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Master Parts Catalog 30 June 1952 |

I wanasmeia 10 027 I 1 Assnuc1 R I I BODY PARTS SEC l I0lll 10 351 I GROUPS 10 000 15 534 Front Door I MO I E1lS I 9z9 1952 Ventilutvr 10 650 The identifying lob numbers used to deeignatte model usage in this Passenger Body section are identical with the style number appearing on the B od y Name Plate This Door Window style number may be interpreted to give complete information as to the year Model Regulator Series and type of Body as shown below 10 783 All correspondence and orders should include the informatzlon s lic w n on the name plate which is located as follows 1929 to l936 Plate is on RH Ebodjy sill under floor Seq Aaiusfgg mat Excrept for roadster and ph 1etc n on these jobs the Plate is attached to the 11561 R H side seat frame 1937 to l9S2 Plate is on R H side of rzrowl under hood I Rear Compart E t L d I c TEvRo Er mvusnonu f m GENERAL MOTORS CORP I CORRESPONDENCE PEIRrA1r e r MICIDEL YEAR I Bc Y MUST BEAR THES N4 e a T MICIDEL SERIES I Wood Parts Q STYLE No I I n c Y TYPE I iz 415 ZZZ T ZZZZ F AI I BO DY N0 s I TT IEMmcAr 0N I Bums and I TRIM No I 21 1 i IiII r I Brackets j AND MATERIAL 12 350 E I PAINT NO Lew 59 l Z CI iI OR COMBINATION I W I I BODY BY FISHIIER I Body 5 s I Sheet Metal Parts used on particular models are designated by either job zriumbers or model I 12303 abbreviations as follows I HSHER crosrn Bc r 11zs I P QABRIOLET BEL Am C1 IL SED 5 SEDAN DELIVERY l I OPEN MODELS Pha e Roadster OPEN I Trim ALL ABOVE and STA VVAG I PASS I Assemblies Convertible Cabriolet Cb Sedan Delivery Sdl i4 63q Bel Air B A Coupe Cpe I I Station VVag on Station Wagon I Wood Sta Wo g W Steel Sta Wag S I se il ns I I L 14 799 I See Closed Body Model job Number Sheet for l l Numbers Hom Mats tI I and Carpets 15 286 I Lommerclal Body Model ldentlfication Sheet Envlrown I L l Trim I at Group 16 000 Yardage I 15 490 15 534 451