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Buick Models Thru 1975 April 1983 |

su BUICK PARTS PUBLICATIONS The Buick Parts Catalog System is divided into the following publications N0 TITLE 40 Buick Parts Catalog Models through 1975 40A Buick Parts Illustration Catalog Models through 1975 41 Buick Parts Catalog 1976 1981 Models 41A Buick Parts Illustration Catalog 1976 1981 Models 42 Buick Opel and G T Parts Catalog 1968 through 1975 Models 42A Buick Opel Illustration Catalog 1964 through 1975 Models 43 Buick Kadett Parts Catalog 1964 through 1967 Models 44A Buick Parts Catalog A Body 1982 1983 Includes Illustrations 44 1 Buick Parts Catalog J Body 1982 1983 Includes Illustrations 44W Buick Parts Catalog B C E G X Body 1982 1983 Includes Illustrations 46 Buick Dealer Parts and Accessories Price Schedule 89 GM English Metric Standard PartsIService and Maintenance Products ui WAREHOUS NG Ann Distmautiou mvlsiou gr GENERAL Motons CORPORAT 0N EU CK 40