES CA MASTER PASSENGER fE OlDi ilI S MAS TER IY I II ITY 1 I QN TRUCK CHASSIS Bore and Stroke 3 16 x 4 With 1 wont Ienders and Spare Wheel Included I i S 518 5 25 Wihteeliisse 1105 SERIES OA I3I Wheelbase List Price List Price Type N0 Ave Ave with Factory Type Ave Ave with Factory of of Ship Road Install 011 Tm Ship Road Install Car Pass Weight Weight Access Cnr Size VVe1ght Weight Access 5 WHEEL Phaetmi 5 2000 2710 515 00 5 N LE W EE l Sport Roadster 2 2555 55005 485 00 I Sedan 5 2830 2040 505 00 Chmgais 4 v3 X 5 pg 1 own Sedan 5 2705 55005 545 00 32 X 3 E 2333 2945 43000 onch 5 2770 255380 515 00 Toupe 2 21 2 77 4s s1 00 Closed C ub 30 x 5 1 Sport Coupe 4 2730 z 4o 5 s s 0o 32 x 6 R 3175 3295 570 00 Tabriolet 4 27 l0 2820 565 00 GVWIIEEL Phaeton 5 2050 15760 530 00 ER ES OE 13 wheelbase Sport Roadster 2 20325 157735 500 00 Sedan 5 2830 2000 580 00 I UAlL WHEEL Town Sedan 5 2 Si5 ZEKC 45 500 00 oacli 5 2820 1E 030 530 00 Chmmgs V r 4 30 X 5 F Coupe 2 2730 150440 510 00 3g X 5 2945 3055 5g5 g Sport Unupe 4 2780 1 1 90 550 00 Cebmiee 4 2700 2 470 58000 U d Mb X 5 329 M1 595 00 x o o SERIES CC STANDARI l I I Ei 5 WIIIIEL Ii d St k 3 Hi V5 ggiixgize to X 11 SERIES 157 Wheelbase heelbase 5 107 oach 5 24 25 2 015 45 00 SINGLE VVH1 EL 0 l r 2 2335 2425 44 7 00 r Sport Uoupc 4 2395 i Z l85 475 00 Chusms X 2920 3040 510 O0 x SERIES Cl MASTER l il IER 7l 4L M I I ELS Closed Cab 30 x 5 F M TON CHASSIS 32 x 6 R 3290 3410 600 00 4 Fenders and Spare VVheel Included Tore and Strokefliip x 1 ire Size 18 x 5 25 r ii n E d D 1 wheelbase 409 EiR IES OI 157 Wheelbase Se an e ivory 2750 i2 00 54 00 D i 5i4s1 4 isms anus i i 0o DUAL m L Special hassis 2025 2 I35 3457 00 4 nma with ciosed mi 2 45 miss 42 i uo Ch i f fp 3055 3175 535 O0 Ch w Closed Cab and Pickup Box 2505 2075 440 00 Cliassiis with Panel Hody 2750 2800 530 0l Closed Cab 30 x 5 F Special Chassis with Panel 2775 2885 545 00 30 x 5 Rn 3420 3540 625 V