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<- Brakes - Rear Axle and Drive Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 72TL May 1979 Sheet Metal - Heater ->
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i V BRAKES REAR AXLE AND DRIVE I I 5 860 CLIP Axle Electric Shift Control 71 All Blazer 3781538 1 lcontrol extension motorwire assy 5 803 WHEEL RIM ASSY Front or Rear y A NOTE 1 Cen be used to replace 18 x 5 wheels in PAIHS 0lVL i n 4 w aaa u i A ax Z i ZZt n lt Z 32L S i I A Q 4 Y ff A V S S S U a I S n K jj f 5 V I S r l HAN f t i 0a s a 6 stun 10 STUD I A I oasc wraen oasc when S waam mms Iellevrlng illustration ere uernplu el types rims which are ent I esnnabliu Ih rims r net not RING united seperately and ere either welded er rivreted le the wheel disc I Hmmm Sunni V nm mama 5 nam mama fz a S a 5 m l i l 2 5lll s T A S S S kl G I I 5 qsnvagglstrawantry A Oli HIC IWO PIKE hilllilt PIECE 0nd pI c tins SJS er r r rhs here e Ii hr pi rim Ileve e leper had wrt and en lhr pi rims Ileve e leur had out end are Ieper heed net end ere and i r tebeleu tires used enly Ier tubs tires RPO wheels el d 0 er 6 used only hr lube tires RPO wheels el 7 0 r T 5 Smaller rlrnsjeve e S taper had reel end ere rim widths ere I 2 pi e design rim widths r 3 piece design I used ler beth tubeleu nd NDI tlru I nm wanna S RIM U 5 NOTE 0II is determined by nom wma yen nm ei i Ma alarm tam M A WIIEEI DISC r l side ring the mn le the inner l or gm rsidc el the wIa I dist Iv eortstt Q I V DISC TYPE WHEEILS This section contains Model Usage and Prices for Disc Type Wheels For Wheel Size Tire Size and other description see the following chart titled Disc Type Wheels These two sections should be used in conjunction with one another to determine the correct wheel a E I 1 2 Ton Trucks n 48 55 Ton V 80 89 Ser 10 Ist design 3970534 15 x 5 50 54 82 Ton 83 Ser 10 4 WD 1st Ser 2324150 r 16 x 5K 59 60 PD L 3960347 14 x 6JK GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 72TLS I REV 6 79 V s ee 5 660 5 803 A