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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961 |

Plate Folding top cmd dust Plcte Radio control cover 16 081 Plcrle Wheel cmd tire compt 7 629 b00t 4 13 384 14 483 Plcxie Rear axle bumper 5 394 Plcxts Wheel ccurier 7 751 7 783 Plate Folding top compartment 124170 Plate Rear axle control cum 4 5 381 Plute Wheelhouse 12 944 Plate Folding top cover 4 14 482 14 488 Plate Rear axle rebound strap 5 390 Plate Windshield glass channel 10 009 Plcxtc Folding iop guide 14 090 Plate Rem compt cmd folding seat 11 360 Plate Windshield motor crux 10 157 Pluto Folding top header lock 14 080 Plate Rear comp lid 4 12 184 12 204 Plate Windshield motor brkt 10 150 Plate Folding top hydraulic motor Plate Rear compt lid lock 12 237 Plate Windshield wiper und pump 4 14 482 14 486 Plate Rear compt striker anchor 12 237 motor 10 152 10 157 Plate Fmme 10 bumper 4 7 836 Plate Rear door letter 4 12 114C Plate ussy Air cond comp drive 9 180 Plate Front body hinge pillar brace 12 840 Plate Rear d00r sill 4 11 179 Plate ussy Brake ilcmqe 5 001 Plate Front cl00r glass stop 10 715 Plate Rem door spring 10 450 Plate ussy Compressor valve 9 172 Plate Front door hinge cover 10 469 Plate Rear door trim 14 760 Plcxie crssy Hood lock lower 8 080 Plate Front door sill 11 175 Plate Rear door trim finish 14 764 Plate ussy Pitman 6 859 Plate Front dem upper hinge Plcxte Rear door window wedge 10 769 Plate ussy Pressure 0 859 on body 44 10 450 Plate Rear fender letter 12 11BC Plate assy Quarter window Plate Fmm door ventilator 10 665 16 178 Plate Rem quarter window 11 040 requlcwr secior 11 041 Plate Front fender name nd series 8 147 Plate Rear quarter window hinge Plate crssy Rear cushion cmu rest 11 651 maze From fender rocker panel 8 132 diuSt r 11 054 Plcie ssy Reur shock absorber Plate Front fender splash 8 153 PIGYQ Rear SGGI speaker name 11 830 l 1ChOX 7 37D Plate Front seat cable attach 11 561 Plute RGCH Shock absorber anchor A 7 370 Plate ssy Hear view mirror mtg 10 186 Plcrie Front seat hinge crm cover 11 375 Pkxi Rem spring clip und Plate cssy Seat belt anchor on Plaze Front spring 7 422 7 425 U bolt anchor 7 518 floor 14 875 Plum Front stabilizer link bushing 7 245 Plcii Rem spring U bolt anchor 5 403 Pl te SSY Sl finq idler cmd 3rd Plate Fuel injection thermo baffle 3 750 Plate Seat adjuster switch 11 558 6 186 pm Fuel mem wm 3328 Plate sem mounting 11 375 P1 SSY Tr S Supt guide 4083 mm Fuel pump mtg 3801 Pmae Side door ve u1 a r lockinq P1 i SSy V m 1 we br k Yi 4904 Nats Gecrshiit interlock guide 4 4 307 handle suiker 15176 Plate GSSY vs ndshlgld Wiper mum Gemshm lever V U I I I I Q U 4 017 Plate Spcxre tire panel catch 12 579 Plniomr mozlcyng h t M gig g Qgjgghcjjfjfn O Qj f jjX ij g PIE iikeiiqsgfar K 5iZE J1 Sim G 9 brush 7 pm wu cmch pressure msg Pm wd g if gearing 1 mlj 2 gf Plcrie m DiH I9 ti 1C1u ch 5 511 gate Generator d 1ve end 2 O CI e eerfng gear y pump Plate mm From Ender name Y 8 147 uic Headlamp dimmer 4 2 459 Plcrte Steering