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Master Parts Catalog 30 June 1952 |

Pinion shaftlrear brg lock ring 5 489 Plate Door dovetail bumper Plug Grease cup hole distributor r 2 384 Pinion Starting motor benduc drive 2 088 wedge r 10 584 16 420 Plug Hyd brake main cylinder 4 651 Pinion Wheel cylinder adjusting 4 678 Plate Door lock striker adj G anchor 10 571 Plug Instrument panel 16 083 Pipe Air cleaner 3 407 Plate Door sill 11 175 11 179 Plug Knee action filler hole 6 394 Pipe assy Flexible gas and oil 3 163 Plate End gate 12 237 Plug Knuckle expansion 6 223 Pipe assy Muffler exhaust 3 609 Plate Engine front mounting 0 004 Plug Oil pan drain 1 453 Pipe clip 8 950 Plate Engine front mounting top 0 027 Plug Oil pressure pipe 1 531 Pipe Crankcase ventilator to valve 1 745 Plate Fldg top guide 14 090 Plug Pipe 8 971 Pipe Distr vac control suction 2 420 Plate Floor board btry inspection 12 541 Plug Spark 2 270 lm Pipe Piller neck lwr vent 3 003 Plate Folding top compartment 12 988 Plug Speedometer driven gear 4 333 Pipe fitting 8 963 Plate Front door hinge cover 10 4B9 Plug Steering connecting rod 6 881 gipe lguel purlxgp tp cprburetor Slate iront door ventilator 10 659 Plug Steering gear housing 6 806 ipe as tan to ue pump ate ront door glass stop 10 715 Plug Strg idler and 3rd arm shalt 6 181 Pipe Gearshift vacuum booster 4 046 Plate Front fender support 8 142 Plug Tie rod end 6 255 Pipe Generator oil 2 301 Plate Front fender name 8 147 Plug Trans primary pump hsg drain 4 115 Pipe Hydraulic brake 4 585 Plate Front seat adjuster stop 11 562 Plug Trans rear brg retainer supt 4 317 Pipe Muffler tail 3 705 Plate Front stabilizer link bushing 7 245 Plug Trans thermostat valve spring 4 216 Iliipe Plate Gasdtartk filler neck 12 944 Ilglug jgintisliewsle ycgke ipe n pan comp a ap er ug ac ra e y cy en Pipe Oil pump suction 1 739 Plate Gearshift interlock guide 4 095 Plug Valve rocker arm shaft 0 356 Eipe QH supply pump s ti Pmte aenmror brush 2 287 gut Writer j 1 ee i I 56 11 146 rpe p ug P1 G t d d Ziggy unger assy ome amp 4 6 495 Pipe Radiator outlet 1 173 PIE H i b di ig Q l 15 534 Plunger Carburetor 3 838 Pipe Rear axle vac gearshift 5 638 Plug Hood lower Catch 8 080 Plunger Starting motor drive shift 2 113 Pipe Trans vacuum modulator 4 205 P1 t H d 8 008 Plunger Wheel lock 7 680 Pipe Vacuum brake cylinder 4 930 G e Ofrmmgm Pocket Gas tank filler neck comp 12 944 Pipe Windshield wiper suction 16 066 P1 l9 Hood side name 8 U39 Pocket Stake 17 462 Piston qssy 0 629 Plcxte H d tcp p m 1 mic tie 8 009 Point unit Distributor 2 384 Piston Carb choke 3 752 P1 t H d upper wich 8 083 Polish Body 8 800 Piston Carburetor pump 3 838 Plate Horn wire terminal 2 819 polishing Cloth 8800 PiS C fb f 0f P P 3 858 Plate Ignition Coil mcuntinq 2 183 Portable spotlight Sealed beam 9 773 Plstcm Pin 0636 Plate Ignition switch mounting 2 192 Post Req quqrtgy Come 12 944 Prston pm bushing plum Instrument case 9 744 Powder Static eliminator 8 800 lS O r F gn V h I 4 166 PlCIl Lighting SWllCl L f11S9 2 489 Prgvgntivgl Rqdiqtgr rust 8 BDO pig low Or Plate Main cylinder piston stop 4 658 Projector Horn 2 811 Senfo 4 4 Y 4 228l 4 241 Plate Name 12 182 Prop shalt and housing assy Front 5 K35 piston V C bmke hyd CYL 4 9 5 Plate Radiator core 1 270 Prop shaft brake parts Tru Stop 5 608 Piston Vac brake cylinder 4 922 Plate Radiator grille 1 266 Prop shaft bearing support kit 5 436 Piston Vac brake cyl relay valve 4 935 Plate Radiator name 1 303 Prop shqit ilqnge oil seal 5 555 Pl Ym SPSS Plate Radio control cover 10 258 16 081 PyOp ghqft from flange spacer 5 606 Pllmml mm bushing 6862 Plate Rear axle gearshift rod Prop shaft parking brake shoe lever 5 610 Pitman