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PHRASES OF SPECIAL APPLICATION NOT AS GENERALLY APPLICABLE AS THE PHRASES IN PRECEDING TABULATIONS BUT SUBJECT TO USE BY ALL DIVISIONS AND OTHER USERS OF THE STANDARD CODE 2000 F CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION reight Flint today M S 1 2001 Freight Tarrytown today glxggeggdivayl I O l I l l l l I I I U l I I l I I l l K l I 2002 Frcgght St Louxs today XMSSM 2102 Freighted Baltimore todo U U I l I l i I i U I l l l l l I I l I I AXIVIIKIIVSM 2003 Frcggbt Oakland today XMSSP 2103 Frcighted Iar1c villet0day U U ll inn U nuunuiw XIIIESP 2004 Frcgght Norwood today XMSSR 2104 You are to cxpxess Flint U UX lf R 2005 Fremht Buffalo today XMSSO 2105 You are to expncsa Tarrytown l A l l U I l I I l l h h I l I I l I l XIIE 2006 Frelght Atlanta today XMSSD 2106 You are to express St Louis today l I I I I I I I I I I l I 4 l CSD 2007 Frcrght Kansas Cxty today XMSSU 2107 You are to express Oakland today l I U l I l I I I A I XI r1 FSU 2008 Frerght Bloomfield today XMSSC 2108 You are to express Norwood t0d v I XM SC 2009 Frerght Oshawa today XM SS I 2109 You are to express Buffalo today I XM WST 2020 Freight Baltimore today XMSMS 2110 You are to express Atlanta today I l I l l I I x 1 5r s 2021 Frexght Jancsvxllc today XMSMG 2111 You are to express Kansas City today l l l l I I I I l XIl I C l 2010 Express Flint today XMSGS 2112 You are to expr ess Blcomfncld today H l I I I h I l I I h U I U l I I XM l v M 2011 Express Tarrytown today XMSGG 2113 You are to expr as Oshawa today XMl CCP 2012 Express St Louns today XMSGM 2114 You are to express Baltimore today I XM GCR 2013 Express Oakland today XMSGP 2115 You are to express Janesville today X MQLGO 2014 Express Norwood today XMSGR 2116 Expressed Flint today iXIMm G1 2015 Express Buffalo today XMSG0 2117 Expressed Tarrytown today l U I l i l l A XMFGU 2016 Express Atlanta today XMSGD 2118 Expressed Oakls nd today l I l I l XM GC 2017 Express Kansas City today XMSGU 2119 Expressed St Louis today I I xM 3 1 2018 Express Bloomfncld today XMSGC 2120 Expressed Norwood today r AXMGMS 2022 Express Baltimore today r XMSMM 2121 Expressed Buffalo today XM4I MG 2023 Express Janesville today XMSMP 2122 Expressed Atlanta today XMGMM 2019 Express Oshawa today XM SGT 2123 Expressed Kansas City today XM IGMP 2050 Require the following items tomorrow morning XMSOS 2124 Expressed Bloomfield today XM Z MR 2051 Require the following items Monday morning XMSOG 2125 Expressed Oshawa today XMCI M0 2052 Requne the following items Tuesday morning XM SOM 2126 Expressed Baltimore today XMGMD 2053 Require the following items Wednesday morning XMSOP 2127 Expressed Janes Jille today I XMIZQM L 2054 Require the following items Thursday morning XMSOR 2160 G M Parts Div Warehouse Flint Mich XMQDS 2055 Require the following items Friday morning XMSOO 2161 G M Parts Div Warehouse Norwood Ohio XM I l G 2056 Require the following items Saturday morning XMSOD 2162 G M Parts Div Warehouse Indianapolis Ind XM DM 2057 Parcel Post Open Account 40 Per Cent XMSOU 2163 G M Parts Div Warehouse Cleveland Ohio XMGDP 2058 Express Open Account 40 Per Cent XMSOC 2164 G MI Parts Div Warehouse Detroit Mich XMHZJDR 2059 Freight Open Account 40 Per Cent XMSOT 2165 G M Parts Div Warehouse Bloomticld N J XM l D0 2060 Parcel Post C O D XMSDS 2166 G M Parts Div Warehouse Philadelphia Pa XM SDD gxor s g garts giv warekousc ost n dM1 Fs XM PDU reng arts iv are ouse crt an e XM lf D j 2063 If unable to ship forward to factory XMSDP 2169 G M Parts Div Warehouse Buffalo N Y XM4 j DT 2064 If unable to ship cancel and advise XMSDR 2170 G M Parts Div Warehouse Pittsburgh Pa XMIIQUS 2065 Back ordering all items your order XMSD0 2171 G M Parts Div Warehouse Baltimore Md XM UG 2066 Forwarding to factory your order XMSDD 2172 G M Parts Div Warehouse Richmond Var XMCQLUM 2067 Cancelling unable to ship your order XMSDU 2173 G M Parts Div Warehouse Atlanta Ga XMIIZQUP 2068 For account of Chevrolet Motor Div XMSDC 2174 G M Parts Div Warehouse Charlotte N C XMG UR 2069 For account of Pontiac Motor Div XMSDT 2175 G M Parts Div Warehouse Louisville Ky XM UO 2070 For account cf Buick Motor Div XMSUS 2176 G M Parts Div Warehouse jacksonville Fla XMG UD 2071 For account of Olds Motor Works XMSUG 2177 G M Parts Div Warehouse Birmingham Ala XM X UU 2072 For account of Pontiac and Olds Dealer XMSUM 2178 G M Parts Div Warehouse Minneapolis Minn XM i UC 2073 For account of Buick and Olds Dealer XMSUP 2179 G M Parts Div Warehouse Chicago HL I XMG UT 2074 For account of Buick and Pontiac Dealer i XMSUR 2180 G M Parts Div Warehouse Des Moines In XM4 1 GS 2075 For account of Chevrolet Dual