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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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5 026 SPRING PIN l 1IT Brake Shoe 38 42 PASS COMM exc H D 1 TON 46 50 PASS L TON front and roar 38 52 HE IE KE KF AM AN RM SIESN DR ER FR GR HR IR KR front 475511 A R 20 38 50 UTILITY tront cmd roar 39 42 IE KE AM BM 38 52 1 TON rem 51 52 UTILITY front 477474 A R 35 46 52 1 TON D D front 46 52 TON rear 3680890 A R 40 51 55 PASS CORVETTE L TON pull back hoznt and rear primciry and secondary 56 57 PASS CORVETTE L TON exc HD Brake Susp Ser 3A W 4 WIU 58 59 PASS CORVETTE LQ TON cz x c metallic linings H D Brake Suasp Lg TON w P Trac 60 63 PASS CORVETTE exc PII ID B1 cilke Suzsp 60 63 Ser 10 thru 30 exc 4 IND ID D 61 63 Ser 10 D D pu 11 back irorit prtimuzry 57 59 PASS CORVETTE TON exc H D Brake Suisp metallic linings TON w P Trac 60 63 PASS CORVETTE exc HLD B 11 Susp 60 63 Ser l0 60 63 Ser 20 exc 4 WD D D pu ll back remit primary and secondary 3694822 A R 29 56 62 PASS 56 62 CORVETTE exc metallic lfiinzirmgs H D Br ke Susp 56 59 TON 61 63 Ser 10 D D 60 63 Ser 10 thru 30 exc D I 4 I VD pull back front sec m iary 3739278 2 15 51 59 PASS CORVETTE TON a 1 c LQ TON w P Trac 60 62 PASS CORVETTE adjusting sicrew trout and rear 60 63 Ser 10 4 WD D D rear 60 63 Ser 10 20 exc 4 WD D D front ond rear 60 63 Ser 30 exc D D 4 4 tront blue 4 3707417 A R 31 57 59 Ser 3E 3G w 4 WD 60 63 Ser 20 4 AWD 4 pull buck front 497834 A R 36 56 62 CORVETTE w H D Brake Sussp front and rear 3740932 A R 40 51 55 UTILITY lst Ser short rear shoe 3 O L green 3694516 4 20 51 55 UTILITY lst Ser long rear shoe 3 O L bl ck 3694799 4 20 51 55 ALL w Prop Brake lst Ser parking outer shoe 3695836 1 10 53 59 4 TON exc 14 brake ducts on D D 53 59 1 TON 60 63 Ser 20 30 D D pull back front 60 63 Ser 20 4 WD D D rear 4 O L mar c n 3697428t A R 20 53 55 UTILITY Ist Ser front bralm 53 59 1 TON 55 D D w 7 50 17 7 00 18 tires 2nd Ser 56 59 D D w 14 brake duals exc El SPD rear brake 1416653 4 27 53 59 13 I TON 60 63 D D exc Ser 10 adjusting 1 rcrew front and rear 53 55 UTII ITY lst Ser front 60 63 Sear 30 exc D D 60 63 Ser 20 4 WD rear 32 C l 1t HlGl OOl1 1416760 A R 25 57 62 PASS w metallic linings 59 62 CORVETTE w metallic linings exc H D Broke Susp P G front brake secondlary yellow 5456714 2 35 57 62 PASS w metallic linings 59 62 CORVETTE w met 1lic jli11i11gr s exc H D rear broke primary and secondary Brake Susp P G rant brake primary pink 5456715 A R 35 glzgrsgit Motor Division G n r l Motors Corporation