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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

usIM IND Pagg Engine Crankcase oil 0 6 Crankcase Capacities pLubrication 0SAE Viscosity Oils p 8 Types ofOils 0 Maintaining Oil Level 0 Crankcase Dilution 0 Automatic Control Devices to Minimize Crankcase Dilution 0 Oil and Filter Change Intervals 0 Oil 0 Oil Filter 0 7 Engine Oil Cooler 0Crankcase Ventilation p Valve Type 0 7 Fixed Orifice Type p Air Cleaner Paper Element Type Oil Bath Type 01 The selection of the proper lubricant and its correct application at regular intervals does much to increase the life and operation of all moving parts of the vehicl Consequently it is important that the correct grade of oil or grease as noted in the following pages be used ENGINE CRANKCASE OIL CRANKCASE CAPACITY Refill 4 Qt I When changing oil filter add 5 Qt Lubrication Crankcase oil should be selected to give the best pe Iformance under the climatic and driving conditions in t e territory in which the vehicle is driven During warm or hot weather an oil which will provi e adequate lubrication under high operating temperatures is required During the colder months of the year an oil which wiill permit easy starting at the lowest atmospheric tempera ture likely to be encountered should be used When the crankcase is drained and refilled the cra case ail should be selected not on the basis of the exising temperature at the time of the change but on the lowest temperature anticipated for the period during which the oil is to be used Unless the crankcase oil is selected on the basis f viscosity or fluidity at the anticipated temperatur difficulty in starting will be experienced at each suddgn drop in temperature SAE Viscosity Oils SAE Viscosity Numbers indicate only the viscosity pI r body of the oil that is whether an oil is a light orl a heavy body oil and do not consider or include other properties or quality factors The lower SAE Viscosity Numbers such as SAE 5 W and SAE IOW which represent the light body oils are recommended for use during cold weather to provide easy starting and instant lubrication The higher SAE Viscosity Numbers such as SAE 20 and SAE 20W which ATION EX Page Battery 0 7 Distributor Cam Lubricator 0 7 Fuel Filler 0 7 Corvair 0 7 Corvaik Corsa 0 8 Steering Gear 0 8 Front Wheel Bearings 0 8 Chassis Lubrication 0 8 Clutch Cross Shaft 0 8 Transmission Powerglide 0 8 Transmigsion 3 and 4 Speed 0 8 Transmission Control Linkage 3 and 4 Speed Q 8 Rear Axle 0 8 Brake Master Cylinder 0 8 Parking Brake and Clutch 0 8 Pu11ey and Cables 0 8 Air Coc4itioning 0 8 Body Lubrication 0 8 represents heavier body oils are recommended for use during warm or hot weather to provide improved oil economy and adequate lubrication under high operating temperatures Oils are available which are designed to combine the easy starting characteristics of the lower SAE Viscosity Number with the warm weather operating characteristics of the higher SAE Viscosity Number These are termed I multi4viscosity oils SAE 5 lOW SAE IOW 20W SAE 10W 30y and SAE 5W 30 The tollowing chart will serve as a guide for the selection of the correct SAE Viscosity Number for use under different atmospheric temperature ranges and suggests the appropriate SAE Viscosity Numbers when multiviscosity oils are used Lowest Anticipated Recommended Recommended Temper jature During SAE SAE Time pil Will Be Viscosity Multi Viscosity in Crankcase Oils Oils 32 V SAE 30 SAE IOW 30 1 F SAE IOW SAE IOW 30 Be1bw 10 F SAE 5W SAE 5W 20 Types of Oils In setvice crankcase oils may form sludge and varnish and under some conditions corrosive acids unless protected Lgainst oxidation To minimize the formation of these harmful products and to assure the use of oil best suited for present day operating conditions automobile manufacturers have develope4 a series of sequence tests designed to evaluate the abillity of any oil to properly lubricate automobile engines It i9 recommended that only those oils which are certifigd by their suppliers as meeting or exceeding the maxim m severity requirements of these sequence tests or Gk Standard 4745 M to be used in Corvair engines Certified sequence tested oils will be described as such on their containers