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Master Parts Catalog 30 June 1952 |

hese pages as well as the general lay C 1 l t f 1l1ar1ty with the information contained on t O J 1m il 9 brdlok will prove helpful in locating and ordering the desired parts The Chevrolet Master Parts Catalog is arranged in sections as follows General Information Alphabetical Index General Illustrations Chassis Parts Listing groups 0 000 to 9 999 inclusive Passenger Body Parts Listing groups 10 000 to 15 999 inclusive Commercial Body Parts Listing groups 16 000 to 17 999 mc usive Supplementary Data Parts History Index d briefly is as follows The Group System of listing parts has been retained an Main units of the car are identified by the Numeral preceding the Dec1mal 1 e 0 Engine Cooling and Oiling Electrical 3 Fuel System d G Number the first Numeral identifying the main unit t is f1Iff flf dl1d1cFl v1 cll1ItSarl1defc 1lIdl lrJff1t2y the lggdffnal is the Sub Group Number under which all Parts bf the same name find function are listed For instance Group 0 033 0 indicates that it is an Engine Part 033 is the Location where all Part Numbers of Cylinder Blocks now being serviced may be found his occurs F nvemence List Price 1S shown where the Part 1 l 13l Cl An exception to t I I when Pzdrt is also listed elsewhere than in its original or prime Group and in such listings the rime Group is indicated in parentheses in place of Price This procedure 1S necessary asfa gart can have but one identifying Group Number for ordering or bin location For example under Group Number 3 708 Part Number 369593 is listed as Trail Pipe to Muffler Clamp Pand in its price column is shown 6 760 which refers to the prime Group of that part The rice may be obtained by referring to that Group or to the Dealer Parts and Accessories Price Sched F ule or the Wholesale PQIIS GMI Accessories PIICG SCll l 1lB When using the dimensions and other data shown in the Specifications Colu tin the parts 4 manager should be guided by the following 1 length overall refers to the total length of a part measured over the longest dimension si An irregular shaped piece is measured over the longest dimension regardless of contours and bends 2 dev length refers to the total length of a part such as a tail pipe or gas pipe measured as though the part were straightened out This measurement can be taken on formed fnpeshbyg using a string to follow the contours of the pipe and then measuring the engt o string used 3 I D refers to inside diameter O D refers to outside diameter O S refers to oversize U S refers to undersize To locate the listing of a Part refer to the Book under the Group Number identifying it which may be determined by using any of the following three methods l Consult Alphabetical Index at front of book which lists Parts by noun and descriptive names and refers to the exact Group Number where all Parts of similar kind may be found More than one Group Number will be given where the same kind of part is shown in both Passenger and Commercial Body sections If Name of desired Part is not readily found in the Index a correlated Part Name will suggest approximate location 2 Clgnsult Illlusgatigfis Ehroughout book on which Group Numbers and Noun Name are s own w ic wi re er to the Part or Assembly wanted 3 Consult Dealer Parts and Accessories Price Schedule or Wholesale Parts and Acces sories Price Schedule if a Part Number is known and use its Group Number to locate a similar Part or be directed to the approximate location of correlated Parts The column l eaded No Used indicates the number of pieces required The term A R means as require Suggested Wholesale Prices are coded and are shown under the column headed SWP 2