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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961 |

56 57 PASS 8 cyl exc P S duct 4BC 25 autp 21 U 1100340 1 24 90 58 61 PASS 8 cyl exc 348 w t t L Cam H Per Sp H Per 62 PASS 8 cyl exc C A C 409 30 amp 97 U 1102149 1 27 25 59 61 PASS w H L Cam H Per Sp H Per 348 2nd destgn 59 61 CORVETTE F l w H L Caim 2ncl design 59 Ser 3 2nd design exc P Ei 60 62 Ser 10 thru 30 62 PASS 409 35 ciri p solid nmunts dual ball bearing 62 CORVETTE w Sp H Per F l end frames 38 U 11021958 1 34 40 57 59 PASS exc F 1 H L Cam lst design 58 59 Ser 3 exc P S 60 PASS 61 PASS exc 409 H Per Sp H Per 62 PASS 35 amp rubber riiotints frt dual ball 62 CORVETTE exc Sp H Per El bearing encl frame 37 U 110219669 1 34 40 NOTE Exchange Price Show 1 Add 4 75 Net to prices it used lllelwo Remy Generator Assembly is not XCl ltf1 1TtQ l3C1 NOTE Exchange Price Shown Add 5 75 Net to prices if used Delco Remy Generator Assembly is not excltidngecl EBNOTE Exchange Price Slrmvim Add 6 75 Net to prices if used Del t o Remy Generator Assembly is not exczliazngecl NOTE Exchange Price Sliovm Add 2 75 Net to prices if used Delczeo Remy Generator Assembly is not exccliangecll NOTE Exchange Price Sliown Add 3 75 Net to prices if used llelcrc Remy Generator Assembly is not excztiangedl INOTE Ori 1952 models use l 922951 pulley and 18664HDO tan TNOTE On 1949 51 Models replace collar and spacer with 8l7 2ZEI 1 Collar NOTE Mountings on rebuilt generators are the same as those used n new generators Refer to type numbers for similarity NOTE Consists of 1 each lDlEZ1 C C I R N regulator fan pulley llt l1 I EtS assy bracket 3 braces and small parts NOTE For Generators acc eptal le for exchange credit see exchange section of the Dealer Price Schedule 2 277 BRACKET AND l l I ll ACHING PARTS G e neic tc r isset 2 317 for bruce 41 52 ALL 53 54 PASS w spec equip 53 55 CORVETTE 6 volt 53 55 COMM w spec equip 6 volt 7 O L 2lgQ lieigyht 1 from end of 53 55 UTIL exc spec equip Ei volt hole to outside end oil brkt 3704771 1 1 00 52 ALL w 1100013 small gen 6 CLL 3835672 1 60 53 54 PASS w 1100018 53 55 COMM w 1100018 6 volt stamped 370361151 3703618 1 80 53 55 ALL w 55 amp L C 1 6 volt 8 end to end 3707088 1 1 60 55 CORVETTE 12 volt 7 C L 3711638 1 65 55 ALL w P S 12 volt 30 amp 55 57 ALL w 1105947 12 volt exc P S 30 or 3525 amp L CZ l 58 62 PASS w 30 amp 6 cyl 58 59 Ser 3 w 30 40 amp 59 61 PASS w 40 amp 283 60 61 PASS 40 amp w C A C 6 cyl 60 62 Ser 10 thru 30 exc 50 amp l C 1 A C gen 7 CLL 3720924 1 90 55 ALL 12 volt 56 57 ALL exc P S PASS 8 cyl 25 amp 6 0 1 3836756 1 80 55 57 PASS exc P S C A C dudll 4lElC 55 57 Ser 3 12 volt exc P S 57 Ser 3 w P S 8 cyl 58 PASS w 45 amp L C 1 exc C A C F 1 Air S 348 58 59 Ser 3 w 45 50 amp 59 PASS w 45 50 amp L C 1 2153 exc P S 60 61 PASS w 50 amp L C 1 6 cyl exc P S 60 61 PASS w 50 amp L C 1 283 exc C A C 60 61 D D 4 W D w 50 amp L C 6 cyl 60 61 Ser 10 thru 30 w 50 amp L CZ l exc 40 45 50 amp L CT l 1 high x 8 O L D D 4 W D w three 1 h l es 3713377 1 70 Motor Division 349 2 275 2 2l 7 General Motors Corporation