Dealer XMSU0 2181 G M Parts Div Warehouse Janesville Wis XMGCG 2080 You are to freight Flint today XMSGS 2182 G M Parts Div Warehouse Fargo N ll XMG LiM 2081 You are to freight Tarrytown today XMSCG 2183 G M Parts Div Warehouse St Louis M0 XML CP 2082 You are to freight St Louis today XMSGM 2184 G M Parts Div Warehouse Kansas City M0 XMGCR 2083 You are to freight Oakland today XMSCP 2185 G M Parts Div Warehouse Denver CoI0 XMGCO 2084 You are to freight Norwood today XMSCR 2186 G M Parts Div Warehouse Memphis Tenn XM F 2D 2085 You are to freight BuFfaI0 today XMSCO 2187 G M Parts Div Warehouse Omaha Neb XM ICU 2086 You are to freight Atlanta today XMSCD 2188 G M Parts Div Warehouse Wichita Kuna XM l IC 2087 You are to freight Kansas City today XMSCU 2189 G M Parts Div Warehouse Dallas Texas XM Z Z I 2088 You are to freight Bloomfield today XMSCC 2190 G M Parts Div Warehouse Oklahoma City Okla XM ITS 2089 You are to freight Oshawa today XMSGT 2191 G M Parts Div Warehouse New Orleans La XMG l G 2090 You are to freight Baltimore today XMSTS 2192 G M Part Div Warehouse Houston Texas XMGTM 2091 You are to freight Janesville today XMSTG 2193 G M Parts Div Warehouse El Paso Texas XMGTP 2092 Freighted Flint today XMSTM 2194 Gt M Parts Dgv Warehouse Amarillo l cxa XMC TR reig I te g Tagxiytoiwn oday garts Blv warelgouse gar1 1An ox30i 1 exas O reig te Oa an to ay arts nv are ouse a an ai A I D 2095 Freighted St Louis today XMSTO 2197 G M Parts Djv Warehouse Portland Ore XM G I U 2096 Freighted Norwood today XMSTD 2198 G M Parts Dxv Warehouse Lou Angeles Calif XM GTC 2097 Freightcd BuB Io today XMSTU 2199 G M Parts Div Warehouse Salt Lake City Utah XM Qi TT 2098 Freighted Atlanta today XMSTC 2200 G M Parts Div Warehouse Great Falls Mont XM MSS 2099 Freighted Kansas City today XMSTT 2201 We have collected cash covering delivery at your location XM MI SG M ACH I N E R Y 3000 Advise available surplus XPSSS 3027 Advise available snrplus hoists XPSM U 3001 Surplus available as follows XPSSG 3028 Advise available amrplus motors XPS IIC 3002 Furnish serial number selling price age and state condition XPSSM 3035 Surplus drill press available XPSQ O 3003 F urnish serial number gross and net book value transfer price 3036 Surplus lathes available XPS I D nge and condition XPSSP 3037 Surplus milling muchines available XPSPU 3004 Wire quotation and give delivery date for XPSSR 3038 Surplus gear cutters available XPSLPC 3010 Advise available surplus drill presses XPSGS 3039 Surplus tappers ax ailable XPSPT 3011 Advise available surplus lathes XPSGG 3046 Surplus threaders available XPSRS 3012 Advise available surplus milling machines XPSGM 3041 Surplus screw machines available XPSIFQG 3013 Advise available surplus gear cutters XPSGP 3042 Surplus boring mn hincs available XPSIZI M 3014 Advise available surplus tappers XPSGR 3043 Surplus air cornpre ssors available XPSRP 3015 Advise available surplus threuders XPSGO 304l Surplus broachers available XPSIHR 3016 Advise available surpIus acrew machines XPSGD 3045 Surplus furnaces a milable XPSIFLO 3017 Advise available surplus boring machines XPSGU 3046 Surplus grinders available XPS D 3018 Advise available surplus air compressors XPSGC 3047 Surplus welders axnilablc XPSXIHU 3018 Advise available surplus broachers XPSGT 3048 Surplus sheet metal machines available XPS E C 3020 Advise available surplus furnaces XPSMS 3048 Surplus riveters a railable XPSJIELT 3021 Advise available surplus grinders XPSMG 3050 Surplus pumps available XPSUS 3022 Advise available surplus welders XPSMM 3051 Surplus presses available XPSC G 3023 Advise available surplus sheet metal machines I XPSMP 3052 Surplus hoist avai able XPSUM 3024 Advise available surplus rivctcrs XPSMR 3053 Surplus motors available XPSM l 3025 Ad wise available surplus pumps XPSM0 3060 Condition of machine serial number selling price and book value 3026 Advise available surplus presses XPSMD in order ntated are as follows XPSIUS SPECIAL TELEG RAPI I SERVICES Telegraph compennes offer specxal and cut ram servnce for travelers wh1ch can be used to advantage by busmess men nn communncatmg wxth then factory or home office wh1Ie en route Tins type of servnce IS restrncted to a specxfied Inst ol permnssnble subjects T elegrams nf 15 words are accepted and transmntted to any destmatxon lll the Unnted States for 35 cents p ov1dmg the text IS com cerned with one or more of the followmg subjects Tune of aruval health of sender or party state of weather charactenzatxon of tmp tune of departure next desmmetxon or destmatxons txme of ernval at destmatxon Another specxal servacc at the same raw xs Inmted to reservauon of hotel moms and travel txckets 428