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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961 |

MOIDEI1 SERIES DElN i l1II ICATION 1959 1960 Passenger Wheel Series base Type of Veluicle swat wbl 1 Type Vehicle A 1100 119 B B11 k d 6 l Bm 1l70 l180 s 1 Cy 1 1 lO0 1 300 119 121111111 11 11 B1 O11wO 11 6 cyl B 20 0 l2 S 28O Biscayne Bzzookwood 8 cyl exc I v l i 1180 c 1500 119 Be 1 Air P111l1 w 11 a Kinqswood 6 cyl 1 300 119 Fleetmmier 6 cyl D 1600 119 Bel Air Parl w0c1d Kirigswocd 8 cyl E 1700 119 Impala Nomad 6 Cyl 1200 1400 119 Biscayne Brookwood El cyl F 1800 119 lmpala Nomad 8 cyl exc 112 70 1280 G 1170 119 1 D 11111 v l6 Y1 1 1 400 119 11661111l111e1 11 cyl 1180 Picl up Delivery 111 Camino 6 cyl H 1180 119 Sedan Dehvelry 8 Cy 1li 0Cl 119 Bel Air Parkwood Kingswood G cyl 12801 1 1 1 P 1 111 1 11 111 C m1 8 C11 111100 ll 9 eel Air 1 11111w aa Kinqswood 8 cyl 1 867 102 Corvette 3A 3100 114 Commercial 1 6 Tori Truck 1 70O 119 Impala Nomad 6 cyl 3B 3200 123 Commercial 1 Tori Truck ac 3400 104 c 111111e1 1111 91 1 1111 T111 11 0111101111 1 B O 119 11 P 1 N 111 1 8 Y1 Forward Control Delivery Chassis l 170 Sedan Delivery 6 cyl 3D 3500 125 Commercial 0 Ton Truck Dubl Duti 1 1 119 I Forward Comm Delivery Chassis l 100 Pick up Delivery El Camino 6 cyl 3E 3600 123 Commercial 4 T1111 T111 k ji 3170 H9 sedan Delivery 3 cyl 3F 3700 137 Commercial 41 Tori Truck Dubl Duti yggggf piek up Delivery E Comme 8 CYL Forward C 011lrc l Delivery Chassis 3G 3800 135 Commercial 1 Tcltn Truck BES7 102 Corvette 19160 Trlulclrl IH7 WW 1 N 1 B 0 D Y D E N TI FI CATI O N 11 ig E M L 1 g Ei E E E E 11 1 gi Sg 2 EE 3 SEE 113 Eg EE Em SE E5 SS 5 xw l l ru Q va g liiii 11 SE SE E ECL m3 wg ur u uf w I I Z lI I Z Series Equivalent Wheel Model base TYPE OF VEHICLE 04 lil 34 09 05 45 06 i6 02 12 42 C14 3100 ll5 Ton Light Delivery X X X X X X X X C15 3200 127 Ton Light Delivery X X X KI4 3100 RPO 115 Ton tour Wheel Drive X X X X X X 225 3600 127 93 Ton Conventional X X X X X X K25 3600 RPO 127 Ton l our Wheel Drive X X X P23 3400 104 Ton li Cll WZllCi Control D D Van X X P25 3500 125 Ton Forward Control D D Van 1 X X P26 3700 137 Ton lrorward Control D D Van X X C36 3800 133 1 Ton Clzlrlventional X X X X X X P33 3400 RPO 104 l Ton Forwarrj Control D D Van X X P35 3500 RPO 125 l lon Forward Control D D Van X X P36 3700 RPO 137 1 Ton Forward Control D D Van r X X 1961 Puslnengrelr 1962 63 Passenger Wheel Wheel Series base Type ul Vehicle Series base Type of Vehicle 1100 1300 1 19 Biscayne Bizoolzwaod 6 cyl 1100 9 Biscqyne 6 cyl 1300 119 Fleetmasiter 5 cyl 1200 119 Bigcqyrie 8 cyl 1200 1400 119 Biscayne B EO 1UNOOCl B cyl 1500 119 Bel Air 6 cyl 1400 119 Fleetmclster 8 cyl 1500 119 Bel Ai 8 cyl 1500 119 Bel Air Parkwood 6 cyl 1700 119 Impqlq 6 cyl 1500 119 Bel Air Parkwood 8 cyl 1800 119 Impqlg 8 Cyl 1700 119 Impala 1 10llllGLl3l G cyl ggg 102 Corvette 1800 119 Impala No1 11ol l 8 cyl 857 102 Corvette g l i ri3 t Motor Division 0 General Motors Corporation i