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i ENGINE SERIES NUMBER AND SUFFIX CHART aascez CORVAIR I 145 6 CYLINDER L I Tvve s L if Tvm Descriptbn Designation Description M Daelgaation Manual Trans YC Automatic Trans n ZBC I Manual Trans and High Performance YN Automatic Trans and C A C ZD Manual Trans YH Automatic Trane and High Performance ZF Manual Trans and C A C YL Automatic Trans C A C and High Performance ZG Manual Trans C A C and High Performance YM Automatic Trans ZH Manual Trans and High Performance Y Automatic Trans and C A C A Z J Turbo Charged with 4 SPD YR Automatic Trans and Him Performance Zl Automatic Trans ZL NOTE Engines are stamped with a source production date and type on serial ped I y NOTE Corvair engine number stamped on top of engine block forward of generator oil filter admter P aces g I CORVAIR r y 145 6 CYLINDER Manual Trans YC Automatic Trans ZH A Manual Trans and Hiya Performance YN Automatic Trans and C A C 4 ZD Manual Trans and C A C YL Automatic Trans and Hiia Performance ZF Manual Trans C A C and Hlgh Performance YM Automatic Trans C A C and High Performance ZG Turbo Charged with 4 SPD Q Y Manual Trans F C Q V Automatic Trans Z Automatic Trans F C NOTE Engines are stamped with a source production data and type on serial pad A I A I NOTE Corvair engine number stamped on top of block forward of generator oil filter adapter 1964 y OORVAIR y 1B4 6 CYLINDER I Manual Trans YC Automatic Trans ZH Manual Trans and Hiya Performance YN Automatic Trans and C A C ZD I Manual Trans and C A C YL Automatic Trans and Hiya Performance V V ZF Manual Trans C A C and High Performance Automatic Trans C A C and Hwa Performance ZG A Turbo Charged with 46PD l Y Mg Manual Trans F C V Automatic Trans Z A Automatic Trans F C Q W Q ases A convmn i L 164 6 CYLINDER V Manual Trans Y RA Powerglide and Spec High Performance RN Manual Trans W RB Turbocharnef RL High Performance gi RD Mam aeI Trm 88 Manual Trans and Air Cond RE Manualtrans and Hlit Performance RU High Performance and Air Cond i V ARF Powergllde A g RV Powerglide y E BG Powarhlideand Him Performance RX Powerglide and High Performance pe 8 10 E C Powerglide and Air Cond i RJ Manual Tren and Hlda Performance R 10 F C RU Powergllde Hiya Performance and Air Cond i RK Powerglide R l0 F C FIV Manual Treas and Spec High Performance HM Pcwerelicleend Hieh P rf rm r ce R 10 F C RX g 1969 iCHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISSON GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION P N 0C i