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Master Parts Catalog 30 June 1952 |

Gasket Brake drum 4 5 811 G k t T Gasket Camshaft mmst bearing l 0 534 Gggkgt TSS r c v It Xr H cover Gearshilt control shaft hsg plug 4 022 Goraket cab choke hsq to air hem e 750 e H G Shm COM 1 1 l Trans rear br I t W1 S I p rt cap 4 mg 5l l Carb low speed jet 3 7gg Guske T q B Gmer 4318 G YSl 11lt control Od Gasket Cub metering je A V I h I M 34795 Gggkg T I 1 brg supt 4 318 Gearshilt cylinder tee UU N l l l l 3 019 GS1 l C rb Stygin y Screen I et l l V Gasket Tr IiS O Cover i Ggqrshift interlgck l A l A 4 V SGSQKGL Curb lh Ym 1159 COVGI 3 750 plug l grmoslut valve sprln 3218 Geurshut imerlcck I l l I rcuret Ca b t t 5 I Z G h l U I Crete Calbldlitlgl 1 n1 C l1lI 1O f fff xii Y h Si g 217 Giglihlfl lX re lClll el l i6H i 1L S1 Sl 3l Carburetor bowl 3 735 I I O Y O case 4 217 G fSh lt 1 g l t EUYEUYEWOI bowl Cover 3 738 Cjigjggf I 9pl m t Gecurshlll 1 A l l l l l U l l l I gasket Carburetor nozzle screwg 1 Gsket uml 011 pcm 1 eve 7 t l 8 800 Key Trans countershait 4 429 Horn iauttgn jg nlQCl V IIUGC Ot Qtuuc Q vn I A I A Key TI ns Ievgrsg SQIVQ piS10n H tg mr 2 816 1 v V 4 241 Horn button CHS 10 r P 9 2 808 Inlet valve stem guide 0 283v 0286 sprurg retainer r Hom dmpbmgrll gf quo Q1 V l I l l l I V l 71103 Insert Windshield wiper blade 10 146 Key Valve stem gg Fl 1m SEmng H 1 l v l h L l l 2 811 Instr panel comp door knob ret 10 267 Key Woodrult t 2 187 pr 1900 llll 7 9 5 Instrument case assembly 9 743 Key Igmtron and glove compartmen 6 203 H r HZ 1 2 59 i22 22 I ii ESQ 3 1 Q 1 1 L 1 i i 1 3 gil 233 Eii H t 1 6 216 HOSE QW Gimme to Curb pipe l I V 1 Instrument case lace glass 9 748 King pin oil seal HOSE C imp l V I 51 9 749 King pin oil seal retainer 2 t Hose Cowl ventilator drain 16 344 igxsg Iggsket UM 9 745 King pm mum NU M NU 6205 Heee D 111 M A 7 1 th tb r t 6 210 mp mm 4 2 lliiiliiii 13 5 F f IC1 r i Zil r Klrrlgglll HEEE b2Z 21 t H Hm Hose Gas tank liller neck InSmm Bm wml Socket W Wim i U U I 2 773 King pm mms blaming shim I 621 Hose gec ter ll 41680 Instmmem panel 1g ggg lengt Kit Brake parts repair 5 U2 Hmm Y lull lc V 1 A l A i I 1 l l 1 159 Instrument panel attach plug 16 083 Kit Brake UIGIH cyl repair I 4 649 Ogg Radiator ZM Instrument panel mldq fastener 16 081 Kip Brake wheel Cyl repair 4565 Hose R dlm OVHHOW l b 4 I l I I l A 8 24 instrument panel transfer 10 232 Kit Carburetor repair 3 725 HO BC d1 lOl Overflow Kmk K t D stributor re air 2 360 R bb 3 62 Instrument panel moulding and 1 1 p I HOS8 G I 913 arts 10 252 16 081 Kit Fuel pump reparr 901 EOSEA gmc loyal Cyl illsleqner V h V 1 iggt Ingrumerltlpanel compart 10 260 16 100 Kit Prop shalt brg supper 1 059 GC Om U CY H 1111 1 1 k t mygg Kit Prop shalt bushing an sea Hose Vacuum booster air cleaner 4 056 lmiinlment puzgl 1 p isms mlm Kit Sem Cover instqumion g 55t 11059 Windshield wiper m 155 18058 nzxgggn pu FQ P i Q 10 270 16110 Kit Speedometer cable Hm www heater 8 845 1 h 10 275 16 100 Kit Transmission thrust was er Housing assy Carb choke 3 751 izzill iglgg vllq I Knee action Front spring Housing assembly Frt prop shalt 5 435 bruce Q I l i U i v A h 12 657 16 085 Ilirrf xgfgepggsu l 12 036 Housing Back door check 16 44U Instrument panel brucket l A Q I 16 085 KnOb GSS Ingtr Cm i Housing Brake camshaft lever rod Insulmicnl Dismbumr harming g I 2 401 dom y p 10 265 16 UO Y lc 1 11111111 HOU eng E loc n t l H 1GIL 1 1 lOlOY WIlCh Sld Knob GSSYH Op Cgntfgl vqlve H Llutch 0 683 Ouslngl 2 l 1 l I l l l V 2 gg l Sul n Turret mp moi 12 812 Knob Cigarette lighter 9 709 Housi ng Drstr1butor I I 17 20 Insulator Ammemr A l U I l l l v I I 2 52l Knob Clock winding