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Q 1 s rnucx HANUFACTUIED BY GNC TRUCK 8 COACH DIVISION The Chassis serial number is stamped on an identification plate shown at left Plate is mounted on cowl left side panel gRw y inside the cab or on cab left door hinge pillar Letter P in g gg AT m serial number indicates Pontiac C indicates Oakland 3 n un Always refer to serial numbers of chassis and engine or nnxmuu sqoss iznsnf model numbers of Oth I l1f1ltS U 3i1SITiiSSiOI1 distributor etc y ng mm s when ordering parts wuwm vom w mesa wmms me zxcemzo see Low cnncnv wmv m waen s amos O TPM 2296 Note See page 2 for serial numbers effective with second series J N models etc GMC TRUCK COACH DIVISION PONTIAC MICH i SERIAL NO This caution plate effective July 1960 and GROSS H P AT R P M mounted near top of left hand hinge pillar is NET HP AT R P M used on all 105 Conventional all B cabs also M X GVW lb M GCW lbs Suburban and Panel models wnumv voqn is mss wncms ns sxcmw sz owuns u s PARTS IDENTIFICATION PLATE SE5234 suc rnucx scnvecz nuts ounmrncxnon I 81 7 CAB Ima mm me II S05O mus um GM BV4001 my mg TI 60 m zSM420 spun 4 O scam me um 6 1 6 8 48 Auxsum mus O Ni 79 9E mmm or smnc mvzs sznvncz sums HYD mums rm mn10 Aux wums BUDD sruns 6 305C V Aiwavs nzren ro Asovz mronwmon www ORDERING mums l I TPMr7 9A Blank Plates are available Part p2267999 ModeI 3500 up The GMC Truck Service Parts Identification plate will insure correctness of the parts ordered rnounted on inside of glove compartment door provides Cab and Cowl Models used on each chassis model identification of the major units of the vehicle This can be determined by reference to following pages identifying data also is shown in the parts listing Body models are shown in group 23 0005 Therefore reference to this plate before ordering parts 8