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NIODEE CHART Olds Standard Year mobile Car Fisher Body Vehicle Identification Series Model Body Style Car Code Weight Styl e Code Number Two Door Sedan 211 4207 60 3211 Atlanta Ga 607A 01001 and up Four Door Sedan 219 4274 60 3219 Lansing Mich 607M 01001 and up 1960 Fiesta Station Wagon 235 4619 60 3235 Linden N 607L 0lO01 and up 88 88 Fiesta 3 Seat Southgate Calif 6O 7 2 01 O 1id up Dynam Station Wagon 245 4644 60 3245 Kansas City Kan 7K and up Holiday Coupe 237 4228 60 3237 Wilmington Del 607W O100l and up Holiday Sedan 239 4314 60 3239 Arlington Tex 607T 01001 and u p Convertible Coupe 267 4272 60 3267 Four Door Sedan 519 4293 60 3519 Atlanta Ga 608A 01001 and up Fiesta Station Wagon 535 4642 60 3535 Lansing Mich 608M 01001 and up 1960 Fiesta 3 Seat Linden N 608L 01001 and up Super S88 Station Wagon 545 4667 60 3545 Southgate Calif 608C 01001 and up 88 Holiday Coupe 537 4216 60 3537 Kansas City Kan 608K 01001 and up Holiday Sedan 539 4343 60 3539 Wilmington Del 608W 01001 and up Convertible Coupe 567 4264 60 3567 Arlington Tex 608T 01001 and up Atlanta Ga 609A 01001 and up Four Door soozm 819 4518 so 8819 L S g M h 6 9M 1 01 d p 1960 H Linden N 609L 01001 and up oliday Coupe 837 4496 60 3837 98 Southgate Calif 609C 01001 and up 98 Holiday Sedan 839 4599 60 3839 Convertible Coupe 867 4502 60 8867 Kansas Cltyi K 6 9K 1 1 and up Wilmington Del 609W 01001 and up Arlington Tex 609T 01001 and up Two Door Sedan 211 61 3211 Atlanta Ga 612A 01001 and up Fiesta Station Wagon 235 61 3235 Lansing Mich 612M 01001 and up 1961 Holiday Coupe 237 61 3237 Linden N 612L 01001 and up Holiday Sedan 239 61 3239 Southgate Calif 612C O100l and up D 88 88 Fiesta 3 Seat Kansas City Kan 612K 01001 and up ynamui Station Wagon 245 61 3245 Wilmington Del 612W 01001 and up Convertible Coupe 267 61 3267 Arlington Tex 612T 01001 and up Four Door Sedan 269 61 3269 Fiesta Station Wagon 535 61 3535 Atlanta Ga 615A 01001 and up Holiday Coupe 537 61 3537 Lansing Mich 615M 01001 and up 1961 Holiday Sedan 539 61 3539 Linden N 6l5L 01001 and up Super S88 Fiesta 3 Seat Southgate Calii 615C 01001 and up 88 Station Wagon 545 61 3545 Kansas C ity Kan 615K O1001 and up Convertible Coupe 567 61 3567 Wilmington Del 615W 01001 and up Four Door Sedan 569 61 3569 Arlington Tex 615T 01001 and up Atlanta Ga 616A 01001 and up Lansing Mich 616M 01001 and up 1961 Linden N 616L 01001 and up HS r I Convertible Coupe 667 61 3667 Southgate Calif 616C 01001 and up a I Kansas City Kan 616K 01001 and up Wilmington Del 616W O1001 and up Arlington Tex 616T 01001 and up Atlanta Ga 618A 01001 and up Four Door Sedan 819 61 3819 Lansing Mich 618M 01001 and up 1961 Holiday Sedan 829 61 3829 Linden N 618L 01001 and up 98 98 Holiday Coupe 837 61 3837 Southgate Calif 618C 01001 and up Sport Seda n 839 61 3839 Kansas City Kan 618K 01001 and up Convertible Coupe 867 61 3867 Wilmington Del 618W 01001 and up Arlington Tex 618T O1001 and up 1964 OLDSMOBILE DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION XXIX