Y g A l l i i I h 9 772 H 5mq End gale hmqa lnsulator Carburetor to manifold 3 726 Knob Defroster Comml 9 779 H Sl 31 G h h l skull 1111 022 rnsurater Clutch and brake ped l 0 829 K bl D I Hsrde 1 ck1H l E l l l l 101559 Housing Gearshilt lever ball 4 022 Inqulqmr Engine Cover panel h I V 16 549 no OO 1 9 111111 Housing Pitman shaft with bushing 6 785 Ingulmcg From auxiliary spring 1420 Eno E0 lock remote control Housing Propeller shalt 5 504 Insulmmi Gemshm U bolt 1OW r 4 018 no Jn gate Housing Rear axle 5 387 h K Ob End qclle Support b k t 12205 Housing Starting motor drive 1 2 085 gigggieg IIII K Ob Gear Shih level 4009 K b Heater air control 3 787 iltilllirlgtgem l A l I l l l U l l l Insulmon Rod pcm Kggb Heater detroster control 8 852 Housing Wheel lock 7 679 Insulator Vml PIPE kmc et 0 390 Knob Heater temp control 8 852 Housing Trans hydraulic mu G Or G V9 mc er mm mver Knob Quarter window 11 010 HgH tLHO E 1 tm l 4 e S mm 0 md Sw 3275 Hm sem Hamster 11 5aa Hub assembly Trans synchronizing 4 884 inria mallfcmi Knob W S wiper control 10 164 16 067 Hub bolts l 5 812 ng 9 mam O S Ve Knuckle expansion plug 6 223 Hub Ccp gasket U l I U Y A 5 866 intake rnaniiiold to czgburetlr stud Knuckle Steering UU U 6020 Hub cap lock spring 5 864 Ingaiie Z0 gx hcmittm it 3 T75 Knuckle thrust washer unit 6 210 Hub caps 5 858 n G 9 O ex G mam O S u Hub clamp ring Front 6 308 Intake Valve 0296 Hub Fmm Wheel I l V h l l l l V l 4 l 6307 Interlock Trans gearshift 4 097 4 310 I Hublor i m oil Harem rm Hm Mn Flde ep me bw Sim 14 350 Hub Hm wher 5 806 km Fl bwd WH 4 3 17 438 Dm q q 1 5 Iron Rear fender i 8 212 Lace Door window garnish mldg 14 680 Hub TmnS Clutch drive 4 IG4 Lace Front seat back finish 14 820 Hydraulic brake main cylinder assy 4 650 Luce Seumin 15 52 7 Hydraulic brake declene fluid Gr lub 4 683 I q U l U l l l U l U lll l Lace Seat bottom side panel 14 862 Hydraulic brake p1pe assy 4 685 Lam cmd ans Safe H ht 9 773 Hydraulic brake connectors 4 686 lack and component parts 8 820 Lum cmd guns Auxigugy l l l l 1 l l 9 774 Hydraulic brake shoe link 5 036 Iggket Mast 6 518 Lum GSS Parkin l lllll N 2 585 Hydraulic brake cyl spacer 4 686 Iam nut 8 916 Lum bug g Ul UH I l l I l U 8 991 Hydraulic brake main cyl valve 4 657 ga Windghielld vvlaslfef Lump Djrggti u 2 880 SSY me Sp Lamp Dome 11 925 16 424 I 1 let Carb Step up power 3 883 Lamp Rear license plate 2 700 I beam Front axle 6 008 gg g E m lelmq md Lamp Rear luggage compartment 8 898 r i L T l d t 2 679 Ignition coil l 2 170 IQWQL Tun md Stop lump I A I 2 689 amp Uai an sdop B 890 lgmtton coil mounting brkt Gr plate 2 183 0im Smrtgmtm Connedm 2 036 L mP ndelhoo lqnltion distributor 2 361 i U v 1 g 5 548 Lamp unit Backup 2 B97 lgnition keys 2 187 mm m Elsa Latch End gate 12 233 yqnjtttm 1OCk 4 v 4 2 g3 Latch Gearshitt reverse 4 033 Ignition lcck nut 2 g7 K Latch Hood catch lock plate 8 082 Igniuqn gvvitqh 2 g3 Latch Quarter window 11 010 lqnitivn SWiiCh Cylinder 2 188 Key Axle shalt 5 423 Latch Rear end stake 17 522 Ignition Switch mounting plate 2 192 Key Clutch 3rd and 4th speed 4 384 Latch Toe pan oil filler 16 548 Iqpttigp Switch 1OCk CUSS A g tg4 Key Hem button 2 830 Lead Generator cutout 2 312 Ignition switch cable dash grommet 2 198 Key Rear compartment lock handle 12 251 Lead Starting motor brush 2 055 Iqniticm wire 2 525 Key Speedometer adapter 4 330 Leaf Front spring 7 415 Imitation leather 15 506 16 760 Key Steering and third arm 6 104 Leaf Rear spring 7 505 lndicator Distr octane selector 2 412 Key Steering wheel 6 515 Leather Carburetor plunger 3 840 Indicator Trans control 4 038 Key Tire lock 7 679 Leather lmitation 15 506 16 760 IC DC II r IAb IIlADV Ih 10K