mm bushing Ftginerh idler lever 5627 Prop shaft pinion parts 5 545 P d qc S er P1 t F r mp 1id1 k 12 237 Propeller umn beqnnq cushion 5 439 gint ills lggihmgl h V l l l l I l l l P1 l Rem cfm Window W9 C V 11 042 Propeller shalt lront bearing hanger 5 432 G P tm n shaft adjusting screw nut 6 823 P1 Hem qu Window hinge dl 11 054 Propeller shalt front bearing support 5 432 Pltmgn shaft housing with bushing 6 785 P1 t Herr stwck bS rb r h r 7 370 pmpaier Shun nom brg supt 1 1t 5 432 Pitman shaft housing adj bolt 6 788 P1 t Rem Spring clip d U b 1t 7 518 Propeller shalt bearing 5 426 Pitman shaft housing pivot bolt 6 791 Pl 9 R f spring HUH bolt cnchor 5 403 Propeller Shaft bearing washer 5 439 Pitman shaft hsg adj sleeve 6 789 Plate Side dr vent locking Propeller shaft 5 436 5 441 Pitman shaft lash adjuster and screw 6 822 P1hd1 St k r Propeller shaft oil seal 5 469 Pitman shalt parts 6 855 l YY9 Q9 m0 l1 9 Propeller shqit park brake Pitman shalt packing retainer 6 856 P1 l9 Sub iY m9 7 008 shoe friction spring 5 028 Pivot Brake shoe 5 020 P1 l9 TOF b0 Yd i2 565 16546 Propeller shaft ret spring 5 437 Pivot Front ctoor ventilator 10 669 P1 l TY Clutch 163 Propeller shaft bearing lock ring 5 437 Plain Washer 8 929 P1 l TY COT inte QEGY lhYuSl 4 123 Propeller shaft housing Planet reverse drum 4 190 Plate Trans main drive gear bushing and dowel 5450 5 45 pimel Ash imy mounting 2 g 5 bearing lock 4 356 Propeller shaft brg ret and ins 5 439 ppm ussyn Brake gauge 539 Plate Transmission cover 4 105 Propeller shalt bracket and guard 5 444 plate GSSYW S suph guide 4 33 Plate Trunk guard brace rnfct 7 830 Propeller shaft coupling 5 454 p t9 Atmchmgl Driver secu 16586 Plate Trunnion bearing lock 5 569 Propeller shaft coupling pin and rivet 5 457 Plate Axle gear shift selector 5 636 Plate VGC brake Cylinder end 4 9U4 Propeller shaft packing 5 469 Plate Battery hanger bottom 2 333 Plate Vac brake cylinder 4 947 Propeller shalt housing 5 504 ptmel Body Sm Extension 3 3 7 Plate Water pump back 1 113 Propeller shaft pinion flange nut 5 595 plum Bmkg hwg SEQ 4515 Plate Wheel carrier centering 7 783 Propeller shaft brg dust seal assy 5 438 Plate Brake shoe anchor 5 075 Plate W S wiper inspection hole 16 583 Propeller shalt brg dust shield 5 438 Plate Brake shoe guide 5 045 Pl tfOIm CIOSS Sill 17 405 Propeller shaft brg dust spacer 5 438 Plate Bumper guard back 7 829 Platform panel 17 422 Protector spark plug r 2 258 Plate Carb therm baffle r 3 750 Plug Axle filler r 5 400 Pulley and fan Generator 2 274 Plate Carb therm hsg cover 3 750 Plug Battery filler 2 345 Pulley Brake cable 4 833 Plate Center and rear seat attach 16 886 Plug Camshaft bearing hole 0 553 Pulley Crankshaft 0 659 Plate Clock hole cover 10 272 Plug Carburetor nozzle passage 3 775 Pulley Fan and water pump 1 062 Plate Clutch pedal adj 0 839 Plug Carburetor strainer screen ret 3 841 Pump assembly Oil 1 652 Plate Clutch pressure 0 863 Plug Carburetor pump jet 3 803 Pump assembly Water 1 089 Plate Clutch pressure lever 0 880 Plug Carburetor discharge ball check 3 832 Pump assy Folding top 14 481 Plate Clutch throwout bearing 0 800 Plug Commutator end oil hole 2 301 Pump assy Fuel 3 900 Plate Countergear rear brg ret lock 4 422 Plug Expansion 0 033 8 970 Pump assy Trans torque converter 4 110 Plate Cowl ventilator hinge 10 310 Plug Fldg top pump valve 14 482 Pump Tire 8 816 Plate Cowl ventilator adiusting 16 135 Plug Front spring bumper 6 176 Pump Trans oil supply 4 200 Plate Distributor breakerl 2 385 Plug Gas filler neck fender hole 8 208 Pump Trans primary 4 115 Plate Dome lamp switch 11 938 16 498 l Plug Gearshift control shaft housing 4 022 Push rod Clutch pedal 0 832 22 REVISED JANUARY 10 1953