gear stop ruck 8 585 Plum mm Hear Ender name t A 12 118C Plate Heater cmd evaporator Pkli St9er ng gear to frame 8 509 Plata unit Rear qum t9I l U i l lztllgc control mm 4 8 852 9 279 Plate Steennq wheel hub 6 512 Plug Accelemwr pedal md l l N 3469 Plate Heater motor mounting 8 856 Pkiit Step pad support 7 875 Plug Air mmm access hole U I U I 9 269 Plate Hold down bolt 9 011 Plcxie Tail cmd tcp lamp 2 683 12 943 Plug Air suspension U U l 7 447 Plate Hood 4 8 055 Plate Toe board 16 546 Plug Axle mer I U U l I 5 400 Plate Hood lower catch 8 080 Plate Top mine link crssy 13 365 Plug Backup lamp socket I l l l l 2 697 Plate Hood side name 8 039 Plate Transmission 4 215 Plug Bcmery mer v I l I i i 2 345 Plate Hood mp panel mic tie 8 UO9 Pkxie Transmission brake 4 251 Plug Camshaft bearing hole U I 0553 Plate Hood upper catch 8 083 Plule Transmission center brg 4 131 Plug Carburetor discharge ban Plate Hom bracket anchor 2 845 Plate Transmission clutch 4 183 check l U l V I I l i 3 832 Plate Hot wcxter heater 8 845 Plcxie Transmission cont selector 4 038 Plug Carburetor fuel level sight I 3 734 Plate Hydraulic steering adapter Plate Transmission counter gear lock 4 422 Plug Cmburemr nozzle passage I 3775 bushing l 5554 Plcxte Transmission cover 4 105 Plug Carburetor pump passage 3 844 Mme Swim m MZ 1 g gggggggggg g g g d 12 541 mug cm body 12 491 Plate Ins ection 4 12 541 gm my end 4 265 33 Siiffii 2i S i k 4 1 ii ii 3222 Plate Instrument panel assist r i1 14 655 Plum Transmission mum drive Plug Clutch housing timing h U Plate Instrument panel compt 10 26l gear bearing lock 4358 pointer hole 0714 y S r 1 1 10 252 P1 e T smiSSi u pump 4203 1 1 q commummr 15 2 301 Plate Instrument panel radio 15 08 Plate Trqnsmission Overdrive plug Coolant pump bypass 1 gg7 Mate Lond floor 12 975 sun gem 4 472 Plug Coolant temp dcrsh unit 1 15D mate Lower and gate 12 195 Pl U d b dY p 1b Plug com side 12 804 Mme Mum Cylinder piston Smp 4556 anchor 12 934 Plug Cylinder head com Supt 0293 Plate Main cylinder push 4558 P1m Vacuum bmke Cylinder 4 947 Plug Door side 10 587 mum Muffler U H MUU MU 34704 Plate Vacuum brake cyl end 4 904 Plug Engine inmkg l l e l H 3 265 P1 e M ff1 i i1pip 3 705 Pl t Vucuum m dul r mlm b dY 4205 mug End gm door 17 185 Mme Name 12 182 Plate Vacuum power bmko 4 648 Plu E Plum Vacuum power brake q vupomtor core housmg 9 211 Vlcrtc Parking brake lever seal 4 4 815 Cylinder 4 898 4804 4922 4 931 4 934 Plug Expansion 0 034 8 970 Plate Pinion shaft lock 4 161 4 176 p1 t Vacuum power brake Cylinder Plug Expansion valve seal 9 214 Q f wi d W q1 S5 run 11 021 pigeon 4 922 Pluq F1 r p 12 980 Plate Quarter window regulator Plqigl Vacuum power bl qkg Cylinder Plug Fluid coupling cover 4 118 h d1Y r r 11 047 relay 4 935 Plug Folding top motor 14 482 14 486 Plate Radiator core 1 27O Plate Door wedge 16 335 Plug Four wheel drive trans case 4 557 Plate Radiator grille 1 266 Plcvte Washer pump mounting 10 153 Plug Fuel injector distributor 3 340 SO Chevrolet Motor General Motors Corpcrutxon